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"Well one finger will be £299, and the leg varies between £44907 and £54923, so altogether it will be approximately around £55 000." The doctor said, writing this on his clipboard. ($70537->86270    €63327->77452)

"Expensive." Magnus murmured, unlocking his phone to check something. "But I could afford it if I tried hard enough." 

"Magnus, no." Alec said. It was the first time he'd spoken since he left the hospital. 

"Alec, yes. You're miserable, and this will make you like you were before."


He sighed. "Do you want to be wheelchair bound for the rest of your life? Unable to do almost everything you used to?"

"This price doesn't include surgery."

"I don't care about the price, I care about you."

"The price of limbs is cheaper than the surgery." The doctor said.

"How much is it, then?" Magnus' eyes looked sad, his hand on the arm of Alec's wheelchair.

"Around £115 000." Magnus' body tensed up. "Think about it, give a ring if you decide to go ahead. (€162172, $180636)

Magnus nodded and stood up, getting Alec's wheelchair handles and taking him out the room. Alec had a scowl on his face, arms folded with the one hand hung limp. He folded one leg over the other, seemingly trying to find as many ways as possible to let Magnus know he was upset, or disgruntled at the very least.

He decided to ignore Alec's silent grumbling, thinking about where he'd get the money. It would take over three months to get that much, and he did have plenty in savings, but if he dug into those with the economy changing then he could lose everything. But he loved Alec, and he would give up everything for him.

But just thinking about what needed to be done, brought back the memory that started everything...

"So, you'll be free from the hospital today, Alec?" David asked, a friend he had made at therapy.

Alec nodded. "Wheelchair, but I'll hopefully be continuing my physiotherapy back home." David smiled.

"Well done.. I should be out soon, maybe next week."

"Well I wish you all the best." A nurse came over with a sad face, taking Alec in his wheelchair out the room and down the hall to another room.

Magnus was sat in there, head in his hands beside a doctor on a sofa, who had his hand on his back. Alec could sense something was wrong, but he didn't know what. "What's going on?" Alec asked, Magnus' head lifting, showing he had been crying. "Magnus? Is everything okay?"

The doctor stood with a folder in his hand, walking over to Alec. "Alexander," his heart rate began to pick up, worried, "we're cancelling all future physiotherapy." Alec frowned. "Recent scans have pulled up some interesting and new results, meaning treatment is leading in a different direction."

"What do you mean?"

"The neurones' paths in your leg and fingers  are shredded, they cannot reach the muscles, terminating any possible movement."

Alec tensed up and his pupils widened to black saucers. "What.. What are you trying to say?"

"You're never going to get the movement back in those limbs."

Alec had lost movement in three fingers on his left hand, and all of his right leg from the thigh downwards. Magnus had convinced him to go to an appointment to find out the price of possible prosthetic limbs, but first the surgery to remove his limbs would have to happen, and that seemed to be double the price.

Alec just seemed to not want him to spend so much money, but he didn't know why. "Magnus." Alec spoke, breaking his train of thought. "Why?"

"Why what, sweet pea?" Magnus stopped walking, waiting to cross the road.

"Why do you want to help me so badly? I'm not worth the time."

He had to try not to sigh; the doctor said he got a stroke of PTSD, getting depressed from the shock and the experience. "Because I love you."

"You lie, that's what my family always said."

Magnus waited to speak until they were back in his apartment about ten minutes later. "Alec, what has happened in your family?"

"They kicked me out, they never helped me after he died."

"After who died?"

"Alexander, this is unacceptable, it's wrong!" His father shouted, "do tell me you are joking."

"I'm not, father. I'm gay and there's nothing you can do to change me!" Alec shouted back, hands in fists at his sides.

Robert's glare intensified, if only looks could kill. "You're just confused."

"I'm not confused! Just start accepting me! Ever since Max died-" Robert's eyes widened and he shot out his chair, grabbing Alec and slamming him against the wall, one hand gripping his throat. "You're all the ones who are crazy!"

Maryse ran in, "Robert! What are you doing!? Let Alexander go!"

"He's bad, Maryse! He's bad! Our son is gay!" Her lips parted in shock, bringing up a shaky hand. "He's better off dead."

Alec struggled in his father's grip, only touching the floor with his tiptoes. His face had paled, lips starting to lose their colour also. "Father- please!" He begged, his breath coming out in quick pants.

Izzy now walked in, screaming and running to them, trying to pry Robert off. He lifted his arm and slammed his elbow into her face. She fell to the floor, nose beginning to bleed. "Robert!" Maryse scolded, dashing to her daughter with her some tissues in hand. "You've gone far enough."

Alec had given up fighting now, his hands fallen to his side and head bowed. "Pathetic, went down without a fight. You call yourself a Lightwood? You are no longer my son, you cannot have the lightwood name." He jerked his hand away, Alec's body falling to the ground.

"The rest of what I remember is a blur, but Izzy tried healing me and I'm pretty sure mum broke up with Robert there and then. Not because of me, because he made Izzy bleed. She hadn't tried to stop him while he strangled me." Alec sniffed, unconscious tears falling down his cheeks. "I lost my family ring.. I was only twelve, my brother died when I was ten. A chest infection. He was two."

Magnus sat on the floor opposite where he'd put Alec, listening intently. "Is your father still alive?"

"Don't know. Don't care."

Magnus nodded and knelt up, shuffling over and wrapping his arms round Alec's waist, face against his chest. Alec parted his lips, shakily reaching his working hand onto Magnus' head, stroking his hair slowly. "Why.."

"Because I love you, you should know this. They didn't like you because you're gay; I'm a free wheeling bisexual, Alexander. How can I not love you when I'm exactly like you? Except I kind of killed my father and mother committed suicide.. But that doesn't matter. I love you, and I will do anything for you."

Alec was quiet for a while. "You really think you can afford this?"

"I'm sure, I'll find my ways."

Alec nodded, taking a deep breath. "Then let's do it."


I love these guys so much, such a shame they're not such a popular ship anymore!

(Today as this is uploaded is meant to be the hottest day of the year in the UK, I work next to kilns, I am frickin melting alive).

But what did you guys think of the chapter? Let me know in the comments! They are what keep me going after all; and a vote is always appreciated.

See ya next week! ~Fiz

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