Part 5

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Following the events of the Triforce separating its 3 triangles from one another, my sister aimed to discover the true cause of said incident. Malbella: "Grr! If acquiring intel involving the locations as to where the Triforce was hidden away had been difficult, then even the slightest Intel to the reason behind their separation would prove to be most unattainable."

That was until she was able to sense out a faint glimpse of dark energy. Malbella: "Hm? What could this be? I have not sensed even the smallest trace of this Darkness within eons. Hm...perhaps this may become of use to overcoming my predicament somehow. Yes, Darkness this uplifting even in small amounts could prove to be highly favorable."

My sister then took her leave to search for the source of this dark sensation. Following it eventually lead her to a vast desert. She was most disappointed with her surroundings. Malbella: "What? Could this be some kind of mockery? I find this to not be amusing in the least. Hm? Hold on. That dark sensation, it is much less petite here. Yes, much stronger indeed. I passed judgment on this place much too soon. I still need to press on. The sensation is close by; I know this."

My sister carried on a long ways until she found herself in the presence of a large structure. It was astonishing in the least to encounter a finding most improbable. Malbella: "And here I perceive this area to be lifeless and barren, but to gaze my eyes upon this structure indicates there is truly more to this world than even I could speculate. Oh! Even more so, the source of the dark energy lies within those walls. I must seek it out this instant."

My sister rushed to the structure posthaste.

Upon entry, Malbella spared no time for delays as she scouted the interiors of the structure. Within the brief moment, she caught sight of someone that additionally caught her interest. It was a large male with eerily dark skin, red hair and a moderately pointy nose. My sister consumed an extensive amount of time gazing at this male. There was undoubtedly something about him that aroused her. Malbella: "This male, he...yes...I sense it greatly. The dark energy, it emulates off of him. And yet, that not all be about him that intrigues me. I can read his heart. Yes, it exposes a tale of malice and lust for power in addition to harboring hatred towards those who stood in his way. This tale shares much similarity to my own. I could utilize this to my advantage. Very plausibly that he knows some things about the Triforce, including that of why it disbanded and fled the Sacred Realm. This be an opportunity that should indeed prove most favorable."

My sister set out to make her next move.

The male sat displeasingly within a lone, closed off chamber of the desert structure. However, unknowing that it was to occur, my sister appeared before him; he was less than elated by her sudden arrival. Male: "What!?! Who are you!?! What are you doing here!?!" Malbella: "Calm yourself, knave. I'd be neither hostile nor malicious towards you. I appear before you for the sole intention of getting acquainted with you." Male: "Oh, really?" Malbella: "But of course. I have been observing you for quite some time. You contain an aura that is most alluring. It is indeed dark, demoralizing, one with such desires of hatred, malice and power. I admire such attributes as they are much like my own." Male: "Your flattery is useless and wasted. I have no interest in chatting with you." Malbella: "Oh, well, you wouldn't, perchance, have interest in this?"

She brought out the Triforce piece and presented it to the male. He was instantly startled by the sight of it. Male: "This can't be! You know of the Triforce! And from the looks of it, you tried to steal it." Malbella: "Indeed, I did. Upon learning of this mystic relic and that it is able to grant wishes, I've toiled diligently, aiming to lay my hand upon it. However, when I approached it, the 3 Golden Triangles split apart from one another. I managed to seize this piece, but the other 2 fled. The frustration I yield surpassed the intensity of even the most powerful deities of this world and any other. All I strive to obtain, to which I would have been certain were at hand, are now beyond my reach. I am in need of ascertaining the purpose of this aggrieved inconvenience. You would not possess any essential Intel regarding this, would you?"

In that instant, the male lowered his defenses and proceeded to entrust his know-how with her. Male: "You know much about the Triforce, but you have yet to grasp everything that you should understand, silly girl." Malbella: "Is that so? Then you do contain intel as to why this occurred?" Male: "But of course. Legends once mentioned that if one with an unbalanced heart were to even go near the Triforce, it would split and desert one another. Don't despair, my dear, for there is a way to find the other pieces and reunite them, but it can only be done by a mortal and a native of Hyrule. Judging by how you look, you would be neither." Malbella: "This most recent hearsay makes me feel most discontent; however, it does submit some promise. Let us arrange a deal: you must provide any aid needed for me to locate and reclaim the other pieces of the Triforce that is if I were to emancipate you from your most unfortunate confinement. I would even bestow upon you this sole piece of the Triforce as part of our arrangement. What say you, do you wish to partake in this?" Male: "Yes, of course, my dear. I would do anything to leave this wretched dungeon." Malbella: "Magnificent! I develop a liking to you even more so. You may have this piece as my thanks."

My sister then granted the horrid male the sole Triforce piece as promised. It inserted itself into him, displayed on the back of his left hand as the Triforce insignia with the top triangle emitting the golden glow and the 2 bottom triangles as voided. A sinister sneer grew on his face as he observed the back of his hand. Male: "Hm...yes...I know this piece as the Triforce of Power. How fitting."

After much time admiring the glowing mark on the back of his hand, the horrid male turned his attention back towards my sister. Male: "Tell me, witch, what is your name?" Malbella: "Malbella. What name are you addressed as?" Male: "I am Ganondorf. I was once the leader of the most feared group of bandits in the entire kingdom." Malbella: "I see. Most tantalizing, but I dare ask what brought you to such a dismal and unfavorable state of incarceration to this most disconsolate stronghold?" Ganondorf: "In my attempt to seek out and claim the Triforce for myself, I aimed to dupe the Royal family of Hyrule into trusting me. This way, I may infiltrate the castle and find out how to unlock the Sacred Realm. But I was ratted out by 2 pesky children: a young boy and the princess of Hyrule. I was apprehended and brought here. I am to await execution, that is until you came, Malbella. Your presence here has given me renewed hope to continue on. I can leave this place and seek out the power I have wanted for so long. In addition to that, I would like to seek revenge on the 2 children who brought me to this miserable state. They have probably grown by now. I look forward to seeing their "smiling" faces again." Malbella: "But of course, let us break free of this wretched keep so that you may carry out your vengeance on those loathsome urchins..." Ganondorf: "Hold that thought, Malbella. I would prefer that you let me stay until my execution is complete." Malbella: "What? Are you certain of this?" Ganondorf: "Absolutely. If the Triforce of Power is as grand as I believe it is, then I will make it out of this just fine." Malbella: "Um...I am perplexed by this, you wish." Ganondorf: "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

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