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"You can get them from the guy's company, send them measurements and which fingers they are, pay, and boom the remainder of your hand arrives in the mail." Magnus said with a grin, looking over to Alec who was splayed across the floor out of laziness.

"And you say it's cheaper than the doctor's way?" Magnus nodded. "I've past the point of care Magnus. Izzy is back in town and I've been like this for weeks now. I've got more important things on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Getting the bitch out my life."

"Alec," Magnus put his laptop down, "she's trying to fix the past. Let her try."

"She tried once, I'm not making that mistake again. Plus, you weren't exactly there were you?"

Magnus sighed, "well being told would be helpful."

"And why should I?"

"Oh I don't know, because you we'll get married and spend our lives together!? If I'm going to be your husband then I should know!"

Alec shot up into an upright position, "what... What did you just say?"

"Yeah. Yeah that's how I feel.. Wish it didn't have to come out like that." Magnus' eyes seemed to be shining, quickly turning his head away. "Would've have planned something eventually, whether you had your robotic limbs or not, I'd find something."

"So that.. That's your, what, proposal? Jesus Magnus..." Alec raked a hand through his hair, pausing at the strange feeling as the stubs of his missing fingers touched his hair. "Don't do that. You can't spring this on me right now! We're arguing for Christ's sake!"

"So it's a no?"

"That's not the priority right now! As much as I really do love you, I can't answer that."

Magnus took in a sharp breath. "Can you at least tell me the past?"

Alec was silent for a while, looking down at the sheets. "I guess things kicked off when my dad strangled me."

Alec had woken in a hospital, his sister curled up next to him in the bed. There was angry whispers at the foot of the bed, his parents stood there arguing. "Stop it." Alec called out to them, his father turning with the same glare he had before.

"You can't end this, I'll be at home." Robert left, leaving Maryse in quite a state.

The other memories were fuzzy, a mixture of talking and his mother refusing therapists. A few days had passed, Alec constantly on edge around the house whenever his father was home. The first attack came when he and Isabelle were watching TV together after school.

Robert came in, grabbing Alec from behind the sofa, dragging him over the back and letting him drop to the floor. "Why are you still here?" He spat, saliva landing on Alec's face.

"Could ask the same thing." Alec glared back, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" Robert grabbed him by the hair, lifting his head and only whacking it back down. "You don't have your name anymore, you shouldn't be living in this house. So I suggest you get out."

"I live here! You go!" Alec shouted, spying Izzy's terrified face peeking over the sofa back.

"Don't talk back to me!" Robert repeated his action. 

"Stop hurting him!" Izzy screamed, making him pause with Alec's head lifted in the air. "He's done nothing wrong!"

His eyes flared up, dropping Alec and grabbing her by the collar instead, lifting her up in both hands. "You dare defend him?" She could smell the alcohol in his breath, cringing.

"No!!" Alec leapt up, jumping onto his father's back and biting him, unsure what else to do. 

He yelled out in pain, dropping his sister but reaching round, gripping Alec tightly and throwing him against the wall, instantly forcing his body to pass out from the pain.

From that point on, he began to abuse Alec daily, and Izzy never got involved. At first she always fled the room, but after a while, like his mother, she didn't even bother. If he were grabbed from the sofa, sat right beside her, she would only tense and continue watching her show.

When Alec turned fourteen, he ran away to where his friend Jace lived, his father unable to hurt him there. Jace took care of him, Alec barely speaking for the first few months in fear his father were listening in. He wasn't, but his family never spoke to him once.

When Alec was fifteen, Izzy turned up, telling him Robert had left and it was safe to come home. She tried to apologise for helping, and Alec listened, yearning for a chance to come home. His heart had been broken so many times that he would believe anything.

A few days later and their mum was diagnosed with early stages of hip cancer. She became snappy and easily annoyed because of all the stress she was under. Alec couldn't understand, so whenever he happened to tick her off she would slap him, and then Izzy in turn for making her angry. She was the emotional embodiment of their father. Alec couldn't stay. He was never welcome. Never accepted.

"So I went back to Jace's and we moved out not long after to the little flat. I know mum's temper wasn't her fault, but.. I was promised a safe house, where there would be no more violence. And it's not something someone could protect me from, it was like a thousand little paper cuts everyday." Alec whispered, his voice having quietened the closer his story came to ending. "I stopped trusting anyone after Jace kicked me out. Even Ralph and Sally, even you, I was skeptical of you all at first.

"But then.. you all showed me kindness. Saved me from violence instead of inflicting it. Patched up each paper cut, wrapped me in warm bandages and held me close. I can never thank you enough for that." Alec now looked up at Magnus, giving a sad smile as a tear fell. "Never."

Magnus looked shocked, staying quiet. Alec looked away again when he didn't speak for a while, nervous he said something wrong. "You don't need to thank me. Ralph, Sally, and I aren't special, Alec. A lot of people are like us, we're not special because we accept your sexuality and protect you. You're special, for making it this far."

Alec's smile appeared again, cheeks turning rosey. "I think I'll take that proposal now."

Now Magnus smiled, pretending to pull a box out his pocket and open it, "marry me, Alexander?"

Alec smiled, pretending to pick up the ring and inspect it. "Sure, I'll give it a shot." He dragged himself to Magnus, leaning his head on his shoulder. "It would make a start on my life's goal."

"And what would that be?" Magnus leant over to the bedside cabinet, pulling something out and opening with a click. 

"Spending the rest of my life with you." Alec felt cool metal slide onto his finger. He frowned and looked down, gasping. "You actually had a fucking ring."

Magnus grinned cheekily, "of course I did. I've had it about a week now, but Izzy just went and complicated things. But we can worry about her later.. Right now, it's just you, and me."

Alec chuckled. Magnus leant down and pressed their lips together, "I love you." Alec whispered.

"And I love you too."


This sounds like an ending - don't worry! I still got another major plot point to reach with this story! 

What do you guys think about Alec's past? Apart from tragic and unfair and all that obvious shiz.. And Izzy? Is her apology justified?

Let me know in the comments! It's the best feeling in the world to hear from you guys, what keeps this fic going after all. And a vote is always appreciated!

See ya next week ~Fiz

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