What's Actor Thinking?

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Henrik sighed solemnly to himself, thinking about past regrets. He wasn't sure why Anti tolerated his presence along with Jameson and Sean but he wasn't about to resist. 

He was just grateful he had the chance to try and talk to Anti even if he wouldn't listen to him or turn down his hearing aids.

Having helped create Anti, he felt the need to express his condolences and apologize but the glitch made it a lot more difficult than he thought he would.

Even now early this morning in the rec room, Anti was playing a video game with Sean, albeit unwillingly. They were all waiting for Jackie, Marvin and Chase to arrive from the hotel so they could all leave together to Disneyland. Dark suggested strongly that Anti hang out with Sean to pass the time. So the glitch of course chose to play a game so he wouldn't really have to speak to him.

Not that Sean minded. He wanted to take it slow with Anti and he was just happy he was 'trying'.

Henrik was watching and right after Anti killed Sean's character, he decided to try and speak to him again.

He walked up awkwardly, hands in his pockets. Anti glanced at him apprehensively but before Henrik could say anything, Dr. Iplier stood in his way.

"Hey Hen! I just came downstairs and I'm glad I found ya! Come with me in the kitchen for a coffee, huh?"

Henrik tried to refuse but his colleague shoved him out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Dr. Iplier pat him on the shoulder, leading him to the kitchen, "I know what you were about to do but I really think it's best to hold off."

"Vhat? Why?" He watched Iplier grab them both a mug from the cupboards, "I think he's doing good with Sean and Jameson. Perhaps I can-"

"Not a good idea yet, Hen" Iplier stopped him, waiting for the coffee to fill their cups, "Look . . .  I've known Anti for about a year now. I've watched his interactions and relationships with the other Ipliers here. He's comfortable living here. But I have noticed little ticks here and there whenever you Septics are mentioned and now that you all are here . . . . his problems have become a lot more . . . . defined."

Henrik nodded, "Anxiety"

"Yes and that flows with his bleeding neck wound, glitching and high blood pressure. But it's not just that" Iplier handed Henrik his cup of coffee, "Anxiety is a big factor but there's also his ADHD, depression, PTSD, his hearing loss AND his trust issues."

Henrik was stunned. Depression? ADHD? High Blood Pressure? He figured out the rest pretty well but this was something completely new to him, "I . .  I did not know. I-"

"I know." Iplier stopped him, "Which is why I'm telling you. I know you want to apologize and you hope he'll forgive you but the fact remains that it might either take a long while or he might not trust you EVER. It seems Jameson's even hitting that turbulence and the only reason Anti's tolerating Sean is because he wasn't there that night"

"I . . . " Henrik didn't know what to say, really but he tried, "I just want him to know I never wanted that night to happen. He . . .I . . . I couldn't move. I couldn't stop  . . . any of it. Even if I tried, I wouldn't have been able to tear Jackie away. I did refuse to treat his stab wound, though" He sighed.

Dr. Iplier listened silently, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I knew it was an accident vhat Anti did to zhe power but I never expected the others to lose their minds like zhat  . . . thinking Anti vas trying to attack them . . . . I . . . I practically created Anti. I know he does not mean to  . . . zhere was a storm on zhe night he broke out. Zhat is vhy he glitches. It was my fault. I had zhe computers plugged into zhe IV that was in him. If I had remembered to unplug zhat part then maybe-"

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