Part 11

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Shortly, Ganondorf spoke to my sister of a place which, in due time, prompted her to transport herself and him to said place; it was truly the most horrid sight imaginable. No life ever emerges from the dried, cracked ground below their feet. Thy sky be always ruddy, much like the color of blood. Terrifying creatures ran about. Truly a sight fit for nightmares. Malbella: "Oh, most startling!" Ganondorf: "This place is known as the Forbidding Realm. As you can see, this place is sheer terror. Setting foot here spells doom for all those who would dare to do so. It is even more unforgiving than the harsh deserts of my homeland. Even I wouldn't think to cross over to this place; that is before I met you, Malbella. So, what do you think? Is it to your liking?"

My sister seemed most astonished by such a place. Malbella: "This is far too devastating to put into words!!! To regard this as forbidding would be most fitting beyond any doubts. Much of what you told me of this place is truly spot-on. Magnificent, absolutely breathtaking; I could utilize much here." Ganondorf: "I am pleased that you are content with what you see, although I am concerned about the monsters that lurk here. They can be...overpowering to say the least." Malbella: "You concern yourself with such inferior creatures, Ganny? Certainly, you underestimate me and my highly advanced Dark powers. I sense this should not be much for me to contend."

My sister approached the monsters save for much hesitation. As she made it dangerously close to them, they took notice of her and proceeded to attack her. She deflected their attacks without much effort, which greatly startled Ganondorf. Malbella: "Feeble."

Within very little time, my sister devoured the monsters by pulling the essence of their life forces into her own being with the use of her Dark powers. She kept at this until they were reduced to nothingness. Ganondorf was spellbound by the sight of it. Malbella: "Ah, that was most delectable." Ganondorf: "You truly are a vicious girl. I'm impressed." Malbella: "My thanks, Ganny. Many creatures contain essence of Darkness within them. An empty heart that fills with Darkness immensely easy is nothing short of effortless as well as enjoyable to consume. In addition to that, it nourishes my Dark powers, though it does very little for me to achieve Ultimate Power." Ganondorf: "Is that so? Well, regardless, I am at the very least gratified that you're getting something from this, my dear."

Within a moment's notice, the Triforce of Power on the back of Ganondorf's left hand began to glow. Both he and my sister were astonished by the unforeseen occurrence. Ganondorf then took notice of something from this which caused a sinister sneer to appear on his face. Ganondorf: "Yes, the power, I can feel it returning to me." Malbella: "But how can this be? Much of its power was locked away. It was most certain that you could not access it."

Ganondorf thought a bit more. Ganondorf: "Hm...perhaps the seal that your sister placed on the Triforce of Power is limited to Hyrule. Since we are in another realm, the seal is inoperative. In fact, it's as good as nonexistent here." Malbella: "That be so? Hm...Ganny, uh, that is to say you prefer not to be addressed by that nickname." Ganondorf: "You can call me that nickname anytime you like, my dear." Malbella: "Very well. Ganny, this piece of the Triforce have much capabilities to cause destruction, can it also be used to build things, correct?" Ganondorf: "But of course. The power of the gods goes beyond immeasurable. Anything can be achieved from wielding its power. Why do you ask?" Malbella: "Well, I came up with a most brilliant idea of utilizing the Triforce of Power to erect a fortress, something that we can use as a dwelling as well as a base of operation. We would have many resources to our advantage and so much more. So, what say you to this, you think it be most wondrous if you could do that?" Ganondorf: "Yes, excellent idea, my dear. I am all over that. In fact, I think I should get started on it now."

And with that, Ganondorf exerted much of the mystical might to forge a large citadel from thin air. It was a most frightful presence to behold.

Elsewhere, I sensed something that caused me to tremble uncontrollably. Link: "What is it, Glentina?" Myself: "Uh! I can sense...something terrible is happening at this moment..."

I directed my sight towards a nearby window as did Link and Zelda after me. Myself: "There, I can sense it very strongly."

