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Hello guys! I am back................Okay no explanations this time, I have been busy, I swear. I know I come...then i disappear...........then i come again and then disappear again. Hopefully this won't be the case this time as soon college break would start after exams and I will have loads and loads of free time for Wattpad.

BTW, a good news for you all, okay not that big but still big. I am the new General Secretary of my college's literature society, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I still cant believe it that I achieved this in my last year. Uff, such bliss.

Anyways did you guys buy my book? It's available on Amazon - '...And they all survived'. There are some reviews there too, if you buy and read, don't forget to leave some. Now hopping on to chapter. Enjoy reading session!







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Author's POV

"I would be forced to cage you, dove! For an eternity."

The words left his mouth smoothly, so casually that it barely sounded like any threat or warning. She didn't know whether they actually were a threat or warning, but what she knew was his words surprisingly caused her heart to start thumping inside her chest rapidly. She couldn't risk him hearing her raised beats, hence covered up her taken aback face quickly. Smiling with a slight smirk, she caught hold of his hand that was still on her elbow and said winking at him,

"You call me a dove, right?"

He looked at her with raised brows, when she said biting her lips and stepping back naughtily,

"And you say about caging me........"

She giggled walking back taking slow steps as he looked at her actions patiently when she turned around and started walking towards the bathroom. He was confused for a second, when she turned her head just a little and told him,

"Doves love to fly, Richie Rich. And so do I!"

Saying that she winked at him before hopping towards the bathroom leaving him a little dazed, mesmerised and more so shocked. The girl never fails to amuse him with her words. Shaking his head, he went towards the balcony to take in some fresh air. Folding his hands, he stood there pondering over the thought that was disturbing him since Aydin brought it up. His words over and over playing in his mind,

"You sure? Claims are, Reyansh Singhania now have a weakness. A girl............................ What's her name........Taa....."

Since the time he heard her name from his mouth, his heart was restless, reason unknown to him. though he never believed he did have a heart, and somehow, his enemies knowing about Taani and targeting her to get to him was leaving a bitter taste in his mind. Even the thought of something happening to her was enough for his heart to be set on wild fire, burning in rage and falling into ashes. Resting both his palms on the railing, his mind racing as he tapped his thumbs in a rhythm. His forehead creasing to find a solution and his thumbs moving in a perfect rhythm continuously.

Taarey ff - Mafia's Dove (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now