Scrap of Hope

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Turns out, Ralph and Sally didn't really do much except talk, but now with Alec here, they talked about each other's lives. Ralph used to be an accountant, but his business went bust and before long, he and Sally could no longer afford their house and were forced to live here; five years they'd lived on the street, only recently had the local homeless shelter shut down due to no volunteers.

Sally on the other hand, worked for a graphic design company but stopped working a few years into their marriage, after having two kids, now grown up, she spent her time milling around the house. Their sons both lived abroad, one studying in a law firm in Australia, the other living with his fiancée in America; sadly, neither could finanicially stable their parents, or currently afford plane tickets for them. "I promise, I'll buy you guys what I can once I get a job, even if it's only a small apartment, I will get you off the streets."

Ralph smiled, "thank you, Alec, you're too kind. What on earth kind of job would give you enough money?"

"I don't know.." Alec sighed. "But anyway, I'll go buy us some lunch. Sandwiches, crisps and share a punnet of strawberries alright?"

"Sounds lovely, more than we've had in weeks!" They both laughed and Alec got up, a piece of paper falling out his pocket.

He bent down and picked it up, noting it to be a crumpled up page of a magasine. Carefully spreading it out, it was an ad for a modeling company who were hiring. Jace must've shoved it in there at some point, but now, Alec considered it. "What's that, Alec?" Sally asked.

"An advert for a modeling firm, my roommate and I used to joke about me doing it, but now.. it really doesn't seem too bad, and the pay would be great.."

"Well it sounds great! You really do have a great body," she laughed and Alec blushed, "how do you sign up?"

"Appear at their building.. in three hours! I can get there in one if I run.. I'll buy us stuff when I get back, yeah?" They both nodded. "See ya!"

Alec stuffed the paper back in his pocket and broke off at a run, knowing exactly where this building was. He could get the bus, but he could run and save a load of money. He needed all the money he could get right now. It was the top brand too, if he got the job, he could be looking at £5000 at the end of the month, depending on how far he was willing to go with this thing.


One hour later, Alec saw the building in site and decided to stop on a bench round the corner to catch his breath. He felt ready to pass out and he was dehydrated, he should've brought a bottle from yesterday's batch. But it was too late for that, he needed to rid of his horrible flush and get inside.

At the entrance, there were two bodyguards judging a group of people, perhaps looking for the job. Two were turned away but one was allowed in. Alec approached them but was stopped by their arms. "Name?"

"Alexander Lightwood."



"Type of modeling interest?"

"Uh-I.." Type? There were types? "I don't know."

"Just let the sexy man in for goodness sake!" A man shouted from an upstairs window. Alec looked up and he felt his heart skip a beat, the man had skin the colour of his morning frappuchino, he couldn't see his eyes though, they were hidden behind thick frame sunglasses, but his hair was spiked in a wild array of colours.

The guards moved their arms back and pushed open the door, letting Alec go inside where about five other people were milling about. Only five..? They must be really selective. Alec thought, but keeping his thoughts to himself.

When the doors closed, everyone turned to look at him, some with an evil look, others in awe. "Well, look who's gone and already won the competition." Someone said with an added 'tsk'.

Alec stood by himself, huddled in the corner until two people appeared at the other end, one had fire red hair, the other a cool duck egg blue, and they were both wearing.. cat ears? "Alright, listen up!" The red one said, "My name's Lupin, I'll be supervising you all for the afternoon."

"And I'm Henry, I'm just tagging along really and to show you noobs how it's done." He giggled, damn was he camp.

"Follow us." Lupin seemed a lot more serious, while Henry was extremely bouncy.

The ten of them followed out into a large studio, cameras and lights everywhere, doors everywhere too. Two men stood in the middle chatting, one was the man Alec had seen briefly in the upstairs window, the other was a lot shorter, wore a gold chain and his hair was short and partially spiked as well. Alec knew who he was, Raphael Santiago, the most popular designer there was, his workers got paid a fortune. "Ah, so these are the chosen ten."

The frappuchino man noticed Alec and winked at him, "this is my photographer, Magnus Bane. I'm sure you all know me, Raphael Santiago. Today, only one of you will be chosen, the rest can all go home and cry or whatever, I don't care." Everyone looked nervous, Alec inclusive, he needed this job desperately.

"I have outfits for all of you, please choose any one from the rack over there." Magnus had a light accent, but Alec didn't know what it was. He pointed to a railing covered in outfits.

Everyone immediately ran over, Alec trailing a little behind, not caring what he wore. He ended up with tight navy skinny jeans.. That's it. Some got just tops, one even got a dress, and there was an unlucky soul stuck with short shorts. "You can all change through those doors over there," Raphael pointed to a long line of them against a wall, "we'll call you out one by one."

They all went to a different room, locking themsleves in and changing. Alec sat quietly, thankful for all his working out. He looked good, but he felt so embarrassed, his nerves were getting to him and his dehydration began to catch up with him. "Alexander, you're up."

Well, here goes nothing.


Hehehe. I wonder what model Alec would look like.. ;3

Tell me what you thought in the comments! I love comments :3 they're lovely. And a vote is always appreciated too!

See ya! ~Fiz

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