Part 6

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Later on that evening, the dreadful male, Ganondorf, was chained to a large stone. Standing before him were several elderly figures known as the Sages. He stood by idly, with a sinister sneer on his face, awaiting his execution. 1st Sage: "Ganondorf, for crimes of treachery against the Royal family of Hyrule, we hereby find you guilty and sentence you to death. Any last words before your execution?" Ganondorf: "Yes. This should truly be an experience worth dying for. Do your worst."

The first of the Sages brought forth a sacred weapon and inflicted 1 immediate stab right through his chest. It was intended to be unmistakably fatal; however, the outcome on Ganondorf became anything excluding that. Much to their shock and horror, he survived the execution. They soon took notice of the mark on the back of his left hand. The Sages continued to watch in horror as Ganondorf broke free from his chains. Ganondorf: "The Triforce of Power! It is more exquisite than I could have ever imagined!"

Before long, my sister appeared right beside him. Malbella: "Most extraordinary. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have observed or foretell such strength from such an averagely, unmystical non-eternal, and that be just a fraction of the Triforce." Ganondorf: "But of course, my dear. Such power from the gods is immeasurable."

The Sages trembled before them. 1st Sage: "W-w-w-w-who is this dark-hued witch!?!" Ganondorf: "This is Malbella. This Triforce of Power that I have with me is merely a gift from her as a token of our new friendship. She and I aim to find the other 2 pieces of the Triforce together. However, I would like to test out this newfound power. You wouldn't mind that, my dear, now would you?" Malbella: "But of course not. It would be most enthralling to continue evaluating the kind of power I intend to achieve. I would, however, be most delighted to take part in this, as well. I have much fury to vent out and these geezers will serve as the much needed respite for my vexation." Ganondorf: "Sure thing. This will indeed be very pleasing."

And with that, my sister and Ganondorf commenced their frightful assault upon the Sages.

Elsewhere, I drifted aimlessly in seclusion. Then at that moment, I sensed out an unusual mystical energy from afar. Myself: "Hm? What be this energy? I have not sensed it before."

Not long afterwards, I sensed out another mystic force that seemed all too familiar to me. Myself: "Huh! Sister!"

I rushed over to both sources at once.

I managed to track them both to a place I have not been to before. Upon my arrival, I was in shock of a sight that was horrendous beyond tolerance: it was the aftermath of the brutal assault on the Sages by Ganondorf and my sister. They were battered but very much alive.

My sister and Ganondorf stood above them with the sinister sneers on their faces, conceited of what they have done. Malbella: "These frail old wretches were effortless but amusing to overpower. They evoked much distasteful recollection of my loathsome masters, the overbearing Wise Men. They too were feeble. However, unlike them, I shall spare these Sages of obliteration, as I intend on having them experience our full powers upon completing and wishing upon the Triforce. So, out with it! Where be the other 2 pieces?" Ganondorf: "Hm... from what I have learned long ago, after the Triforce separates, the pieces seek out those who are worthy of their powers and infuse themselves with those chosen individuals." Malbella: "So, let us search out those chosen by the other 2 pieces and extract them." Ganondorf: "Yes, we shall do just that." Malbella: "This indeed be the start of a most enriching companionship." Ganondorf: "I couldn't agree more."

They both vanished from sight. Unbeknownst to them, I listened in on everything they just mentioned and I knew I had to act quickly. Myself: "If my sister and that fiendish male intend on hunting down those misfortunate individuals, then I must seek them out first and protect them from their terrible fates."

I flew off hastily as I had little time to act.

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