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A little over a week after Hailee had taken charge, her new magazine had boosted their popularity that they already had three shows lined up for the following week and Magnus would be going along, as a photographer of the company, but also to steal ideas off of other models down the carpet as a member of paparazzi.

They would be leaving in three days, and Magnus was currently lazing around at home, watching TV with a pizza take away in his lap. It was quiet per usual, living alone with a small need for partying did that to you. He did usually love going out every evening, but as of recent he tended to stick to after parties of shows, or the ones where he tagged along with Raphael to formal ones.

The morning came along and Magnus went to work, beginning to prepare his camera when Hailee approached him. "Magnus, you remember Alec, don't you?" She asked, showing him a picture from one of last month's magazines.

"Y-yeah? What about him?" With him currently being in a drug induced coma, Magnus tended to try and not to think about him too much.

"Well.. I was just wondering where he is. After the first of last month, he's not in any of the issues. He was your most popular model, fans are still wondering where he is."

"He.." Magnus took in a shaky breath, "Raphael fired him but right now he's in the hospital."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. But- Why did Raphael fire him? He made him even more popular than ever before."

"Alec was homeless for a rather long time, and one day he accidentally broke my camera, forcing me to use the awful replacement one. After that, he didn't come into work for a few weeks and no-one actually knows where he was; the people he lived with said he slept all day and disappeared all night.

"One day he comes in to give it to me, Raphael is hungover, and he tells Alec to get ready repeatedly but obviously, we're busy talking. Then out of the blue, he shouts for him to get out, he's fired. Then I found him outside the building, passed out. Wakes up in my house, then he's rushed to hospital with septicemia."

"Septicemia!? Is it bad? Was he in shock?"

"Yeah.. He's been put into a coma for about a week now. I.. Try not to think about it."

Hailee nodded. "Of course. Well, when he comes out, you got my permission to drop everything at work to go see him." Magnus blushed slightly and smiled, murmuring a 'thanks'. "Right!" She turned and clapped her hands, "five minutes everyone! Maxwell, you're up first."

The day continued like this, Magnus snapping away and Hailee directing. They were about to restart after lunch break when Magnus finally got his long awaited call. "We're going to wake him up in a few minutes, but it will take him maybe half an hour to fully wake up afterwards." The doctor said.

Magnus was grinning from ear to ear, "I'll leave right now. Thank you." He hung up and began to collect his things, "Hailee he's waking up! I'm off!"

"As long as you send me a picture that I can publish!" Magnus rolled his eyes. Course, she wants to bring Alec back.


Magnus arrived in around twenty minutes, Alec still fast asleep. All the tubes in his body were gone and he had his own room with an en-suite that he would no doubt want to use when he woke up. No more heart monitor, no more nasal prongs, no more oxygen mask.. He looked peacefully asleep.

Alec began to stir only a few minutes later, making small groaning noises before yawning, stretching his arms above his head and the fingers of his right hand too. His right leg stretched out also with an audible 'pop'. His eyes fluttered open and saw Magnus hovering above him. "Heya.." Alec whispered.

"Heya.. You feeling alright?" Magnus asked, stroking Alec's cheek who smiled at the touch.

"Just a little bit sleepy is all. Limbs are a little weak but that's all. Are you? How long was I out for?"

"Around nine days, but I'm alright now that you're awake and seemingly healthy. I think your septicemia is gone though." They both smiled. "So hopefully you can come home soon."

Alec's smiled disappeared. "I don't have a home.. Ralph and Sally do, but I don't."

Magnus laughed, "then I guess you're going to live with me." Alec blushed. "I've been wanting to ask you for ages but of course.. You disappeared all day." Alec turned his head away. "Alec, where were you all day and night?"

"Sleeping in the day, even if I hadn't managed to make it back to Ralph and Sally."

"Where did you go? Why wouldn't you make it back?"

"I'd usually be beat up, late in the night when I'd be on my way back. Or I'd be working extra hours for the extra cash." Alec sighed. "I became a fucking stripper, Magnus. I got up on that stage, and danced my ass off."

"You didn't.. do it with-"

"Of course not! I'm not a slut, Magnus!" Alec covered his face with his hands, "I just really needed the money to buy your camera because with Raphael it would take too long and I'd have to show my guilty self to you."

"Oh Alec.. My Alec.." Magnus leant over and awkwardly hugged Alec who removed his hands and sobbed into Magnus' shoulder.

"I still love you Mags, I never stopped. You've been with me all through this, just promise me you won't leave me once we're through this.. Just like my family did."

"I promise.. I promise."


Another week had passed and Alec was now out of hospital in a wheelchair. Living with Magnus, now beginning to go with him to work. Magnus spoke to him with a small smile, everyone welcomed him back.

There was just one problem; since he had left the hospital, Alec hadn't spoken a single word.


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Did ya miss me? I missed you guys :3 Feels nice to be able to write all day without the impending doom of an exam. 

With a nice little cliffhanger :) You are welcome.

Let me know what you thought in the comments! They are what keep me writing after all, and a vote is always appreciated.

See ya next week ~Fiz

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