mission undercover part 2

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Laura Marano
"ok how about this" cami said wearing a scarf with mary poppins hat and sunglasses that were way too big, "hell nah" Ross and I said in unison then laughed . "okay we've been in here for like half an hour let's just get caps and shades and call it good" sel was right,we spent half and hour wearing ridiculous disguises which made for a shit ton of laughter and hilarious photos and videos, one including Ross wearing a blonde wig and pretending to walk down a runway. "yeah let's boogie on out of here my funky friends" Ross said causing everyone to laugh at the reference ,that's right all of them watched austin and ally just to tease Ross and Laura about auslly but it also makes for funny references.

All of us walked to our next destination being the Hollywood walk of fame. As I was busy looking for. Marilyn Monroe's star , Ross comes beside me and says "oh hi there" "hi" "this feels nostalgic doesnt it, remember the last time we came here" yeah ,the last time , that was a special day for me , it was the day before my birthday and Ross showed up at my door at midnight and practically dragged me saying he's gonna take me on an epic birthday adventure .

He made it into a treasure hunt ,both of us tried alcohol for the first time that day and we were both a little tipsy , at the end of the treasure hunt it led me to a little box that held a ring inside , I wear that ring to this day but it was also the night I first realised my feelings for Ross. "that night really was something " "it really was" "why don't we relive that day , race ya to the end" he said aldready running "oh you're on" in the end he won but it didn't matter what mattered was having him by my side.
We were now shopping downtown, Cole was currently checking out a mini photography museum and cami and maya were at this cute little retro boutique while sel , Ross and I were in a record store . Sel had left us long ago to look at queen's records. Ross and I were currently picking out records that both of us would have to post on Instagram and recommend them to people so we were both trying to pick up the worst records possible to embarrass one another.
I currently had a kidz bop record , Elvis's greatest shit by Elvis Presley, and a metal machine music record that really hurt one's ears , and also a Ross lynch record , not an r5 or the driver era one a Ross lynch one which had the funniest cover ever and the content inside was a bunch of Ross goofing around on set , like his mimicries that sucked, his impressions and most of all him pretending to sing really badly on purpose which has happened more times than once and guess who got it made, yep that's right it was me , all the way back in 2015 because this was my uncle's record store so I kept it here so it would be safe.
"Laura ,are you done" I heard Ross say from the listening room "yeah I'm coming" I said as I walk over there. "you go first" I said to him to which he gladly agreed and put in the first record and the most annoying song ever started playing in my eras "what is that ,oh fuck" I cover my ears as a defence mechanism "it's the birdie song" "turn it off".
"okay this is the last one" I was about to put in The Ross lynch record, we had gone through all of the records, all of his were the most annoying thing ever and Ross literally cried during the metal machine record, begging to turn it off, it was really amusing. "wait is that my voice,why am I in this record" "wait why is this a recording of my Mariah Carey cover" he then looks at the cover of the record then back at me and it all made sense to him.((a/n)here's the cover)

"LAURAAAA!!!,YOU LITTLE STINKER" I started laughing as he chased me "IM GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS" "why are y'all running" sel said "ILL EXPLAIN LATER" I said to her , before running out of the aisle I head sel faintly say "why do I bother", my laugh...

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"LAURAAAA!!!,YOU LITTLE STINKER" I started laughing as he chased me "IM GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS" "why are y'all running" sel said "ILL EXPLAIN LATER" I said to her , before running out of the aisle I head sel faintly say "why do I bother", my laughter increased at that.
"ugh how much longer" "seriously laur, you're not even the one walking I'm literally carrying you " That was true , my feet were killing me from all that running so Ross decided to carry me bridal style "but I'm hungry, so walk faster" I said throwing my head back "sheesh no need to be grumpy" after a little while he said  "we're here " Ross said gently putting me down "fucking finally". I sat down at our table and Ross sat beside me. As I was about to speak my order, I quickly got cut off by Ross "she'll have one Alfredo pasta no mushrooms, extra sauce ,with a side of salad and one iced tea" "you still remember?" I said a little shook he remembered "of course I do" I couldn't do much but nod my head at that, I mean it's just a food order, no big deal ...right?. I shake off my thoughts and notice Cole still had a piece of bread in his pocket "Cole why do u have bread in your shirt pocket" "no personal questions please" he said , he was a really weird guy but I stuck with him cause he was also the funniest person I know, he was practically my brother at this point. After a while of conversation our food finally arrived and all of us dug in like people who hadn't eaten in forever." umm excuse you, who said you can take that" I say to Ross who was currently trying to eat my complimentary garlic bread, keyword trying, "my stomach just now" ,"well this ain't you're stomachs food, it's mine , eat your own food" "but sharing is caring" "well I don't wanna care that's my food" "well it's mine now" "nuh-uh" "yuh-uh" "we can't bring these kids anywhere " Cole said while rubbing his forehead "SHUT UP" Ross and I said in unison to Cole.
Unfortunately all good things come to an end and with that being said our day was over , we were all a bit sad having to say goodbye, our careers restricted us seeing each other frequently , whenever we tried something always got in the way like tours,concerts,movies . All of us were giving our goodbye hugs , I looked to the right to see sel and Cole disheartened at the fact they probably won't see each other for another few months, they've always had a thing for each other, neither knows yet but it's so obvious. "they're good together aren't they" Ross said coming out of nowhere "they really are, I'm gonna miss you" I said turning towards him a little teary "hey hey hey no crying , we're gonna keep in contact remember" "doesn't mean it hurts any less" I said my voice cracking the slightest , Ross lifts his hand and wipes a tear that got loose and pulls me in for a hug , I wrap my hands around him and give him a gentle squeeze , he squeezes back and our hug lasted long "I hate to break this up, I really do but laur it's getting late we gotta go" sel said her voice getting low at the end . I pull away gently and say goodbye to him then kiss his cheek , he kisses my forehead and says "drive safe yeah,and text me when you're home please" I nod my head now pulling away completely, sel and I get in our car then drive off as I stare at the city lights.

(a/n) and that's it for this chapter idk if you heard but IM STARTING A BOOK COVER SHOP so that's exciting but I also wanna say please , please go follow my bestie @notyourspouse cause her main account got deleted on her birthday and all her hard work got lost but she's carrying on and starting new chapters so please support her in doing so and I'm also gonna be uploading more frequently from now on so keep track of that and and I'll see you soon until then  buh-bye <3

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