First Day

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Alec's phone alarm rang out loud under his blanket, waking him rather rudely. It was 5am, he needed to eat a small bit of leftovers from the previous day as his breakfast, they still couldn't afford the real deal yet. His first paycheck would go to them, he'd be living off Izzy by then.

Turning it off and sitting up, he shivered at the cold air. A thin layer of frost lay across the ground, it was really getting wintery. Barely anyone was around, only a few probably on their way to the buses or the train station.

Getting up, he grabbed a water bottle and a packet of crisps before dashing off, he needed to run to the 24 hour Asda, the buses didn't start getting frequent until 7am, so he ran since it would be quicker. Only fifteen minutes and he was there.

Another twenty minutes and he had grabbed their food for the day, he had been promised food by Magnus at work, so got to spend £16 on Ralph and Sally, knowing that he bought extra food, more chocolate of course, they loved it. Couldn't really get enough of it apparently.

Alec returned and put all the stuff hidden away, people were known to sometimes actually steal from them. Sick people.. But he would fix that soon, but for now.. He had a job to get to.


8:15, way too early, so Alec decided to go in anyway, it was way too cold to wait outside. No one seemed to be around, so he headed to where he remembered, the studio. Still, nobody was there. Alec wandered around, searching for either food or a power outlet for this portable charger Magnus gave him.

8:30 and voices were heard arriving. Alec being the tense guy he was, ran and hid behind a curtain near the entryway. Two tall people walked past and disappeared through another door. Alec took his chance to run back outside, he may as well hang around for half an hour until he knew the deal with the place. He worked here now, he can wander if he pleases.

Either way, the next thing he really understood was someone waving their hand in his face. "Helloo? Earth to newbie."

"Ah!" Alec yelled, jumping up. "What?"

"Just come in already."

Alec nodded and walked in hurriedly, everywhere seemed so much more lively now. Raphael was prowling round the set, looking at two people posing, Magnus taking his pictures and music playing. The guy behind him smiled before walking off, he looked familiar.. "Ah, Alexander! You're right on time," Raphael turned towards him, "we'll ease you into things. So, go take your shirt off, there's a pair of jeans waiting for you in dressing room 3."

Alec nodded, nerves beginning to get to him, he never actually noticed the dressing rooms were numbered, but it seemed obvious now. He went in and locked the door, immediately pulling his shirt off and noticing three pairs of jeans, they'd probably take note of his size at a later date.

The smallest pair ended up fitting him, a little snug but the next size up wouldn't work. He walked back out, going over to Magnus to get a look at the people he was snapping. "Hey, hot shot. How was the bus?"

Alec blushed. "It was good, thanks.. warm. Outside is getting chilly, it was frosty this morning."

"Frosty? I got up at eight, when were you up?"

"Five.. I had things to do."

"Jesus.." He paused, turning to look at Alec. "You really.. I don't know." He waved the two men off but Alec didn't move, "go on, get it over with.."

Alec sighed shakily, nervously walking onto set and just standing there awkwardly. "Alright Alec, we're going to make you hate this job today but don't worry you'll love it soon enough. We're going to test your limits."

It was only his first day and Alec already felt like he wanted to cry. But he couldn't he had to do this until something else popped up. He made stupid poses, pulling faces, closing his eyes and biting his lip until they were a bright pink. Things slowly grew worse until Raphael decided to throw him in the deep end, "alright, now.. slowly take the trousers off."

Alec's eyes widened in a sort of fear, he couldn't do that, it was an invasion of privacy, and all the people who might see it that he knew, he knew plenty of readers of this magazine, it was only a matter of time. He shook his head slowly, "no, I can't do that. That's too much.."

"Hm.. A later date then," he lifted his arms and clapped his hands, "break for lunch! Alec, you're done for today, you can go." So no food then, he'd live off the crisps he'd had that morning until evening. He wouldn't tell Ralph that though, otherwise he'd offer his share of food and Alec hated it when he did that.

"Alec, follow me." Magnus waved him over to a door.

He smiled and walked over, going through and stopping in surprise. There was a long table, covered in a buffet amount of food, some plates and a couple chairs. "What's this for..?" Alec asked, shocked and confused, highly hoping this was for him and wasn't some sick trick.

"What do you think? I saw that look in your eyes, you're absolutely starving. Raphael has gone out for his lunch today, but even if he wasn't I'd let you in and kick him out."

"Magnus... Christ.." Alec backed himself up against the wall and slid down it, he didn't understand how it had only been two and a half days and this brought him to tears. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'll.." He scratched the back of his neck, "tell you later. But come on, don't want it getting cold."

"Hot food..?" Alec stood up, his hot food used to include noodles and pasta, pizza and the rare thing he had at a restaurant. "Like what..?"

"Come have a look." Magnus smiled, holding out his hand. "And this is here everyday, screw Raphael, and you take whatever you want back to your friends."

Alec took it and pulled himself up, tripping and falling into Magnus' arms, so he took the opportunity hug him tightly, squeezing him. "It's been two days Magnus, why are you doing this?"

"Do you really want to know?" He held Alec close, noticing the man visibly relax.

"Yes, just tell me.."

"I love you."


Brb. Fangirling x3

I hope you guys found that awesomely adorable x3

Either way, hope you enjoyed the chapter! A comment and vote is always very much appreciated :3

See ya! ~Fiz

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