Part 4

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She persisted on with her long search until she located a secluded structure. From the structure yields inscriptions, she read the inscriptions with much eagerness. Malbella: "Hm...yes...fascinating, most fascinating...So, the 3 triangles are, in actuality, a mystic relic known as the Triforce."

As she read on, her enthusiasm intensified as did her curiosity. Malbella: "I see, from what the inscriptions mention, this relic, the Triforce, have existed since the time this world came to be. Eons ago, 3 Divine Women known as the Golden Goddesses stumbled upon an empty void of chaos. From this, they forged the land, created order and planted the seeds of life. Following the formation of this world, the Goddesses departed, leaving behind 3 Golden Triangles. These triangles are but a mere fraction of the Goddesses' divine power and whom so ever lay their hand upon them shall have their wish granted."

From that, my sister became overly joyous, mayhap the most that she had ever been. Malbella: "At long last! This is what I have been wanting to come across! A discovery most superior among all others! Yes, indeed, these Golden Triangles, which form this sacred and immensely favorable relic known as the Triforce, have climaxed my greatest of expectations. Once I lay my hand upon that, I shall truly achieve that which I desire most: Ultimate Power. Then upon that, I shall surpass my bothersome sister and finish her off once and for all."

She cackled loudly over this frightful revelation. Malbella: "But where to seek the Triforce."

She returned to searching the inscriptions for answers. After much examining, the answers she yearned for were absent. Malbella: "What? There must be some mistake. The inscriptions yield no intel to as to where the Triforce could be found!"

She looked over them once more. She became more and more agitated from a lack of the much needed findings she intended to ascertain. From this, she released an immense discharge of her Dark powers on the inscriptions as a means of imposing her intense rage on them. Malbella: "If I cannot learn the location of the Triforce here, then I shall search elsewhere till I can extract it from where it hides!"

And from that, my sister departed at great speed.

Malbella searched all over Hyrule and could not find the Triforce. She could not even pinpoint any vital clues as to where the Triforce could be located. Malbella: "Where is it!?! Where could it be!?!"

The dismay of not being able to uncover the whereabouts of the sacred relic increased her frustration. Malbella: "I am not able to find it! I can sense its power! Be that as it may, it is not sufficient in tracking it down. There is no sign of the Triforce or clues to where it could be! Why can I not find it!?! Where could it be concealed!?!" Voice: "So, you're looking for the Triforce, too?" Malbella: "What? Who has spoken, just now? Reveal yourself, unknown squealer!" Voice: "Calm down, I'm over here."

My sister turned over and caught a glimpse of a mysterious stone. Rock: "Hi, never seen you around here before." Malbella: "Hm? What this be? A magical talking rock?" Rock: "You're surprised I can talk, I'm surprised someone can hear me. You don't seem like you're from around here, especially someone who looks so dark and dreary. Are you some kind of witch?" Malbella: "More or less." Rock: "Tell me, what is your name?" Malbella: "My name? My name be Malbella." Rock: "Malbella, huh? Well, you are most certainly a belle amongst belles." Malbella: "My thanks. This be the first I receive such an enriching compliment from a rock." Rock: "Tell me, Malbella, why do you want to find the Triforce?" Malbella: "I intend to use it to achieve that which I desire most: Ultimate Power." Rock: "Ah, so you're one of those people? Well, I can tell you where it is, but it's not exactly going to be easy to reach." Malbella: "Hm, is that so? Tell me, where be the location of the sacred relic?" Rock: "The Triforce is placed within a Sacred Realm, where it is kept safe from anyone who would misuse its power." Malbella: "I see, a Sacred Realm. Indeed most befitting for guarding a vital relic. I presume this be terribly difficult to gain access to, yes?" Rock: "You, um, presume correctly. To enter this realm, one must be proven worthy of the Triforce and its power." Malbella: "That may be so. However, I intend to defy that unnecessary limitation. My thanks to you, wise talking rock; mayhap I provide a good word for you upon achieving Ultimate Power." Rock: "Best of luck to you, honey. Even so, I highly doubt obtaining the Triforce is considered easy for just anyone. You're not the first mystic being to try and take it." Malbella: "I aim to stop at nothing to gain that which I desire most. Discouragement is not what I must have. Self-assurance is what needs to be my greatest attribute at this moment."

With the intel she received from the magical talking rock, my sister proceeded to find a way around the laws of the land and access the Sacred Realm herself. Malbella: "Hm...from what I can comprehend, this Sacred Realm is a dimension of its own, separate from this. But how to enter it?"

She had spent a vast amount of time pondering this vastly intricate conundrum. Although she toiled persistently and unceasingly, she could not produce a solution to this puzzling hindrance. Malbella: "How may this be probable? Perhaps there be a secret portal, but where could it be concealed?"

As her pondering elongated with time, her frustration increased gradually. Her forbearance diminished additionally. Malbella: "Gah! Why can I not overcome this puzzling endeavor!?!"

From her fit of rage, her restraint over her Dark powers was disrupted. This caused her to unwittingly tear a rift between dimensions. Malbella subsided her vented frustration and took notice of this at that very moment. Malbella: "What be this? Could this be my doing?"

She gazed at the rift and analyzed it for some time. Malbella: "Could...could this be...the Sacred Realm?"

She progressed on to inspect it. She was most pleased with her findings. Malbella: "Oh, yes, this is the Sacred Realm for sure. I can sense the power emulating off the Triforce to be much more pungent. It is as though I could approach it. Yes, this rift is the resolution that is very much needed for me to claim the Triforce and achieve Ultimate Power, and yet it is much too small for me to achieve anything. Hm...this might be a laborious task but perhaps I should strive to hone this new power. Much so I could form a rift wide enough to gain entry to the Sacred Realm. Yes, this indeed a much needed endeavor."

So without further adieu, my sister initiated perfecting the wretched power to opening rifts between dimensions.

Malbella consumed an inordinate length of time adapting her powers to execute this wicked mystical technique. Now and then within sequences of her practices, she would set forth chances to open rifts. Although she was unable to utilize the procedure to gratify her true objective, each attempt would bring her closer and closer to mastering it. In due course, she was proficient enough to open the rift at the much needed size to gain entry to the Sacred Realm and did as such. Upon entering the realm, my sister allowed herself a short period of time to look about her surroundings. Malbella: "So, this be the Sacred Realm. Most intriguing; I anticipate not to encounter such a capacious place and so illuminating as well."

Within the shortest stretch of time, my sister took notice to the Triforce, the very mystic object that she intended to seek out. Malbella: "There it be, the Triforce."

She drifted closer towards it with a malicious sneer on her face. She lingered directly in front of it and readied her hand. Malbella: "At long last, Ultimate Power is at hand."

As she was about to lay her hand upon it, it reacted in a most unforeseen manner. Then, in an instant, the 3 triangles that formed the Triforce separated from one another. Malbella: "Huh? No! The Triforce!"

She managed to seize 1 of the triangles; however, the other 2 fled the Sacred Realm. They faded far too swiftly for Malbella to apprehend them. The sudden turn of events left my sister bewildered. This followed with a repetitive and indignant outburst. Malbella: "One hindrance after another! This is indeed most vexing! I must determine the cause of this inconvenient occurrence."

My sister left the Sacred Realm with the sole piece of the Triforce she managed to detain.

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