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Alec was put on the waiting list, though Magnus chose to use a private clinic so he could get the surgery done sooner. After a couple weeks of waiting, it was now the night before the surgery, the two were sat on the sofa in Magnus' apartment, Alec broken down into tears. "I don't want to do it Magnus.." He sniffed, "I don't want to do it. I'm going to be a freak, you're going to think I'm so ugly.."

Magnus held him in a bear hug, stroking his hair softly. "It's going to be okay, Alec, it's going to be okay. I'm going to always love you, no matter how you are. You could just be a torso and head for all I care, it doesn't change who you are, still the beautiful caring man I fell in love with."

"I'm going to be missing a leg and three fingers! I'm going to be completely useless and I can't go anywhere myself. You're spending your money on me when I should pay for it myself.."

"Oh shush. I'm not letting you live like you did before to earn money for this, I want to spend money on you because I care about you. I love you, Alexander."

"Nobody loves me, don't care for me I'll only disappoint you."

"Alec.." Magnus sighed, pressing him closer, "you're never going to live like that again, with such.. hatred, and detachment. If you stay with me, I can promise you it will never happen again, I'll keep you safe. That's a promise."

Alec's tears had stopped now, resorting to quiet sniffles and eye rubbing. "That's what my mother and sister said. How can I trust you?"

"Because I saved your life?" Magnus shrugged, as if that were obvious.

"Mm.." Alec sighed, his body relaxing against Magnus'. "Let's just go to bed, get it over with. The sooner I sleep the sooner I go under."

"Whatever you say sweetheart, I'll be there for when you fall asleep and wake up, yeah? And if I'm not there, well, I better have a good reason."

Alec smiled weakly and tried to grab onto Magnus' tee, one hand with a tight grip the other just about to let go. "Bed now."

Magnus nodded and stood up, cradling Alec like a child. He carried him through to the bedroom, laying him down gently and tucking his dead leg under his good one. "That an alright position?"

"It's fine." Alec murmured.

Magnus rolled his eyes and took off both their shirts and got in the bed beside him, pulling him to his chest. "It will all be better in the end, you'll be able to walk and run, to pick up a mug with both hands. They'll be robotic, but we can get porcelain or something to go on top and make it look like you never lost it at all."

"Mags, please.. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"Sure sure, sorry. You go to sleep sweetpea."

Alec nodded, shuffling around for a while, making small whining noises before eventually stopping, his breath falling into a gentle rhythm. Magnus smiled sadly at him, having stayed awake to make sure he fell asleep. Now he closed his eyes, sighing before falling asleep.


"Magnus, I'm scared." He whimpered, holding his hand in a death grip. "What if I die? What if I lose too much blood?"

"Don't worry you'll be fine," Magnus said through gritted teeth, trying not to show Alec how much his hand hurt. "The surgeons have done this who knows how many times before, and there's special equipment to stop you losing so much blood. You'll be a little rough for a few days on the other side, but I'll be with you."

"But what if-"

"Everything is going to be alright," Magnus leant over and kissed his forehead, "now are you ready?" A doctor stood at the ready, holding a needle that had the anaesthesia.

Alec took a deep breath, nodding quickly. "It's never going to happen otherwise." The doctor came over and held out Alec's arm, pressing the needle in one of his veins and injecting the liquid. Alec winced, "it's so cold.."

"There we go.." Magnus stroked his hair gently, "now for the oxygen." He placed the mask on his face.

Alec's eyes fluttered shut, his breaths becoming long and heavy, "I love you.." he whispered.

"I love you too." Alec smiled faintly, fading as he finally fell to sleep, his grip on Magnus' hand falling.


Magnus returned to work as Alec would be a few hours, and not even Hailee would let him off too long. Lupin was the replacement photographer when Magnus wasn't around, but he wasn't up to his level and everything he produced made Magnus cringe in one way or another.

He arrived quietly, hanging his jacket up and tucking his phone into his pocket. "I'm here guys!" He called, some people turning their heads.

"I'm surprised you decided to come in today," Hailee said, waving her hand to pause the photo shoot. "Isn't Alec having his surgery today?"

"Yeah, but he'll be a few hours in there, then a couple more to wake up and be aware later on so I thought I may as well be productive instead of moping around doing nothing at home."

"Fair enough.. Well in that case, you can get straight to work. Leave whenever you need."

Magnus nodded and headed straight to the set, setting it the way he liked before taking over the camera from Lupin, who looked somewhat disappointed. Maybe it was just lack of practice that Magnus didn't Like Lupin's work, because he never got any practice.

It was mid afternoon, taking a break while the set changed. Magnus ate cake with Henry and Lupin, discussing butts and which model they thought had the best one. But it was made more difficult as the models they had to choose weren't allowed to have had botox, so that eliminated a bunch. They would have done full body, but Magnus couldn't think of one he knew who hadn't had at least one boob job.

About to get back to work, Magnus fiddled with his camera, thinking of Alec, when suddenly the doors swung open with a mighty crash. Everyone's heads turned, seeing a girl with long black hair and wore all black, she was too far away for Magnus to see her eyes but they were quite dark. "Can I help you?" Someone asked puzzled, raising an eyebrow at the stranger's intrusion.

"Where is he? Where's Alec? Where is my brother?"


Ooooooooh. What do you guys think is going to happen? Do you think Izzy appearing will turn out to be a good thing or nah?

Let me know what you thought of this chapter down in the comments! They are what keep me writing after all, and a vote is always appreciated!

See ya next week ~Fiz

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