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Hiya! Before getting into this chapter I just wanted to say a few things:)

First of all, thank you to everyone who have taken the time to give this story a read! It truly means a lot to me:)

I also wanted to apologize for the inconsistent updates. I've been trying my best to keep to an updating schedule but with how busy my life is right now, it's a miracle I'm able to write at all. A new year resolution of mine is to put together a writing schedule so I can keep a consistent rhythm going. Don't hold me to it though cause I don't have a tendency to stick to resolutions haha.

Anyway, I'll shut the fuck up because I know you're all here for one reason and one reason only LOL.

AND thank you all so much for being understanding and patient. I hope you're enjoying my story so far!!

Happy reading!!

- Belle Lauryn<3


Nita woke to the buttery rays of the sun peering in through her window, the warm rays kissing the side of  her face good morning. Sitting up, she noticed her sister wasn't in her cot across from her and when she listened in for her parents in the main room, all she got was silence.

If Nita ever accidentally slept in, which she usually didn't, one of her family members would surely wake her as there was always much work to be done in the village. Especially since the village was to celebrate and mourn Andres, a day that Nita was desperate to participate in.

Nita still felt a mass weight of guilt in her gut for what happened to Andres, no matter how many times the people around her assured her that it wasn't her fault. That Andres wasn't leaving because she was forcing him to, he was leaving because he wanted to. He was willing to give up the only life he ever knew, to give up his brother even after everything they'd been through because he wanted to spend the rest of his life travelling to every corner and crevice of the world with his friend.

Sucking in a short breath, trying to hold down the swell in her throat and the tears forming in her eyes, Nita nodded once to herself. She lifted her hand to her heart, feeling the steady thump in her chest as it still ached, and probably forever would for him. She missed him, she'll always miss him and today she will celebrate him alongside the people of the village who although more often than not loathed him, accepted him, no matter how much of a nuisance he could be.

Nita swung her legs over the edge of the bed, gripping the side for a moment before pushing herself up and getting on with her day. She knew today would be emotionally draining for her more than anyone, but she also found herself grateful for it. Grateful for Druig for allowing it despite everything else that was going on. And she would also cherish this day because it will be the last that the village will know peace before Druig informs everyone as to what's to come.

Climbing out of her cot, she dressed herself in dry, clean clothes as the ones from the previous day were still hanging over the window still wet. She twisted her hair into a braid from the top of her head to her mid back, and when she was about to leave, her eye caught Druig's cloak still slung over the chair in the corner.

At the sight of it, all the events from the previous night came rushing back into her mind. Subconsciously, she brought her fingertips up to the ear that was pressed against his chest, listening to his quickly beating heart. The heart that was beating for her. Her mind started scrambling into a massive knot of mixed feelings. Everything was so profoundly confusing now. She felt guilt, anger, sadness, grief... relief and a small spark of joy and elation.

𝑅𝐸𝑀𝐸𝑀𝐵𝐸𝑅 𝑀𝐸 | druig Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat