mission undercover part 1

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(a/n) here you go like I said another update, and this chapter and the following one after being inspired by my favorite mistake by lovinraura_


Laura Marano


I'm not a dork if anything you're the dork here


ok so what other guy loves to reference

Romeo and Juliet in every convo ever


I'm one of a kind baby 😏😉


🙄 whatever you're still a dork


am not


are too


am not


are too


am not


okay ukw this will take forever I

never said it was a bad thing anyway


well in that case you're adorkable


whatever I gotta get ready,

I'm seeing you in 2 hours anyway


I can't wait


     me too

I shut off my phone with a slight blush on my cheeks and a silly little smile on my face. "what are you blushing about oooh let me guess you were texting ross weren't you" Selena said while making silly kissy faces, I flip her the bird "why are you in my room anyway" "I came to ask if you wanted to get ready together" "yeah I'm up" "k, let me just bring my stuff" As soon as sel left I submerged myself in my thoughts about how happy I was about reconciling my friendship with Ross he had always been my support system well up until we lost contact and I met sel of course but I'd known Ross for a big part of my life and when he was gone I felt like there was a void within me but ever since that day at the coffee shop we have been inseparable and the void within me was filled. "laur do u wanna do facemasks " sel said snapping myself out of my thoughts "yeah sure".


As I was catching up with Maya and cami, I saw a Range Rover pull up, leading my sight to the blonde and brunette mop of hair seated inside. I didn't even notice myself speed-walking toward the car, as soon as ross stepped out I hugged him tight and he immediately hugged back lifting me and spinning us a little. "guys keep the PDA to a minimum" we pulled away at that. "hi" I said while removing my newly short hair out of my face "hi" ross said then pulled me back into a hug, I giggled both of us shared our I missed yous "ok this is cute and all but we need to move on with our journey for the day" cole said, Ross pouted and I laughed as I walk towards cole and give him a quick hug as Ross greets the others.

"Okay, first we need disguises so our first stop is  Harrington mall " all of us walk there since it wasn't far away from our meeting spot. Ross and I were at the back walking beside each other, he breaks the silence, and says "you look cute by the way with the short hair and all" I look down at my outfit an oversized white tee with a cute black and white plaid dress with a cropped denim jacket with some black boots.

 Ross and I were at the back walking beside each other, he breaks the silence, and says "you look cute by the way with the short hair and all" I look down at my outfit an oversized white tee with a cute black and white plaid dress with a cropped d...

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"thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" He was wearing a beige sweater with jeans and a denim jacket. He looked hot.

 He looked hot

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"guys how's this for a disguise," cole said walking out with a fake mustache on, a piece of bread in his shirt pocket, and a beret on, everyone burst into laughter.

(a/n)hope you guys liked it pls vote and comment and byee loves.

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