🎶Hamliza: You Are My Sunshine

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TW: sad, giving birth, death

You are my sunshine

"Alex! Come down here!" Eliza called from the kitchen. She held a small box behind her back, a gift for Alex that would alter their lives forever.

Alex trotted down the stairs over to his wife and hugged her. "What do you need, sunshine?" He asked and kissed her head. Eliza smiled and handed him the box.

"Open it!" She exclaimed happily and sat at the kitchen table, waiting patiently for him to open the gift.

"What's it for?" Alex asked, delaying it as much as he could just to mess with Eliza. She, however, wasn't having any of it.

"Just open it and you'll see!" She laughed and shook his arm lightly. Alex sighed and opened the gift. His eyes widened when he realized what it was.

"...We're gonna be parents-?" Alex asked hesitantly. Eliza nodded and giggled as he tackled her in a hug. "This is the best day ever!" He shouted and left butterfly kisses all over Eliza's face.

My only sunshine

"Alex Alex Alex Alex!" Eliza called through the house. She went down the stairs as fast as her 6 month pregnant belly would let her.

"What what what what!" Alex echoed and hugged her once she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I got a call from the doctors office.." she started and pulled something from behind her back. Another small gift wrapped in blue and pink wrapping paper.

"Is this what I think it is?" Alex asked and took the gift carefully. Eliza nodded and waited for him to open it. This time, Alex didn't delay. He opened the gift quickly and picked up a light blue onesie.

"It's a boy?" Alex asked.

"It's a boy." Eliza confirmed and hugged Alex again, kissing his cheek this time.

"We're having a son!" Alex smiled.

You make me happy

"Alex calm down!" Eliza shouted. "I'm fine! It's just Braxton Hicks!" She assured him.

"Can you promise me you're sure?" Alex asked, still mediocre panicking. Eliza nodded and went over to hug him.

"I promise with all my heart." She whispred as he wrapped his arms around her waist the way he does. The problem was that her 8 1/2 month baby bump was just a bit in the way. Alex didn't mind though. He loved the feeling of his baby's kicks.

"Thank you..." Alex whispered and held Eliza close, calming down and smiling. "You make me so happy." He said and teared up. He loved Eliza more than anything. She was his sunshine.

When skies are grey

"One more push Mrs. Hamilton!" The midwife shouted as she tried to deliver their son breech. Eliza was struggling to not pass out. But each push made it more and more difficult.

"Keep going. Only a little more." Alec whispered and held her hand like he had been doing for the past day. Eliza's water broke nearly 20 hours ago and she had been pushing for about 3 hours. Or, trying to at least.

Their baby boy decided it was a great idea to come out feet first, causing Eliza more pain than she had ever felt in her life.

She leaned back on Alex who was seated behind her in the tub. He was also the one who convinced her to give birth at a birthing center instead of the hospital, and honestly, she liked it. She had been treated like a queen the entire time she was there.

Alex brushed some sweat-drenched hair from her face. His heart broke when he saw her face in so much pain but he couldn't help but smile at the cute way she scrunched up her nose with every push.

As soon as the midwife held the baby boy and cut the umbilical cord, Eliza's body went limp as blood pooled into the tub.

You'll never know, dear, how much I love you

Eliza woke up in a bit of a haze. The midwife trying to stitch up her... area... while the sounds of a baby's cry and Alex's quiet "shush's" filled her ears brought her to reality. She opened her eyes and noticed Alex was still behind her.

He gasped a bit when he saw her. "Eliza... you're alive.. oh my god you're alive!" He cheered happily. Eliza gave a weak smile, her face still pale from the blood loss.

Eliza was about to speak when the midwife spoke up. "I'm afraid I have some devastating news..." she said quietly and packed up her equipment. "Mrs. Hamilton, you have an infection. Most likely from being exposed too long during labour. There's not much anyone can do..." she started then explained the rest to the couple.

"So I'm going to die..." Eliza whispered and looked up at Alex who was also teary-eyed.

"I love you so much Eliza... I never would have gotten you pregnant if I knew this would happen..." Alex said and hugged his wife the best he could while holding their baby.

"Be a good father for Pip-squeak, ok? Tell him about me." Eliza croaked and cuddled into Alex as much as she could.

Alec nodded. "I wish you could stay..." Eliza winced a bit and nodded. "Me too...."

Please don't take my sunshine away

Eliza got to hold Pip before the midwife took him for checks. Alex tried to argue but Eliza let him go. She needed a moment alone with Alex anyway.

The two spent the last few hours with each other cuddling and talking quietly. Alex did most of the talking, wanting Eliza to save as much energy as she could.

The midwife brought Pip back to Eliza and let her hold him as her body became paler and weaker over the last 30 minutes.

They spent the last time as a family with cuddles and kisses. That's all Eliza could ask for either way.

Pip started crying as Eliza's body went limp under him. Alex scooped him up and tried to calm him down but the truth was, he was crying too. He lost the love of his life and the mother of his son.

He was eventually forced out of the room and got to take Pip home since he was healthy enough. The problem was, it didn't feel like home without Eliza. No where did.

Alex sold their apartment and bought a smaller one for him and pip uptown. He took daily walks with the stroller throughout the town and just tried to keep all the good memories of Eliza in his mind. And there were a lot, Alex had to admit.

Eliza wasn't one to argue or make a fuss. Alex rarely saw her angry or upset. Even during her pregnancy. She was happy all the time because she had Alex by her side. She wasn't there when Alex needed her, though. But if she was there, Alex wouldn't need her tf o console him because she would be there.

Alex walked along the park path and smiled up at the sky where the sun shined bright. Somewhere, he hoped, his sunshine was shining brighter than ever.

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