A Little Encouragment

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"C-Crainer could we...may we...is it okay to cuddle you?"

"Of course, why say it though with such stammer."

"Cause you know I'm horrible at showing my emotions and affection. It's not like I know how to properly ask for cuddles."

"Well you kinda did. I suppose."

"You suppose. I did awful, I'm just a sad little slug dying in salt," says Josh, drooping his head.

"Hey, don't you dare talk like that. You know what, I have an idear."

"You mean an idea?"

"That's what I just said."

"Since when could you think?"

"Hey, first of all, you're dating me. And second, at least I have enough brain to train my boyfriend with this idear in mind."

"So, your saying I have bad taste in men. And what is this brilliant idea of yours?"

"You'll see. Just wait here on the sofa, and I'm not a bad taste. I'm a Josh taste," Crainer retorts spunkily.

Josh sat down on the sofa with a raised brow as Crainer got up and walked up the stairs. A few seconds later Josh could hear a thump and rustling of feet.

"What is he doing?" I can't be that bad can I. He then heard a loud thump of something or a body falling over. So, Josh rushes up the stairs and sees Crainer lying on the floor with a pillow. A blanket wrapped around his feet which caused him to fall.

"How are you that bad with just grabbing a pillow? You tore the whole bed apart."

"Okay first off, I jumped on the bed because I just wanted to. Secondly, I grabbed the pillow and didn't realise that the blanket fell off which then constricted my feet."

"Need help."

"Yes, I could use a hand." Josh lent a hand and Crainer handed Josh the pillow as he undid the blanket from his feet. After, the two head back down with the pillow.

"So, your plan?"

"Right, my plan. I want you to lay down on the sofa with that pillow."

"You want me to snuggle the pillow?"

"Yes. I want you to tell the pillow that you want to cuddle. Say it smoothly."

"I'll try," Josh responds, as he walks to the sofa with the black pillow. He flops down on his stomach and raises his head to see Crainer with a smile.

"Could you at least leave. It's making me uncomfy."

"Yeah, sure, whatever you need. I'll be upstairs. Certainly not listening in."

"Crainer," grumbles Josh.

"Okay, okay."

Josh waits for Crainer's feet to not be heard. Then he sighs and prepares for what he is going to say. How should I start. Crainer can we...Crainer could we....Crainer may I...we...ugh. He turns over in frustration and buries his head in the pillow.

"Snuggle the pillow he says," Josh whispers. He looks at the pillow, then turns on his side and lays his head down. Staring at the black screen of their tele. Bored he grabs the remote and turns it on. The screen lighting up with a commercial of two people in a bed cuddling. Josh huffs and flips it, another ad coming on. This time of two people on a couch, one in the others arms. Once again he turns the channel, this one having an ad about pillows. Sighing, he turns off the tele. Even their tele was telling him to come up with an idea.

"Maybe, it would help if I stopped overthinking this. It's just a pillow."

Josh props the pillow on the sofa and gets up. Standing a little away, he puts his hand on his chin.

"Hey Crainer, what's up? could we cuddle, maybe a lil more?" He says with a wink.
"Nah, too out of character."

How about something not so cocky.

"Hey, love. May we cuddle?" He pauses and re-thinks his words.
"Nah too nice."

"Hey idiot, may we cuddle." Josh says while looking over at the pillow. The pillow slightly inching forward, then falling over.

"I'll take that as a yes."


"L-love!...what am I doing. Just call him by his name."


"Come down here please!"


Crainer hops on down and adjusts his hair. Plopping down on the sofa as he looks with wide eyes at Josh waiting for his response.

"Sooo...are you gonna tell me?"

"Oh right, I've come up with. Hey, idiot. May we cuddle?"

Crainer raises a brow and instead of replying, he gets up and goes back to the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Try again. Maybe the second option."

"Maybe...wait! you-you were listening in?"

"Of course I was. Who do you think I am? A listener? Nah," he says as he turns and walks up.

"Those little conversations with the black, fluffy pillow were private," replies Josh with a playful smile.

"Well, keep trying then and if not come on up, okay?"

"Okay love."

- many minutes later -

"Crainer could we cuddle please," Josh says as he rubs his eyes feeling a little bit sleepy. He was dressed in one of Crainer's black hoodie merch with red shorts. Crainer nods and pats to an open space next to him on the sofa. Josh beams and plops down next to his lover. He wraps his arms around Crainer's neck and pulls him down. The two of them both laying on the sofa.

"Ayyy, you did it."

"Y-yeah I did. I did it! I asked and it was perfect." Josh grabs Crainer's face and kisses him. Then snuggles up into his side. Feeling the warmth, soft breathing and heartbeat, which then lulled Josh into a peaceful state.

"You look tired my slug," Crainer tells softly while caressing Josh's face. Josh yawns and snuggles his head closer to Crainer.

"Cause I am dummy," Josh sleepily yawns. Crainer chuckles and Josh gives a small smile.

"Just remember that I'm your dummy." Crainer sees that Josh is starting to fall asleep, so he grabs the remote from the side table. After he turns off the tele he gently unwraps himself from Josh and picks him up bridal style. Carrying Josh up the stairs and to their bed, Crainer lays him down. He moves the covers from one side and moves Josh over to it, so he could get in bed. Once Crainer gets in, Josh rolls over and snuggles into Crainer.

"Love you not Crainster," Josh mumbles into Crainer's chest with his eyes closed.

"Love you too, my slug," Crainer says as he gets in a comfortable position. They both eventually fall asleep cuddling.

Word count: 1123
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