My Name Is Ree

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My Name Is Ree. I'm a wife.

My husband, Josh loves me very much. We have been married for 5 years, and he is the most loyal man I know. We are considering having children, and I would personally love to! It's just, he is busy with work a lot of the time, and he gets... Frustrated. You see, I have this... Gift... A gift that I was born with. I was born with a red eye. Only one. A dark red right eye. And you see, this eye has a special power... Anything that my eye rests on, gets incinerated into ash in a column of fire. Wow! I'm SO quirky, right?!?! So like, anything I look at with my eye, fire erupts in that spot, burning everything I look at into ash with a simple glare. I call this ability, The Glare. It is SO uwu quirky adorable!

So you may be wondering... How come I haven't incinerated my wittle Joshie woshie into ash yet? Oh. You aren't wondering that? I'll tell you anyway, so deal with it <3 I wear an eyepatch over my right eye, to protect it from looking at anyone. I haven't removed my eyepatch in all my 5 years of marriage. Well... Until today.

I ran down the stairs, happy to see my husband. "JOSHIE! YOU'RE AWAKE!!! 🤩" I ran into the kitchen and hugged him, only to see a poker face looking back at me. He doesn't normally look like this... "Is something wrong?" I asked, stepping away. "Nothing- It's just... Work has been so rough lately, babe." Josh spoke, walking over to the counter to make some coffee. "But baby! Come back! I need snuggies!!! 🥰" I wanted to be with my wittle husband for a little bit longer!!! He needs to be with me more, he hasn't been speaking to me all month! "Ree, I'm sorry, but, I have to go to work now." "Babe... Didn't you just make coffee? Sit down for a while! And, were you REALLY just gonna leave without telling me if I hadn't come down here??!!?!" This is ridiculous! Does he not love me? I am a beautiful wife. The best wife. The sexiest wife. The wife that is better than all the other wives. How could he not? Absurd.

"Ree, look..." Josh stepped back, "I just don't think this will work." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I screeched. "Your eye... I know you want kids, but... It isn't safe when you literally have the ability to set the entire house on fire just by blinking." HOW RUDE! "You- IT ISN'T BLINKING! IT'S GLARING! GET IT RIGHT BABE!" I continued screeching. HE WILL KNOW MY WRATH WHEN I AM ANGY! (Yes, I wrote angy intentionally) "Ree... You know I don't like it when you get like this." I lost it. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" I grabbed my eyepatch... AND I REE'D. "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I screeched like a pterodactyl, and I slowly lifted my eyepatch.

The sky went black, the air itself stood still, and my hair had turned black. As half of my eye had been made visible, the cup of coffee Josh was holding began to boil, and the cup shattered, splattering coffee and shards of the cup across his body. "YOU'RE DONE!" My entire eye was made visible... And there I had released it... My The Glare (Yes, it is put in a sentence that way too, Ree's The Glare is weird). The air had completely stopped, black clouds, a crimson eye, glaring into Josh's soul.

 The air had completely stopped, black clouds, a crimson eye, glaring into Josh's soul

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"T H  E   G   L   A R   E." My voice had gone completely deep, and raspy. I sounded like a creepy old man! Cute, right?! 😜 Once where Josh stood, a column of fire erupted, setting the entire kitchen ablaze. After about 11 seconds, I then shut my right eye, closing it without the use of the eyepatch, then, the flames had dissipated. I saw Josh, in a pile of ash, half of his clothing burned off. He stood there, in shock. "PACK ALL YOUR SHIT!" I screeched. "But babe- I paid like 40 dollars on this suit, and you literally just eviscerated it..." "YOU'RE OUT OF THE HOUSE!" "What-" "YOU'RE OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!" Josh stood, slowly stepping out of the pile of ash on the ground, walking outside to the car, and before I knew it... He had left...

Now that I think about it, I felt kind of bad. I made my wittle Joshie woshie feel upset! :( I wrapped my eyepatch to my face again, and I searched for a broom, in attempts to clean all the ash on the ground. I incinerated the stove, the fridge, the counter, the coffee machine, and part of the floor... I felt bad... Maybe I shouldn't have used my The Glare on him like that, I could've killed him if I had sealed it even a half-a-second later.

"He's totally into me." I thought, trying to lighten the mood. I mean, who wouldn't love me? I am Ree, a wife. The best wife. The cutest wife. The quirkiest wife. The sexiest wife. The wife that is better than all the wives. Who WOULDN'T love ME?! I checked myself out in the mirror, I looked as CUTE as ever! 😈

 Who WOULDN'T love ME?! I checked myself out in the mirror, I looked as CUTE as ever! 😈

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Hope you guys liked the first chapter of Ree! I didn't think I was really gonna make this story, mainly because of the basic premise, and having to go through the trouble of explaining The Glare. Ima let you guys know now that Ree isn't exactly the best main character. She is supposed to be unstable, and weird. Honestly, I feel bad for Josh, but it's his fault for marrying some weird girl with literal superpowers. If you guys have any questions, or suggestions, feel free to let me know in the comments!

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