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Surprise surprise! Hello lovely people! How are all my readers? I know I know, I said that I would update these new stories later, but what to do? I was so so so excited for this story, as it would be the first time I would be writing something abut Mafiaaaaaa! Yikessss!

And lemme tell you, mafia genres are my most favourite out of all. I am still skeptical if I would do justice but hell yeah, I wanted to try it. And about leaving wattpad, let's just say, leaving writing is a nightmare for me. So yeah, I would continue writing and giving a headache to all of you, with my cliffhangers, turns and twists, but fun stories.

Now, a warning! This book is going to be 18+, I haven't ever tagged a whole book like that in all my stories, just some chapters. But this book would contain everything like extreme sexual content, murders, torture, blood, gore, action, backstabbing and stuff. So, if you hate reading things like that refrain from reading, and if you are reading do it on your own discretion.

Initially I even thought to change the characters from Rey and Taani to someone else because of the content but then, why not? Let's just see another face of theirs in this one. So, another warning, if you don't want to see Rey and Taani as dark characters then too refrain from reading coz in this Taani won't be the sweet Taani and surely Rey won't be the prince charming. I am hoping this would be one of my most successful books here on wattpad. Fingers crossed!

And in this book I have tried some new stuffs too so do tell if you like it. And yeah, don't expect some cliche romance, it would be hell dark, steamy and bloody romance in here. It's gonna be a rollercoaster I assure you. You have been warned!

All the characters, places and mentions of gangs and people in story are completely fictional and does not mean to harm anyone's sentiments. The story don't have any relevance or relation to anyone or any real story. Also, all the pics, music, gifs, quotes and media used in the story DOES NOT belong to me but there rightful owners. I don't own any of them.

Please avoid plagiarism and copying the content of the story, as the copyrights belong to me. If you see anybody copying the content or any story similar do inform me. Thank you!

Now, let's begin!







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Author's POV

Somewhere in Istanbul (Turkey) – 10:00 pm

The empty roads were echoing with the pitter-patter of rain, the drops falling on the pathways, rooftops and windows creating a beautiful melody of different tunes. But this soulful music was being disturbed by the loud tapping of feet on the pavement, as some men dressed in all black ran around the streets and corners of the city searching for the man that betrayed their boss. they looked around with their hawk like gazes, knowing if they lost the man somehow, their boss would slice their heads off.

Taarey ff - Mafia's Dove (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now