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One week later

4am, Alec returned to his spot and collapsed onto his pillow and blanket, exhausted. He had money in his back pocket and stashed away under his pillow but he never spent much of it on food or anything, he wanted to leave that club as soon as he could afford what he was aiming to buy.

His phone had been dead for four days now the charger broke and he couldn't bare to tell Magnus that. The bus pass too, that had to go.. Just not yet. He needed it for just one more day.. Then he could end things.

In the morning, Alec was woken as usual by the sound of people passing by early on, only gaining three or so hours sleep. He quickly got up and took his bag of cash and ran off to the bus stop. Today was the day, it was all or nothing.

He wondered if Raphael would ever let him return to work after not having appeared and cutting off his wages over a week ago. Alec hopped on the bus, scanned his card and sat in a seat by himself, gripping the bag as close to his chest as he could. The bus was fairly empty for once but people had seen far stranger, Alec had seen far stranger, than a man who smelt clutching a bag to his chest.

He couldn't remember the last time he had a bath or shower, but it must have been at least a month now. He still couldn't understand how Ralph lived with it, but he guessed after a while you just got used to stinking like a skunk; wearing the same clothes day in and day out.

Alec jumped off three stops later and ran into a nearby shop. What he bought got weird looks from the cashiers as he poured hundreds of notes onto the counter. "I don't have a card, please accept this.."

The cashier laughed, "this is my lucky day!" He counted up the notes and nodded, meaning he had the right amount and even £36 change. "Shall I gift wrap it?" Alec nodded.

"Please, and could you put these two in as well?" He held out a new charger and the bus pass.

"Sure.. Who is all this for?"

Alec shrugged. "I don't know what to call him really. An ex, I guess."

"Gotta let her go buddy, it's the only way you'll move on."

"I guess.." Alec took the bag, "thanks."

He went back outside and looked at his watch; at least something electrical worked. "Shit." He was going to be late.

He left on a sprint, running as fast as his legs could carry. It reminded him of his first day, running to get to work and the auditions on time. Then he fainted.... Then he met Magnus. Magnus.. He thought.

Alec arrived outside the company and keyed in the passcode, going up to the front doors and walking inside. Raphael turned and gaped at seeing him, "you!" He shouted, "you decide today of all days to turn up!? Why have you missed so much work! You deserve to be fired!"

Alec winced at the noise, "then go ahead and fire me. Where's Magnus?"

"You called?" He came out the bathroom and gasped at Alec, "Alec! You're back! I've been so worried, you haven't answered your phone and-"

"Here." Alec said bluntly and held out the bag.

Magnus took it and peered inside, "what is it?"

"Just a gift.."

Raphael growled and came over, "alright, that's it. You, out. Out! Unless you somehow re-apply, you cannot return here! Understand?"

Alec looked heartbroken. As if his world has suddenly shattered into millions of pieces right in front of him. "I understand."

He turned and left, shutting the door quietly behind him. Outside, he slid down the wall and cried. He'd lost his job, his chance of living under a roof had yet again been postponed, who knew how Magnus felt about him, he only had Ralph and Sally left.

Alec contemplated returning but all his crying had given him a monster headache. Staying a little longer never hurt no one..


Late evening, Magnus finally left work ready to go home. He needed to find Alec in the morning, the gift nearly brought him to tears if he hadn't been next to Raphael when he opened it.

He went round the corner and saw a shadow cast against the ground. Someone was sitting there. Magnus walked closer to it and saw the sitting figure of Alec, curled up tight and hugging his knees. "Alec?" He knelt down beside him, "why are you still here? You alright?" He didn't get an answer.

He nudged at his shoulder, the resultant force tilting Alec's body sideways and collapsing to the ground. He was asleep, or extremely deeply asleep atleast since the collision didn't wake him up. "Alec!" He seemed fine; breathing properly, no signs of pain or injury.

He knew Alec would murder him, but Magnus carefully picked him up with one arm under his knees and the other under his arms. Any person would think he were carrying his sleeping boyfriend which technically wasn't wrong. What were they? Alec hadn't called or even seen him or around two weeks and he looked awful when he popped in that morning.

He placed Alec gently in the front seat of his car and buckled him up in a way that he couldn't fall.. Or look like he was dead or being kidnapped. He drove him back to his place quietly, constantly thinking about what on earth happened to him.

Up in the lift, along the corridor and into his apartment. He'd already done this much to Alec, perhaps taking his clothes off would be a bit extreme... Ah what the heck. He's an ex-model, he's seen plenty. Only the shirt, shoes and socks though. Jeans would be too much.

Placing him in bed, Magnus changed into his own pyjamas and got in beside. The need he felt to hold Alec in his arms was overwhelming but he knew he couldn't.. So he didn't. Instead, he let him be and silently went to sleep.


N'aw, poor Allie. (I love calling him that)

Next chapter will be super floofy if I write it right xD

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See ya next week ~Fiz

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