I Care

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Alec woke up late the following morning with a raging headache. The first thing he noticed were the bed sheets he lay in and the rood above his head was not cement. His back was comfortable and his head lay softly atop two pillows. There was plenty of space either side of him and running water could be heard.

Sitting up, he looked around the mysterious room. A bedside table with a small lamp, two books, notebook and pen and a mobile - that was locked and gave no clue to who it belonged. The carpet was maroon and the walls and ceiling were white. The walls were bear besides a mirror and furniture pushed up against it; a wardobe and two chest of drawers.

The sound of a door unlocking made Alec spin his head round to stare at a door that presumably lead to a bathroom. A figure emerged; tan skin, flat black hair, shirtless and wearing pale blue skinny jeans. "Magnus..?"

Magnus looked over at Alec and smiled shyly, "I see you're awake."

"Wh.. What? Where? W-why?"

"Are you feeling better?" Alec continued to look at him quizzically. "You want an explanation don't you?"

"Well I'm in my underwear in your bed."

"I found you passed out outside the building, I wasn't exactly going to leave you there-"

"You should've just taken me to Ralph." Alec shivered and held the duvet closer to him.

"Well I didn't because you're ill. I undressed you so you didn't overheat and could sleep peacefully and comfortable for once."

Alec looked down at himself and shrieked, pulling the duvet up to his chin. "Why are you helping me?" He coughed.

Magnus sighed frustratedly, "isn't it obvious?" Alec shook his head. "You bought me a new camera. Identical to the one you broke. I don't know where you got the money for it, or the charger because that charger was expensive but.. I can't just leave you there to die or get ill, it's just not right to accept something so huge and not repay you."

"So you're just doing this as a favour?" Alec looked disappointed, dropping the duvet and just fiddling with a loose thread.

"You.. you still like me?"

"Of course I do. Why else would I go to such great lengths to get you another camera? Replace the charger? My phone is dead, so if you've been calling me I'm sorry I lost my charge after I.. had a certain phone call."

"Then why didn't you come to work? You've been fired, you haven't had pay in days, why didn't you just come in and we could go from where we left off? I forgave you for the camera, it doesn't matter I could have easily bought a new one that night with the money I earn."

Alec looked shocked before quickly becoming anger, "then why didn't you tell me that? You don't know what I've been up to this past week to earn the money! You don't know the half of it! I'm sick, I'm depressed and I feel like dying because nothing is going my way and now I found out everything could have been fine if I just fucking came to work?"

"I was going to tell you when you finally came to work one day but you never did."

"You know where I live, why not give me a personal visit?"

"I did." Alec's jaw dropped, his entire argument gone in just two words. "but whenever I came after work Ralph or Sally said you were at your second job that they didn't know but you never came back till around four in the morning. Yet in the morning, you were always gone again elsewhere."

Alec looked away. "So.. Does that mean we can just return to normal?" He coughed again and gave Magnus puppy eyes.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know Alec, I really don't. Did we even start? We kissed but it didn't exactly grow. You saw me in my other business and ran, I quit and now this? I can't exactly remember a happy moment."

"Mags.." Magnus froze up at the name. "Plea-" Alec stopped talking to cough and sneeze twice. His breathing was coming out in quick pants and his fringe stuck to his forehead.

"You've got yourself a fever, you're not going anywhere." Magnus sighed, "come here." He walked over to Alec and sat next to him. "Lie down, come on."

"B-but Ralph," sniff, "he'll wonder where I am."

"Then I'll tell him later on. You stay and get some rest." Alec stared at him for a few moments before nodding and lying down.

"As soon as you stop spinning." Magnus frowned, "don't gimme that look.."

"Okay, you and I are going to the doctor later today. Alright? See how you feel in the evening, I'll go see Ralph and tell Raphael I won't be coming in."

"You gotta go to work though. Don't worry about me." Alec rolled over to face away, purely because that side of the pillow was cold.

"I'm looking after you, alright?" He hesitantly took one of Alec's hands and frowned, "even though your hand is freezing cold. One sec-" Magnus got up quickly and left the room.

Alec rolled back over, "Mags?"

"Here," he was holding a glass, "have you got a rash anywhere?"

Alec went bright red, "kinda I guess.. on my arm."

Magnus put pressure on it gently, then harder, and a little harder until Alec started whimpering. "Magnus you're hurting me, please stop."

"Then pull your arm away."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."


Magnus disappeared again which made Alec panic slightly. It was just a fever, everyone got one from time to time and would take simple antibiotics for a few days. When he came back, he sat down on the bed and held Alec's hand tightly. "Don't worry, alright?"

"What? What's wrong with me? Do you have some secret medical degree I don't know about?" Magnus smiled a little at the comment.

"No, but I wish I did."

"So why are you telling me not to worry?"

"Because I called an ambulance."



So much for Malec fluff xD

What did you guys think? Any idea what illness he may or may not have? Let me know in the comments! And a vote is always highly appreciated :)

See ya next week! ~Fiz

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