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Ashi POV

Hello myself Ashi. Ashi ni....... No no Ashi singh. I'm currently living in mumbai i shouldn't say i am leaving i an running here for a job.

I was a model in a company 1 month back from last 3yrs i was working there.

But 1 month before i understand that the owner of that company has evil eyes on me so i left that company.

Being model was my dream but after that i get no where a job of model. So i  started trying for assistant manager.

Now currently i am in a cab moving towards Nigam empires they called they said the female owner of that company told to call me.

I have heard its a partnership business and highly earning company i wish u could get a job their.

I reached Nigam empires and saw how huge that company was, i walked into the reception and they said the interview had started.

I was late but luckily my name was not called yet receptionist said the female partner of this company is not present here today

i was going to take a seat but one staff came and called my name.

I went inside and saw no one there later i understand that the turned chair of the desk a person was sitting.

He called me in with action of 2 fingers. He told me to sit and i take the seat.

Ashi: sir myself Ashi singh

Soon the chair turned. My eyes widen seeing my husband on that chair. Yes i am married u mean i was married but due to my stupidity i lost my sidd.

Then i take a look to the name board of the desk and saw his name board.
And then again i looked towards him.

More than being shocked that he is this i was more shocked to see his change.

He has burned all his fat. His balloon like stomach turned into 6 packs. And his overweighted hanging body was in its shape.

I guess as before everyone used to call him uncle bun but now even Lil kids will call him hottie.

I came out of my thoughts with sidd's screaming my name.

POV end

Sidd: mam if you are not interested to  do interview just get out many others are in waiting list.

He said like he hadn't meet her in his whole life.

To be continued.........................

Guys do follow @thesiddharthnigam
He is an actor, gymnast, dance...........and much more

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