Part 2

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I did not know of this until the events that followed. Upon my sister's departure from our place of origin, she stumbled upon that which was declared impermissible by the wise ones: Darkness. As she drew near, she became enthralled within it. Malbella: "Hm? What be this...enriching wonderment? It is as though a surge of power flows through me. It is like none I have ever perceived during events before."

Before long, it surrounded her. It enthralled her. This lingered on ceaselessly as it made her complacent, overjoyed. She drifted closer and closer towards a dangerous aspiration that she had longed for but was barred from grasping. Malbella: "This power, could this be Darkness? A power most illicit by the wise ones? How foolish. Such power should be embraced, mastered, I shall do such. The ways of the wise ones I shall discard and adapt myself to this forsaken power. If they are to not heed my ambitions, then I am to not heed their prohibitions."

She held out her arms as she was about to embrace the Darkness. Malbella: "Darkness, hear my cries: become one with me and permit me to become your pupil and overtime, your Master."

The Darkness acted upon her pleading and merged with her willingly. From this merge, Malbella underwent a metamorphosis most frightful: Her once bright, soothing and delightful outward appearance became dismal and nefarious; that of Darkness, from the visible alteration came countless eons of adapting and learning to control the Darkness. She became consumed by it more and more. In due time, she had reached her peak, she was jubilant by the outcome of her efforts. Malbella: "At last, I have accomplished all that which is needed to become the Master of Darkness. All that remains is to fulfill my vow for retribution to all those who have repressed my full powers, as well as deny me that which I wish to grasp for myself."

She glided within the void of Darkness as she sneered in a most sinister manner.

Within the intervening time, I was able to attain my maximum influence over my Light powers. The Wise Men were most pleased with my achievements. 1st Wise Man: "Well met, young Glentina. Your hard work and tireless effort bear many fruits. Your attainment is indeed praise worthy." Myself: "I thank you, Wise Masters. I demonstrated no less than my best. I ask not for anything other than my highest progress solely." 3rd Wise Man: "Quite true. Although there is not much I could say about your impulsive sister on that aspect." 4th Wise Man: "Indeed. She has become imbalanced by her overly ambitious lust to be more powerful. I have longed to see her powers be put to good use." 6th Wise Man: "As have I. To acquire a longing for such power is most detrimental to others as well as oneself." 2nd Wise Man: "I feel an urge to wonder what we have done wrong and what we could have done differently." 3rd Wise Man: "All is not lost, brothers. Our prize prodigy, Glentina, has exceeded more that even our highest expectations and we have anticipated much from her." 1st Wise Man: "My friends, I feel this achievement calls for much jubilation."

Much time later, many gathered to praise my grasp over the Mastery of my powers. I stood before the Wise Men, surrounded by a crowd of many congratulatory populace. It was indeed a most joyous celebration. 1st Wise Man: "Friends, families and civilians alike. We are gathered here on this day to praise a new Master of the Light. For much time, she has dedicated herself to the discipline and understanding that the influence over Light Magic is to provide. She has also demonstrated selflessness and compassion during our tireless tutelage, yielding very little resistance within our watchful eye; qualities that are indeed admired and valued by all Light Wielders. Now then, without any further adieu, let us conclude this ceremony. Glentina, by the power bestowed upon us by our great and power deity, we hereby grant you the title of Master of Light Magic. It is our greatest privilege as well as our greatest pleasure. You have truly earned it."

The joyous crowd surrounding me and the Wise Men, applauding just after the speech. Myself: "My thanks, masters. I shall seize this title not mainly for myself, but for those who have bestowed their faith towards me, as to my masters who have strived to support me in my endeavor to grasp this right to be named as such." 5th Wise Man: "Well said, young one. May you wear your title with honor." Myself: "I shall be proud to do such. I only wish for my sister to be here alongside me to earn this title with me as well." 7th Wise Man: "Alas, your sister could not. Her recklessness deems her unworthy to receive such title of mastery or any honorable title for that matter." 6th Wise Man: "True. Still, we feel for you that you would long to stand beside Malbella once more." 4th Wise Man: "Yes, however, she has prevented you from achieving such. Not all wants could truly be receivable, especially ours. We long for this similar aspiration as well." Myself: "Yes, I am able to perceive that you feel that way. Still, I have to wonder where she could be at this moment." Malbella: "Why do you not ask her, yourself, sister dear?"

I looked towards the sky and caught sight of my sister, who took on a darker and more sinister alteration of her outward appearance. It was indeed truly horrifying to lay my eyes upon. Myself: "Sister, what has become of you?" Malbella: "What has become of me? Why do you not verify that yourself?"

I scanned the events within her memories. From that, I was able to observe all that she has gone through since after her departure. It was very clear that all that she had undergone was something that was most terrifying as well as very shocking to behold. I saw everything. Myself: "No... did not go through the Forbidding Void, did you?" Malbella: "But, of course. How could I not extend my reach towards such power, especially that which was brought upon me by Darkness? Glorious, exquisite, wondrous Darkness!" Myself: "Sister, no, you shouldn't have!" Malbella: "Oh, but I did. This surge of power, it emanates within me. It is like nothing that I have ever felt before." Myself: "Malbella, how could you? The wise ones admonish all of us the dangers of the Void." 1st Wise Man: "Yes, what your sister mentions is most accurate. All those who come within reach of the Darkness that shrouds itself inside the Void become lost in its wicked and bewitching influence." Malbella: "Bewitching, indeed, but to speak as though it should not be embraced seems so nonsensical." 4th Wise Man: "Far from it. Darkness is malice in itself. It causes widely excessive harm and destruction to all life as it once did; that alone brands it as taboo. However, the negative energy is tainted towards all those who thrive, including mystic beings." 7th Wise Man: "Your recklessness and rebellion were truly unfavorable, but to succumb to the Darkness within the Void? This far exceeds inexcusable." Malbella: "I find your inadequate griping laughable as is your futile endeavor to apply your minds towards me about your perceptions. I see not the fuss about the consequences of fusing my own being with Darkness. I only see power, power of which I beseech but you rejected from me. Now my spiteful masters, I bestow upon you the consequences of refusing me that which I value most. All shall feel the emptiness that I was forced to endure when my powers were taken from me, with your very existence!"

Within a moment's notice, my sister conjured up a dark shroud and cast it upon all those gathered at the ceremony. One by one, our people faded within the horrid Dark shroud.

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