Part 12

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Meanwhile, I, myself, was still conversing with Link and Zelda. Myself: "I...I am unable to ascertain what you both are attempting to familiarize me with. What be this horrid place that you have just mentioned to me?" Zelda: "The Forbidding Realm is a harsh and desolate place outside of Hyrule where the most terrible creatures imaginable dwell but the land itself is treacherous. It is uninhabitable to those other than monsters. Everything about that place is like a living nightmare that no one could ever awaken from." Link: "No one dares to set foot in that horrible place. Even Ganondorf isn't crazy enough to do so." Myself: "But what makes you certain Ganondorf and my sister are there now?"

Link and Zelda turned their sights towards the exact window we were looking through just recently. Zelda: "You mentioned to us that you could sense your sister and the Triforce of Power in that direction, correct?" Myself: "But of course." Zelda: "Well, that direction is exactly where the Forbidding Realm is located. The seal that you placed on the Triforce of Power was done for the sole purpose of protecting us and Hyrule. Since the Forbidding Realm is outside of Hyrule, I fear that the seal may be ineffective there." Myself: "I see...I knew not of this place. I would not have expected this." Zelda: "Neither did we. I forgot about it since hardly anyone talks about it. Even one mention of it would strike fear into the hearts of my people. Overlooking it would be far too easy." Link: "Hm...perhaps that's why Ganondorf would choose such a terrible place since no one would ever think to go there, especially him. Not by himself at the least. However, there is the matter of Malbella." Zelda: "This never dawned on us but seeing how vain and conceited she is with herself and her powers, she would see herself as someone who could handle that place with no problem." Link: "Yeah, and she is tremendously strong for someone who claim to not have achieved Ultimate Power. If anyone can survive that place, it would be her." Myself: "Yes, that much I perceive to be conceivable. I concur that my sister does believe herself to be superior among so many. Even the frightful monsters would seem like nothing to her. Ganondorf would have nothing to fear with her around. Oh, sister, what could you have done at this time?"

We were indeed most concerned. Link: "What do you think they could be up to, right now?" Zelda: "I'm not sure but one thing is certain: they will return and I feel that they will be stronger. We must act before that time comes. I need to summon my caretaker. I need Impa to come here now."

Soon enough, Zelda's caretaker, Impa, arrived within the chamber. Impa: "I am here, Princess. Oh! You're here, too, Link? I...I'm so glad to see you again." Link: "Same here, Impa." Zelda: "Thank you for coming. We have a terrible situation on our hands. But first, let me introduce you to a new friend of ours. This is Glentina. She is a mystic being from an unbeknownst world." Myself: "Hello..."

Impa soon noticed me. Impa: "Oh...well, hello, Glentina. It is a pleasure to meet you." Myself: "Um...I...sort of..." Zelda: "I'm sure that you are aware of an assault on the Sages in the desert." Impa: "Of course, from the intel I received, it would seem as though the assault was committed by Ganondorf along with some witch with long, black hair. On top of that, it is revealed that Ganondorf somehow obtained the Triforce of Power, but that's all I know." Zelda: "Well, we just found out the identity of the witch. Her name is Malbella. She is...Glentina's sister."

I dropped my head in despair. Link: "Malbella invaded the Sacred Realm and attempted to steal the Triforce. However, it broke apart before she could even touch it." Zelda: "She did manage to snatch one of the pieces and gave it to Ganondorf, clarifying how he was able to receive it. Link and I have the other 2, but Ganondorf and Malbella will stop at nothing to take them from us." Impa: "You mean to say this witch tried to steal the Triforce? You know that's the worst crime in all of Hyrule." Zelda: "That may be true, but it is not the worst thing that she has ever done." Impa: "What could possibly be more devastating than stealing the Triforce?" Zelda: "I can easily describe that with 1 word: genocide." Impa: "Eradication of an entire civilization? Do you even know what civilization it was?" Myself: "Yes, my own."

Impa seemed started by this. Myself: "My people...all swallowed up by Darkness..." Impa: "And the vile witch who did this was...your sister?" Myself: "Yes..."

Link and Zelda proceeded to tell Impa of my sad tale as I did with them. How my sister and I were mystical prodigies with much promise before my sister became unhinged. Everything that I have mentioned earlier about this tale were spoken of by them, with no important details left out, including how they speculated that she somehow found out about the Triforce and attempted to steal it so that she could fulfill her goal of Ultimate Power, unaware that it would break apart upon even approaching it. Impa: "Hm...from what I can tell, this witch was unaware of what it would do if she would even try to lay her hand upon it. The Triforce would break apart and scatter like it did at the presence of someone who is unbalanced much like her." Link: "Unbalanced, ungracious and all around unpleasant for so many reasons." Impa: "So she was able to locate Ganondorf in his desert prison, becoming aware that he desires the same thing that she does. She had the Triforce of Power in her possession so she gave it to him." Zelda: "Yes, it is the only reason why he has it now."

Impa was most enraged by this. Impa: "That reckless witch! Does she not know how much trouble she has caused for all of Hyrule just by doing that?" Link: "I'm sure she couldn't care less." Impa: "If all of that is true, then they could arrive here at any moment." Zelda: "Yes and they could return here even when we least expect it." Impa: "Wait a minute! You mean to say that they were here!?!" Zelda: "Yes, they made a sudden appearance in this very chamber. Fortunately, Link, Glentina and I managed to chase them away, not to mention that Glentina sealed away most of Ganondorf's access to the Triforce of Power." Impa: "Really? That's fantastic!" Myself: "It not be much. Although I must confess it be unachievable if not for the involvement of Link and Zelda as well as their pieces of the Triforce. They were most helpful and courageous." Impa: "I would figure as much." Zelda: "Yes, but we only delayed their advances. We don't think that the seal will hold them back forever. They will find a way to surpass this if they haven't done it already." Impa: "Yes, that's a valid point." Myself: "I feel as though I owe everyone in Hyrule a most heartfelt apology, however, Link and Zelda do not agree with me." Zelda: "Of course we don't, Glentina. Everything that took place was not something you caused or could have prevented." Link: "She's right. There was no way you could have known any of this would happen and there wasn't anything you could have done about it. All of this was your sister's doing, not yours. You don't need to feel responsible for any of it, but we're glad that you got yourself involved in all of this. You helped us out a lot." Zelda: "I agree. You've done so much for us already. We are truly grateful."

I looked towards both of them and smiled. I was able to perceive that they were becoming close to me as I was to them. Zelda: "OK, we need to act promptly before their return." Impa: "Of course. What is it you need me to do?" Zelda: "Well, considering that our pieces of the Triforce are safely under Glentina's mystical lock and key, beyond the reach of Ganondorf and Malbella, we need to use this time to prevent them from carrying out any other cruel and wicked attempts to force these pieces out of our possession. They will most likely go after many of the people. We need to protect them." Link: "Yes, I agree and I will help out however I can." Myself: "I request taking part in this, as well. I want to do more for everyone. It be the least I can do for all of Hyrule." Zelda: "Impa, I need you to be in charge of training the soldiers to prepare for any attacks of any kind. We need them to be at their strongest and their best if we are to protect our people." Impa: "Of course, consider it done, my lady." Zelda: "Thank you, Impa. I always knew I could count on you."

Impa smiled in a most content manner.

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