Cannibal - part 1

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"Crainer, are you alright?" Josh says with weariness as Crainer held his stomach.

The two have been walking for miles, searching for a rest stop and a place to eat. Carrying sling bags with limited water, a blanket, map, and their phones. That are sadly out of range and are almost dead.

Their car breaking down about fourteen miles back and that was when it was still day. Now it's dusk and night is upon them. The cold slowly taking over the lands and either by then they would have found something or nothing.

"Just hunger pains, I'll be fine though."

"You sure?"


They continue on with minimal stops to rest their feet. The long road seeming endless as tall pine trees covered most of their view. The shadows growing ever so slightly as the sun set behind the trees. No sign of anyone or telephone poles in sight.

"How much longer, Josh?"

"I don't know Crainer."

"Why did the stupid car have to break down?" Crainer whines, kicking a pebble.

"Well, if you at least checked the engine oil we wouldn't be in this mess," Josh states with agitation, knitting his brows together.

"You're blaming me for this?"

"Yes, because I'm tired, hungry, and my feet hurt like hell."

"Why couldn't you check it?" Crainer asks.

"You had the car last time."


"And now because of your uselessness, we're stuck in the middle of NOWHERE!" yells Josh.

"USELESS! I'll show you uselessness," Crainer shouts, and with an annoyed look he sits down crisscross-applesauce on the road. Josh glares at him and grits his teeth as Crainer smiles in amusement while folding his arms.

"Get your lazy ass off the road," Josh demands, his voice low and rough. Crainer rolls his eyes.


"No, NO! we did not come all this way to die. We are getting to our vacation spot, one way or another. Which should be...uh."

"What's the matter Josh? not so great at calculations."

"You shut your mouth," he snaps, before continuing.

"I am great at calculating. It's you who is not, thinking that our engine oil had enough when it clearly did not."

"And we're back to the engine." Josh huffs and Crainer takes off his sling bag to grab out his water bottle.

"Have you been rationing your water?"

"Yes, Josh I have. Have you?"

"Yes, but I am running out."

"Hey, I forgot about this," Cranier says with happiness.

"Forgot about what?"

"The map."

"Oh, thank goodness, now let me see that." Josh grabs the map and unfolds it. Turing it around in a circle to figure out where the next gas station would be.

"It looks like Landis heads into Rune. Come look Crainer. See, this is the next gas station, on the corner of Rune and Landis."

"That's still a few miles away. Also, it's getting dark and cold. What are we going to do?"

"Don't worry, love. I've trained for this," Josh says with confidence.

"When have you trained for this?" Crainer asks.

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