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Despite the quake that just ravaged through the lands, the villagers didn't seem to be in the state of panic that their voices had previously let on. Nita's brows instantly furrowed.


He more than likely compelled everyone to ease. To anyone else, they probably would have looked at it as a gesture of kindness, but because Nita was fed up with his ways, anytime his powers were used on her village, it made her angry.

Lanterns were glowing as the people calmly collected the debris and rearranged anything out of place. With a quick scan of the village, Nita didn't notice any severe damage which put her anxiety at ease, she even noticed Andres' shoulders slump in relief. Just a tree or two fell over but no huts or structures were taken out.

"I should probably find my family," Nita said to Andres.

He nodded and said, "I've got to get to my brother." He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze before disappearing in the sea of people. Nita didn't hesitate to skip into action, making way to her hut where she found her father, mother, and sister all outside, scanning around their hut probably looking for her.

When her eyes met her younger sister, Evita, she called, "There she is!" Pointing at Nita. Both her parents whipped around and simultaneously let out anxious breaths.

"Where were you? Are you alright?" Her father asked frantically, taking her chin in his rough fingers to scan her for any sign of injury.

"I'm okay. I was with Andres. I'm fine, I promise," she said and wrapped her arms around her mother.

Her mother then pulled away, taking her face in her hands and forcing her to look down into her eyes. Nita's father was a big man and her mother was tiny. Both Nita and Evita stood at a height evenly between them.

"Why do you always go with that boy? He's dangerous, mi hija. You could've been hurt!" She said, tears welling in her hazel eyes; the beautifully round and golden eyes Nita inherited.

Nita took her mothers hands from her face and squeezed them. "It's okay, mama, I wasn't. Look," she said as she stepped back, lifting her arms so her mother could view her entire body. "Not a scratch on me."

Her mother sucked in a breath and then her sister spoke, arms crossed. "Where did you go?" She asked, clear worry in her eyes as well. The dark eyes she inherited from their father.

"We were--" Nita was then cut off by the booming voice of their leader.

"Everyone!" He called from the steps of the church, as always, his hands clasped behind his cloak covered body. The body that emitted pure calmness, putting his people at ease as they gather toward him. Nita stayed at the back of the crowd with her family.

"There's no need to be alarmed, it was just an earthquake," he said with a small smile. Like now, Druig didn't always need his mind controlling abilities to quickly influence the people. Just his charm. The charm that made Nita's eyes roll.

Druig continued. "Please, go back to your homes and get some rest. There's not much we can do in the dark. We'll deal with this come dawn," he said, extending his arms outward. There was some murmuring and then the crowd slowly dispersed, everyone returning to their huts.

"Let's go. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," her father said, extending his long arm and ushering his wife and daughters back toward their hut.

As they were walking the short walk back, Nita turned her head one last time to see Druig still standing on the steps, watching his people depart. But what she also noticed was his change in demeanor. The smirk was gone and replaced but a slight frown, as well as the sparkle in his eyes that carried his charm. There was something he knew but would not tell. She sensed it. And just as that thought crossed her mind, his eyes locked with hers and he slightly nodded, like he was almost letting her into his head.

What game was he playing now?

"Benita!" Her father called from ahead, breaking her from her slight trance as she hadn't realized she had stopped walking. Nita broke eye contact with Druig and rushed to her family, following them back into the hut and under the covers of her cot, falling into a restless sleep. 

𝑅𝐸𝑀𝐸𝑀𝐵𝐸𝑅 𝑀𝐸 | druig Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat