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When Nita woke, the first thing she realized was that her family was no longer with her. But she didn't mind as she knew they had much to do. She also realized that the world beyond her window was darkening, meaning she'd slept through almost the entire day. She didn't mind that either. Through her sleep, nothing stirred her awake–in fact, she slept so soundly that she didn't even dream. The corners of her lips twitched up slightly at the thought; the first time in a little while where she woke feeling fully rested.

However, the smile just as quickly disappeared when her reality washed over her; Andres was dead. Diego was now completely alone, and monsters were coming. Real monsters. As she sat in her cot, gazing out the small window to the quiet village beyond, she wondered if she should tell her family everything Druig told her earlier that morning. But how would she tell them? Sit them down around the fire as if telling them a folktale? She then knew she had to see Druig again and figure out exactly where to go from there. And also figure out where she stood with him because in that moment, the thought of their leader sent a wave of mixed emotions through her.

Her rib still ached as she climbed out of the bed but she pushed the pain away as it was the least of her concern at that moment. In the main room of the hut, her sister sat at the table, stitching what looked to be an apron in her hands. Evita looked up from her work and a small smile appeared on her face in greeting.

"How'd you sleep, Nita?" She asked, her voice soft.

"Really well," Nita answered with a small smile. "Where's mama and papa?"

"Druig called for the village."

When Druig called for the audience of the village, everyone was required to attend.

"Why didn't you go?" Nita asked.

Evita shrugged a little. "I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up."

Nita's heart swelled at her sister's words. The two were never really close as Evita was quiet and preferred to stay close to her parents. She didn't even have any friends for that matter which led to their relationship being no more than their relation by blood as Nita was the exact opposite; she itched to be anywhere but their hut and the village. Always seeking adventure. But because of Nita's ways, her parents almost lost their daughter and her sister almost lost her only sibling.. And that thought was now seeping into her mind, adding to the increasingly heavy weight of guilt in her gut.

Nita crossed the small room and enveloped her sister into a hug. Evita stiffened at first contact and then relaxed, wrapping one arm around her sister's back.

"I love you, Ev," she whispered as her eyes brimmed with tears. Nita was so set in her ways of leaving, that she didn't once consider what her sudden disappearance would do to each of her family individually. She suddenly felt incredibly selfish.

After a pause, Evita whispered back, "I love you too, Nita. Really." Words so rarely exchanged between the two.

Nita then turned to leave the hut but Evita stood, putting her work down on the table with a slightly concerned expression on her face. "Where are you going?" She asked.

Nita took in a deep breath, looking back at her sister. "I need to see Druig," Nita answered and then she saw the worry in her sisters eyes and her expression softened. "I'll be back, Evita. I promise." The corner of Evita's mouth twitched up as her shoulders eased. With that, she left.

Nita made her way through the village and toward the little chapel where Druig held his village meetings. As she approached the small crowd, she saw Druig standing at the top of the steps, his hands clasped behind his back as he addressed the people. Nita saw her parents on the other side, closer to the front. A face she didn't see was Diego's. What did Druig do with him?

Those thoughts slowly began to leave her mind as she looked around the crowd, taking in everyone's sorrowful expressions, picking up on the last of Druig's speech: "He was one of us. He will always be one of us and tomorrow we will celebrate him. Goodnight," he said and his eyes landed directly on Nita's glossed over ones. She knew exactly who he was talking about.


With everything that happened and all the trouble she caused, she just thought that Druig would want to move past it all. Forget that it happened and forget about Andres. Not cause a stir among his people. Because she knew most of the villagers would. But in that moment, she found herself grateful for those few last words she heard him speak to the people. His people. The people who followed him and listened to him so if he made it clear that he held even an ounce of respect for Andres, then the village would too. And Andres deserved that. After everything Nita did and what she put her closest friend through, the least he deserved was the respect of the village and his leader.

"Nita," her fathers voice broke her from her thoughts and from Druig's eyes. "How are you feeling, mi hija?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Her rib still ached and there was a dull, thrum of pain radiating through her head from her cut but she didn't say so.

"A lot better," she said with a convincing smile. The villagers were starting to disperse and head back to their huts for the night, filing back into the heart of the village around her.

Her mother then took her into a tight embrace. "Andres–"

"Don't, mama. I... I'm not ready," she said and her mother pulled back, knowing exactly what she meant. Even though Nita was constantly thinking about him, she couldn't bring herself to speak those thoughts out loud, not yet. And not with her parents who were never fond of him and made that very clear for years.

Her mother pressed her lips in a tight line, one corner rising a little. "Okay," she said, taking her daughter's hand in both of hers. "Whenever you are, I will be here. Take all the time you need" Her mother lifted Nita's hand to her mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Nita looked up at her father and he gave her a small nod.

Just as they took a step back toward their hut, her parents suddenly stopped–so abruptly that she even took a few extra steps ahead of them before realizing. Turning back, she saw those bright golden rings in their eyes, their faces completely void of any emotion. Her brows furrowed just as Druig stepped out from behind her towering father.


Druig held up a hand, silencing her. "It's the last time, I promise," he said and with the hard expression he wore–his eyes boring into hers–she knew he was speaking the truth. "You want to speak with me?" He asked. Nita tilted her head with knitted brows and he smiled a little before tapping his head with his index finger. "I can read minds. Remember?"

Disturbing was the only word Nita could think of to describe his abilities. She sucked in a breath then nodded once. She did want to speak with him but seeing her parents completely lifeless while under his control sent rage coiling in her gut.

Druig saw that and said, "I'll send them home and then to sleep otherwise they'll worry for you," he said and he was right, even though she hated to admit it to herself.. After everything she just put them through, they would worry and most likely wouldn't allow her to stay out once the sun dipped behind the mountains.

Despite herself, she unclenched her fist and gave him a small nod. "Fine," she said firmly. "But no more after this. Not to my family."

Druig narrowed his eyes slightly then opened them again. "You have my word,," he said and then her parents started to walk toward their hut. She watched them as they did until they rounded a corner and disappeared.

Nita turned back to him, now being the only two left outside the chapel. Druig gave her a small smile, extending his arms out. "I'm all yours, milady."

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