midnight run ins

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                                                      (a/n) listen while reading for feeeeeels                                                   

2/5/21, two days after

Ross Lynch

I am tired and not just physically, mentally too since those come in a package deal. God, why is lo- I mean liking someone so hard, it's like I'll see someone just telling her a harmless joke or just talking to her and it'll make my jaw tighten, my fingers tremble from their proximity which isn't even close, blood will rush through my veins like a tumbling river and my breath will shorten as I  stand there just wondering what was oh so funny that I can't do.

I know there was no way this was all normal for just liking someone, it was more than just mere admiration, it was her laugh, the twinkling gleam in her eyes, her hair falling on her shoulders just perfectly, her adorable flushed face her everything. Here she is consuming my thoughts at 3 fucking am. After their arrival, both sel and cole were beyond exhausted, and Laura and I weren't falling much behind so all of us ended up sleeping till 5 pm the next day and decided to have dinner while binge-watching Brooklyn 99.

We decided to hit the hay at 2 am, an hour ago, and yet she still hasn't left my mind. I sighed as I finally got out of bed knowing tossing and turning wouldn't do anything. I stepped out of Cole and I's cabin into the little garden for some fresh air. As I was admiring the midnight sky, I was accompanied by another person.

I turned around and of course, it was the girl who didn't leave my mind. "Couldn't sleep either huh?" I said with an uncontrollable smile. She simply nodded and stepped out near me to wrap me in with her in her fuzzy blanket. I chuckled as I gestured for her to wait as I laid down on the grass then pulled her in with me.

This led to us cuddling with the same blanket as we stared into the starry sky. "Do you ever feel like everything's changed but nothing has changed at all?" She said breaking the silence. This caught my attention, "What do you mean" I said now looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. She was still staring into the sky as she answered "This, Us, you and me, it's like we're moving forward but we're not like this isn't even the first time we've done this" She was right we have done this plenty of times during shooting. After our lines were done for the day, Often Laura and I would drive into this little park nearby and stargaze and talk all night.

"Everything around me is changing, my career is growing by the second, My friends all go away somehow and the pressure of the people grows but us it's like we're still right there, in 2015 but actually in 2021, together just in our world and honestly it's relieving knowing no matter what happens I'll have you now, you know for those years we weren't talking or hardly talking, everything felt rushed like it's moving too fast, but then I met you at that coffee shop and we just picked up where we left off like we always do like it's the easiest thing ever and I'm glad I'll always have that with you like it's not too much anymore, I love you so much I swear I really can't do it without you" She continued now looking at me and I swear from the proximity it seemed like we were gonna kiss.

I smiled hugely though her I love you panged my chest about how it was purely platonic but before I did something stupid like actually kiss her, I said kissing her forehead "I love you too, so much" more than you'll ever know.

(a/n) and there you go, I Loved the way this came out personally I found it adorable I hope you guys too and like vote and comment please and tell me if you liked it or I'm just writing to pursue my fangirl dreams that will never come true TT. Also please don't hate me for the upcoming chapters cause there's gonna be ....interesting....stuff ;)

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