Part 3

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It did not take long for the shroud to approach and encircle me and the Wise Men. As it got too close to us, the Wise Men formed a barrier of Light to barricade us from the shroud. However, the barrier would eventually subside before too long. 1st Wise Man: "Glentina! Your mastery over the Light rivals that of your sister's influence over Darkness. We perceive this immensely; we made sure of this! We aimed to mentor you to do so in order for you to combat the Darkness when the time comes. We were most diligent with you and intend to for you to excel in what we could not. Our tutelage must survive with you. Combat the Darkness and continue to surpass us. Be that which your sister should never overpower."

The barrier gave in and the Wise Men were consumed by the shroud. Myself: "WISE MASTERS!!!!"

I utilized my influence over my Light powers and eradicated the shroud indefinitely. I then surveyed my current surrounding. This was instantly followed by my alarmed reaction to what has occurred. Everyone that gathered to express praises towards my most recent achievement was gone. Vanished, taken by the dark shroud that my sister generated. The once joyous celebration became a devastating tragedy. It was a most dreadful calamity that I could not bring myself to overcome. Malbella seemed most displeased with my outlasting her dark onslaught. Malbella: "Hm, well, aren't you a most tenacious one? My powers may seem not sufficiently strong for me to even be the most powerful being from this." Myself: "Our family...our friends...our people...They...this could not have shouldn't have been..." Malbella: "Cease your grieving. They were feeble. No use squandering your emotions over such deficient peasants. Their fate was what came to them. They rejected me Ultimate Power, so I resolve to reject their existence."

Within her monologue, my inner vexation increased. It fed on my sadness for the loss of my people as well as my sister's terrifying new presence in addition to her treacherous onslaught. Before I came to realize it, I brought forth a barrage of my own Light powers. She was caught off guard and averted my attack by a very small margin. She was most vexed from this. Malbella: "You insist on becoming my equal? I am in no need of an equal. I am to only surpass all others, such as you, my sister." Myself: "An equal I need not, either, nor do I intend on achieving Ultimate Power much like you. My only request at this moment is justice for our fallen people. Such fate that you atrociously enforced upon them. Such fate that they did not deserve. I will acquire justice for them, even if I need to achieve it myself."

Within a moment's notice, I bombarded my sister with more onslaughts of my Light Powers and then we clashed with one another with much ferocity.

The first of our disputes was indeed a frightful and vicious one. We both fought one another at our most formidable, with our powers being at their highest peak at the corresponding time. With both of us at our strongest, however, we were incapable of out besting each other since we were equally matched. Neither victory nor defeat was within reach. We battled until neither of us could continue. We were reluctantly compelled to cease our bout. Malbella: "To have you as my equal is anguish I need not to abide by nor do I want it. Heed my words, sister dear, I shall be stronger than you and in time, your eradication will be at hand. Mistaken this you shall not!"

Within the bleakness of the dark void, she shrouded herself and vanished. As I was surrounded by nihility that is the void, completely alone, I wept over the lose of my people.

Century after century have passed on. Our reunions always consisted of bout after bout. And much like the primary bout, we concluded with a stalemate followed by a long term hiatus. My bouts with my sister no longer come to be about justice for the obliteration of our people but to impede my own. I intensified my own Light powers as my sister attempts the same with her own Dark powers. Our span of existence continued to be made up of a savage and seemingly eternal cycle of battles that bear no fruits of victory for either of us. Within time, frustration of no victory overwhelmed my sister. Over time, her urge to fight persisted no more. Malbella: "Enough! I bore of these trivial bouts. Victory inevitably is beyond my reach still. Ultimate Power is still unachieved and you are the cause of it." Myself: "Sister, I beg of you, cease this purposeless want for power. You are merely inflicting misery upon yourself." Malbella: "Bah! You are to jest the notion of my consideration towards your concerns, for I have none. Your frail perception yields no significance to me. Your presence hinders my realization towards that which I desire most." Myself: "Sister, please." Malbella: "Still your tongue, this instant! I shall pay notice to your pleading no more. If I cannot obtain Ultimate Power on my own, then I shall seek out that which will aid in my endeavor. Farewell, dear sister, I intend on seeing you once more upon my attainment of Ultimate Power."

She vanished in the void once again. As I lingered idly, I dreaded of what was to come.

As my sister drifted through the empty void, she sensed out a faint but pungent mystic energy, such that was previously not known to both of us. Malbella: "Hm? What be this enriching mystical sensation? I have not felt such a sensation from events before. I must seek out the source of this."

Within that brief moment, she set out to find the source of that powerful, mystic energy. Her search brought her to a strange, new land soon to be identified as Hyrule. Malbella: "This place, I have not been acquainted by it. It appears not to be vastly rousing and yet there is something about it that is most fascinating. Perhaps it be the mystic and sensational wonder that lingers within the surrounding region. Hm, I wonder if this place harbors intel relevant to this energy. If there is, I must seek them out and discover what secrets they conceal."

My sister then set out in search of what she hoped to uncover. As she continued to survey this new land, she encountered much that she has found most intriguing, for instance, the thoughts of the people. Malbella: "Hm! Truly fascinating. The denizens of this land are indeed most joyous and yet I detect a hint of anguish within them, much that is brought on by their yesteryears. Oh, what do we have here?"

It did not take long for my sister to catch on to a most unique finding: an insignia. Malbella: "What be this? The insignia of this place consists of 3 triangles? Hm...mayhap there be some significance to this, there could even be a compelling relation to this mystic energy I am sensing out. I must uncover more intel about this."

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