There's Some Distrust Here

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Anti  didn't sleep good last night. Then again, he rarely did with his tinnitus. 

His eyes were bloodshot, his head ached from the constant ringing, his hair was a mess from tossing and turning all night and his neck was oozing a little from his anxiety. Bonus insomnia problems.

'Sean's supposed to be here either today or tomorrow. Dark won't tell me. Prick'

He stretched in his bed and reached for his hearing aides, popping them in his ears. All at once, the ringing faded and he could think properly.

Anti exhaled and rolled out of the bed, ' . . . . . Think I'll hang out with Warfstache, Illinois and Yandere today. They've been grouping up together lately.'

Getting showered and dressed, Anti left his room only to run straight into Actor's chest.


Actor just snickered, "Someone's not an early riser. Just wanted to be the first to let you know Sean is in LA."

Anti's heart suddenly picked up, "Wh-what?"

"Yep. He just got off the plane a half hour ago. Might be here sooner than expected!"

Anti didn't look excited. He looked . . .  well really, no one had seen this emotion on his face since he had been there. Except Actor. He had seen this face when he caught a snake in the garden and jokingly flung it at the glitch. Actor had suffered a heavy electric shock from the glitch back then and they hadn't told anyone of the event.

"Gr-great . . .. that all, then?"

Actor's face fell, "Hm . . . . .. Thought you'd have a better reaction . . .. but yes. That's it"

Anti shoved him aside and walked past him, leaving him in the hall alone.

Actor growled to himself, 'Sooner or later today or tomorrow he'll come CRAWLING to me for help, I just know it! This place needs to just liven up a little.'

Anti didn't bother with breakfast. He just grabbed a cup of coffee and wandered to the rec room where he knew Warfstache would be with the others.

He seemed to walk in on a conversation between him, Bim, the Jims and Yan and Illinois were playing pool together. Yan saw him first and waved to him.

"Hey bitch! You wanna play winner!?"

Illinois scolded them, "Yan, that's no way to speak to a friend, you know"

"Aw whatever, Indiana Jones! Anti, get your ass over here!"

Illinois seemed dejected and moped, "My name is Illinois . . . ."

Anti chuckled to himself and walked on over, "Sup?"

Yan sighed, "Thank god, I was beginning to think you couldn't hear me again"

"Hey, I forgot my hearing aides ONE TIME while you were around me"

"Yeah, ONE time! It still matters, though, you glitchy bastard! I NEED TO BE HEARD!"

"Yan, just finish this game with me" Illinois tried to convince them, "Then Anti can play me if he wishes"

"Play YOU!? Uh-uh! He's playing ME!"

Illinois hit his last ball in as well as the eight ball, winning very quickly and Yan seethed with rage. Illinois, of course, seemed unbothered, though and smiled at Anti, "Play me?"

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