Part 10

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Within the aftermath, all was calm. We remained silent for a brief period of time. Zelda: "Are you OK, Glentina?" Myself: "I am. That was...unsettling to say the least." Zelda: "Yeah, that much is true." Link: "No kidding, everything you said about Malbella was accurate to a fault and then some. I always thought of her as repulsive the minute you told us about what she did to your people, but to see her in person, it brought forth a spiteful and malevolent aura. It gave me chills." Zelda: "I felt the same way. She was just awful." Myself: "She was not always like that. She was once loving and kind, but she changed drastically. The sister I once knew faded into Darkness as did my people. Now, I have nothing." Zelda: "I don't believe that, Glentina."

Zelda placed her hand in mine and held it. Zelda: "You have us now and we won't ever fade away."

Link also placed his hand in my other hand and held it. Link: "That's right. The empty void that your sister created within you from what you have lost can be filled. I would be more than happy to do so. I know Zelda will, too." Zelda: "Mm-hm!"

I remained idle from their compassion as I lamented in my own sadness for a time. Myself: "I long to have my sister and my people returned to me...but...I am happy to merely settle for this."

All 3 of us smiled together.

Much time afterwards, we still remained with one another, conversing about what we should do next. Link: "Ok, we need to plan our next line of defense. It could only be a matter of time before Ganondorf and Malbella takes us by surprise again." Zelda: "Absolutely. Glentina, do you have any ideas on what we need to do?" Myself: "Well...from what I am certain of, our first objective would be to protect both pieces of the Triforce at all costs." Zelda: "I couldn't agree more. How do you suppose we do that?" Myself: "Hm...perhaps...I can utilize my connection with both of you to conjure up a safeguard spell upon you. This way, it be impossible for my sister or Ganondorf to lay their hands upon your pieces or even approach you for that matter." Zelda: "That sounds like a great idea, Glentina." Myself: "Alas, there is 1 problem: I can only place this upon one of you." Link: "What? Why is that?" Myself: "Well, I have used up an enormous amount of my powers to seal away the Triforce of Power and most of its god-like power. I need to conserve my mystical energy for when I must battle my sister again, so I only have enough excess energy to emit the safeguard spell on only one of you."

Both Link and Zelda remained wordless for a time as they looked towards one another. Link then came to a decision. Link: "Use it on Zelda." Zelda: "What?" Myself: "What this be? You wish for me to have the safeguard spell be placed on Zelda?" Link: "Yes, that is exactly what I want you to do." Zelda: "Link, no, what about you? You will be left vulnerable." Link: "I know, but I'm OK with this. I don't need it; I can handle Ganondorf just fine. I can take anything that he will throw at me. You, on the other hand, Zelda, are a lot more important than me. Hyrule needs you to be at your strongest. The land and its people could be in a state of disarray without you to guide them, not me. I'm only needed to fight battles, but you're needed to maintain order. This has to be done."

There were no words that came to us within a brief moment. We were uncertain of what to tell him or one another from what he has told us. Zelda seemed most concerned. Zelda: "You make an excellent point, but still, I can't help but worry about what's to come if we make this decision final." Myself: "I must agree with Zelda as I also fear for your safety. Are you certain this is what you feel I must do?" Link: "Yes, I am sure of this."

The look on his face displayed unyielding seriousness over his decision. Myself: "If this is what you see fit, then I shall commit to doing so. Zelda, are you content with this?" Zelda: "To tell you the truth, I want to turn down this offer, but I have no choice other than to accept this, since I know that Link will not take no for an answer. Go ahead, Glentina, you have my permission."

And with that, I commenced with readying my powers. As I gathered as much of my magical energy as I possibly could without draining myself completely, I utilized them to place Zelda on the safeguard spell. Starting from her piece of the Triforce on the back of her left hand, the mystical energy was flowing throughout the rest of her body, then encased her in a clear barrier similar to that of a diamond. The barrier faded. Nonetheless, the spell I situated on her remained. Myself: "There, the safeguard spell has been emitted. You and the Triforce of Wisdom shall remain untouchable to Ganondorf and my sister."

Zelda hesitated to speak as she observed both of her hands. She then looked over to Link. They slowly reached out to one another and took hold of each other's hands. They seemed content. Both of their pieces of the Triforce began to glow. Zelda: "I...I can feel it, Glentina...I can feel it...very strongly...yes...I feel its protection...on feels... warm...also, as though I have nothing to worry about." Myself: "The safeguard spell not only protects you and the Triforce of Wisdom, but it also maintains the Triforce of Courage in its current occupancy, namely with you, Link. So long as Zelda and her piece remain guarded, yours shan't ever be taken."

Link seemed touched by this. Link: "Thank you, Glentina."

I shook my head in discontent. Myself: "I am not to be thanked, just yet, my friends. There is much more I am needing to do. Anticipate that I shall carry them out whenever I can." Link: "Fair enough."

Elsewhere, my sister and Ganondorf reappeared. They were most displeased with what occurred. Ganondorf: "Your sister was indeed a nuisance, Malbella." Malbella: "Now you understand the vexation I have countenanced all these years? Due to her constant interloping, I am unable to attain Ultimate Power. She has always been irritating, much like our overbearing mentors. This has indeed become a troublesome manifestation." Ganondorf: "I can understand that, without any doubts; suppressing full access to the Triforce of Power has become a major inconvenience for both of us. I can only use a tiny fraction of what it could provide." Malbella: " the case may be, this could be the time to reconsider formulating a new strategy. What be our first move towards this?"

Ganondorf thought for a moment. Ganondorf: "Hm...I think I may have figured out what we need to do. There is a place I know about; a realm outside of Hyrule, one that no one dares to mention." Malbella: "Mm, tell me more of this place, Ganny."

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