Make A Wish

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A week or so had passed and Alec hadn't got any better even though he was now on specialised antibiotics. The doctors had even told Magnus and rung up his sister that Alec was walking on thin ice. Yet, it still wasn't enough to make Izzy come home to visit.

His skin was ghostly pale and he still wasn't off his hydration drip which was usually only on up to two days. Magnus hadn't returned to work since he promised to stay until Alec got out the ICU. The only times he left was when the doctor gave him news and when they came to tell him about their foundation.

A doctor came in early afternoon and smiled at Magnus, almost forced. "Hey Alec, how we feeling today?"

"I can't feel my legs.." He whined quietly.

"Hm.. Well, do you know the make a wish foundation?" At those words, Magnus shot up and quickly fled the room. "Uh.."

Alec didn't seemed to have noticed. "Yeah. They're for terminal people with cancer and stuff to do something big they've always wanted to do."

"Not always. It can be for the seriously ill who are too weak to do much, like yourself."

"Am I going to die!?" Alec's pupils dilated.

"No! Of course not!" They weren't sure at least, but this doctor clearly didn't have the heart to say so. "But you are legible for the wish, so feel free to think of something and we can see what we can do."

Magnus didn't return until late evening that day when Alec was sleeping, his breathing slow. The doctors had debated giving him a tube and simply putting him into a coma until things improved or got increasingly worse but Alec refused.

In the end, his wish was to simply get Ralph and Sally a home since wishing to get his job back was too simple and he knew no one but himself could fulfil his real wish. I wish I could live the rest of my life with Magnus.. He thought to himself.

Later that day, Magnus was napping with his head leant against Alec's arm. Ralph came in, his beard gone and dressed in a shirt and jeans. "Ralph?"

"Oh my God.. Alec." He rushed over to get a closer look. Alec inhaled his scent and noticed he no longer smelt of piss but of roses.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well firstly I've been worried sick about where you were. Then I hear this foundation is housing me and my wife and it turned out that's because of you. You can't just leave us like this Alec!"

"I'm sorry.. but I don't think I'm going to die. I've still got something I need to do first. I still need to live the rest of my life with Magnus."

Ralph smiled softly and took his free hand. "You're a strong man you are."

Alec laughed, "I wish I was. You're homeless for five years and still a loving caring guy with his wife who hasn't given in to drugs and alcohol. I become homeless for under two months and get severe septicaemia from some form of infection."

"Your will is strong. You want to stay with Magnus, you did some job in the dead of night to buy him a gift. You became a model even though some days you came home in tears just to get us food and water on a daily basis. You only got one pay check and you didn't save it, you put it towards this gift. If that's not strong willed, I don't know what is."

"Jesus you're going to make me cry.." Alec lifted his arm and wiped away any tears. "I just wish things could go back to the way they were. If I had never kissed Jace then none of this would have happened."

"But think of all the good things that wouldn't have happened. If you never fed Sarah and I, we would still be living off things we find in bins or the little money people give us, not including your very generous notes. We probably would be ill by now. You never would've met Magnus."

Alec smiled a bit at that, turning his head to look at the sleeping man. "There's so much I want to tell him, but I'm worried I won't be able to."

"You've got the rest of your life to tell him." Alec gave him a look, "what? All I'm saying is, give it time and you'll be out of the ICU before you know it. Once you are, it's a certainty you'll live."

Alec sighed. "Come here, come closer." Ralph leant in but not close enough so Alec grabbed him and tugged him down. "I can't feel my legs." He whispered.

Ralph frowned. "What?" He whispered back.

"I can't feel my legs. Completely numb. I can't move them."

Ralph detached, "why did you whisper that?"

"I don't have the heart to tell him." He indicated Magnus with his head.

"Would you like me to tell him?"

"No." Alec whispered in a harsh tone, his voice stern.

"Fine.." Ralph looked at Magnus before back at Alec and then the door. "I'm going to go, but I'll visit, yeah?" Alec nodded. "Get well. If I had the money, I'd buy you some flowers but.." Ralph shrugged and left.


The next day

"Nurse?" Alec asked, always forgetting her name.

Magnus had been called that he too would lose his pay check if he didn't return to work so had reluctantly left Alec. He didn't mind too much, he spent most of his time sleeping. "Yes?" She smiled at him.

"I think I'll go with it. It's for the best."

She blinked a few times, surprised and confused. "But you were so against the idea, are you sure?" Alec nodded. "Alright.. I'll go tell your doctor and get that lovely friend of yours on the phone."

She did so, returning with a doctor and a tray of items including a mobile. Thankfully, he picked up on the first try. "Hello?"

"Hey Magnus, it's me."

"Oh hey Alec, everything alright?"

"Yeah.. I just wanted to tell you," he took a shaky breath, "you won't be seeing me for a little while."


"I changed my mind, I'm going to go along with their suggestion."

"Alec.. How long will you be?"

"I don't know.. it could be a couple days, it could be weeks. I just.." he bit his lip as the doctor injected him, "I love you."

Magnus was taken aback, frozen in thought for a moment. "I love you too." But Alec didn't hear him, he had already slipped away.


He's not dead guys, it's just a drug induced coma. ('just')

But whatever :p what did you guys think? Let me know in the comments (I do love me some comments) and a vote is always highly appreciated :)

See ya next week! ~Fiz

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