They walked towards the window and looked outward. Zelda: "I don't see anything. It seems peaceful to me." Myself: "It is there, I know it. A most fearful and veiled phenomenon is taking place. I know this be true, I truly do know this." Link: "I don't notice anything, but I'll take your word for it since you can pick up on things that we can't." Myself: "Uh! Oh, no! This can't be!" Zelda: "Glentina, what's wrong!?!" Myself: "I can sister, her presence irrefutably close to this." Link: "What!?! You're kidding!!" Myself: "I kid you not, I'm afraid. No! I detect something else far worse. I believe it to be...the Triforce of Power!" Zelda: "No! That can't be true!" Link: "Glentina, are you sure about this!?!" Myself: "I...yes, I am certain of it. I recognize this mystical sensation along with my sister's Dark aura from a moment ago. I fear mentioning that I can sense the Triforce of Power at its maximum." Zelda: "But that's impossible. You sealed away almost all of Ganondorf's access to it, unless..."

After much time, the dreadful fortress has been completed. My sister and Ganondorf stood idle and marveled at the nightmarish creation. Malbella: "My, I am most swayed by your monumental effort towards such a wondrous citadel." Ganondorf: "Yes, I must admit, I impress even myself. I don't think I could build a much better stronghold for us." Malbella: "That may be true, however..." Ganondorf: "What's wrong, my dear, is it not to your liking?" Malbella: "Hm? Oh! But of course it is, Ganny. I adore it oh so, although, me thinks it is...missing something...something not of this world." Ganondorf: "What do you mean by that, my dear?" Malbella: "I mean it needs a touch of off-worldly Dark magic, much like my own and I may know a way of doing so."

My sister conjured up a massive amount of her Dark magic and infused all of it into the fortress. With that, she seemed most content with it. Malbella: "Ah, perfect; a most befitting stronghold, even for one such as myself." Ganondorf: "Once again, you never cease to impress me." Malbella: "My thanks, Ganny. Most often, it be a touch of homeliness that would make both of us feel welcomed. Now then, shall we become more acquainted with our new base of operations?" Ganondorf: "Hm, indeed we shall."

Soon enough, Ganondorf and Malbella proceeded to enter their new stronghold.

Within those horrid walls, my sister and Ganondorf familiarized themselves with a large chamber. Ganondorf was most self-gratified with his constructed foundation. Ganondorf: "Ah, the interior of this place turned out to be a lot better than I expected. I must say, I have left no room here for disappointment." Malbella: "Enough, Ganny! The admiration of the fortress will have to wait for the time being. As of now, we must formulate our next plan of attack." Ganondorf: "Hm, quite right, my dear. Let us get started on that straightaway."

Within very little time, they commenced with putting together a most notorious plot. However, much brainstorming was needed to be done prior to that. Malbella: "Alright, Ganny, let us convey on our next plan of attack. What say you perceive be my sister and those fully grown urchins' first line of defense?" Ganondorf: "Well, it's obvious that they will attempt to protect their pieces of the Triforce." Malbella: "Hm...yes, that perception is indeed most accurate, feeble, but accurate. It be most unfortunate if their endeavor is to be futile...for them, that is." Ganondorf:"Yes, yes, I agree with you on that."

Ganondorf stole one glance at his misplaced Triforce of Power and sneered once more. Ganondorf: "Say, Malbella?" Malbella: "What is it, Ganny?" Ganondorf: "I was thinking, is there any way you can use this realm's nullifying of the curse your sister placed on my Triforce of Power to eradicate it completely?" Malbella: "Hm...I relish in the notion, alas, I cannot, for I know not how to remove a curse brought on by Light magic. Perhaps, I could alter it, to make it as though I would disable it, so that you can wield the power, for some time, that is. What say you to this, Ganny?" Ganondorf: "Hm...I would prefer permanent access to its full power, but I have no choice but to concede to your suggestion. Just make it worth your efforts; I don't want to regret this decision." Malbella: "As you wish."

My sister then utilized her Dark power on his piece of the Triforce on the back of his left hand. From that, the seal I placed on it was suppressed and it glowed once more. Ganondorf sneered in a most conceited manner. Ganondorf: "Yes...I can feel the dreadful curse being disabled. I can now access the full magical might of the Goddess of Power without delay." Malbella: "I insist you not be so hasty, fore as I have mentioned just now that the delay of the curse be temporary once in Hyrule. My apologies if you think this to be anticlimactic." Ganondorf: "No apologies needed. This will do for now. You have done well, my dear. Words alone could never clarify my gratitude, although, I expect more from you in due time." Malbella: "As do I, Ganny; that I assure you be a promise as vengeance for my sister and her interloping ways. That day shall come, I believe this." Ganondorf: "As do I."

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