A Banging Time

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It was mid morning and now it was time for the Shooting Exposition. 

Dark decided to lug Anti around with him even closer after the roller coaster incident with Marvin. He didn't see any harm done but it was clear Anti was nervous.

They were walking a little ways away from the others and Dark nudged him, "So you get motion sickness, too? Or was that because of the magician?"

Anti growled softly, "Doesn't matter. Forget it. . . .  All of it"

The Iplier leader snorted, "Why do YOU want to go to the shooting exposition anyway? Thought you didn't like guns? And the Septics want you to join them the rest of the day. Would you feel up to it?"

"Fuck no"

"Well. . ." Dark sighed, "As much as I want to say 'okay' and keep you from them, I can't do that. I told Mark I'd have you take a chance with them no matter how much I hate them, too"

Anti wasn't mad. He understood that when Dark makes a promise, he follows through. And he knew he SHOULD give them a chance but every time he thought about them, his blood boiled and his ears rung.

"Whatever" it was all he could say, unable to argue with his friend.

It was a journey to get there but when they did, Dark fully regretted it. Wilford was already there with Illinois and Yandere trying to break into the shooting show. Illy and Yan were trying to persuade him not to gently AND by force but they really were having a heck of a time.

Until Dark got there, at least, practically dragging him by the ear. Dark had Google assigned to Wilford then to keep an eye on him and to detain him if he caused any trouble during the gun show.

Anti was left by himself, then.

The perfect victim.

"Hey Anti! How you doing!?"

"AH! What the FUCK!?"

Chase appeared directly behind Anti, scaring the shite out of him, actually making the glitch flinch in rapid succession.

"Whoa sorry there, dude!" Chase put his hand out in defense, looking worried, "I just wanted to make sure you could hear me! Heheh" he chuckled shyly, sort of embarrassed by his own actions.

Anti growled, calming himself down but crossed his arms, "Whatever . . . "

"So . . . " Chase stuffed his hands in his pockets, standing beside him, "The show's about to start. Wanna come sit with me?"

"Why don't you have your Septic brethren sit with you? I'm fine where I am"

"Well . .  you ARE my brother"

Anti felt his heart ache but refused to acknowledge Chase's words. That's all it was to him anyway. Words. Chase tried to shoot him on multiple occasions.

'Don't forget. Never forget.' Anti thought to himself, 'He's partly the reason why you're deaf, too'

"No. I don't want to sit with you"

". . . Please?"

Anti growled. He didn't like it when people begged him to do anything. It made him feel guilty and he hated it. He felt manipulated.

"I don't like guns"

"Then why are you at this show, dude?" Chase chuckled, "You know it's . . all about guns, right?"

"Yeah well Wil wanted to come and so did Illy and Yan and so of course Dark has to come, too, then to supervise them and-"

"And you have to be by Dark's side constantly because you're afraid of us?"

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