Chapter 24: The End

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Kameron POV

What have I done? I thought, as I stared down at my hands which were covered in blood. I began to hear sirens, as they were getting closer. My heart began to race, beating harder, faster.

My family. My friends. Aaliyah. How will this effect our relationship?

I did the only thing I knew left. I ran.


Aaliyah POV

I've walked down almost every floor on the hospital, except one.

The doors of the elevator opened and I instantly hear the sounds of wailing babies.

I made my way to the window and looked in. There were so many babies. Some were asleep, some were crying, and then there were others that were staring off into space.

There was one nurse in there and it looked as if she were having trouble.

"Are you okay?" I asked, after tapping on the glass.

"No. I need help," she mouthed. After a little convincing, she let me inside. I sanitized myself, and then put on a clean rob, gloves and a face mask.

I helped her put some of the babies to sleep and helped feed some of the others.

But, there was one baby that caught my eye. It was a boy. He was lightskin and had big brown eyes. He stared at me intently and then put his finger in his mouth and began to cry.

I walked over and picked him up from his cradle and gently rocked me.

"Aww. Its okay babyboy don't cry," I said, in a baby voice. He looked up at me and smiled then yawned.

"Aww he's so cute. What's his name?" I asked the nurse.

"His name is Shane. His mother died while giving birth to him,"

"That's so sad. How old was she," I replied, putting a now asleep Shane back in his cradle.

"She looked to be about your age. I think she was 18,"

I looked at Shane while he slept. I brushed his hair out the way and kissed his forehead.

You look so familiar, I thought.

And then it hit me.


Our baby.


I clutched my stomach and walked towards the door.

"Is everything alright," the nurse asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I lied. "I just think it's time for me to go,"

"You were doing such a great job. But okay hun, you can throw the gloves and the robe away,"

I threw the clothing in the cleaning bin and walked out. As I walked past the mirror, I noticed that Shane was awake. He looked at me and stretched out his arms as if he were reaching for me.

I backed away into the elevator and he started crying. I stretched out my arms to reach for him, but the doors closed in front me, causing me to lose sight of Shane.


"Liyah is everything okay?"  mom asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I replied, clicking through the channels.

I adjusted the hospital bed to a comfortable position and watched Moesha.

"If anything's bothering you. You can tell me," she says, after awhile.

I turned over and looked at her. "Mom, everything is just happening so fast. My 18th birthday is in two days. I've the two greatest boys in the world. I still can't believe that I lost the-"

But before I could finish Kameron rushed in.


Kameron POV

"Aaliyah I'm sorry," I said, rushing into her room.

"Oh my God Kameron are you okay?" she asked, noticing the blood all over my shirt.

"I'm sorry Aaliyah. I'm so sorry,"

"Kameron, why do you have blood all over you?" Aaliyah asked.

"I didn't mean to do it,"

"Do what?" she asked, getting worried. "Kameron, what did you do?"

"I gotta go," I replied, turning around and then jogging down the hallway towards the elevator.

"Wait Kameron. No. Come back," Aaliyah yelled.

"I'm sorry Aaliyah," I yelled, and hopped into the elevator and watched as the doors closed in front of me.

I'm sorry Aaliyah. I'm so sorry, I thought.


Aaliyah POV

"Aaliyah get back here," mom yelled.

"I got to find Kameron," I said, pressing the button to the elevator.

"Aaliyah please,"

"I'm sorry mom but I have too," I replied, as the doors closed.


"Kameron," I yelled, as I looked around the ER.

No sign of Kameron. I have searched my ass off and I still can't find him. Maybe he left, I thought, as I took a seat next to a window and stared out.

I noticed an ambulance pull up and the people jumped out and rushed to the back. They open the doors and pulled the stretcher from the back and rush towards the ER.

I stood up and began walking towards the door. I didn't know but, it's like I was being pulled towards the door by an invisible force.

By the time I was halfway, I could see a body laying on the stretcher.

I began to feel nausea. My walking slowed. My head started spinning. I lost my balance and almost fell. I held my head and stood up.

Doctors and nurses pushed passed me and approached the stretcher. I picked up my pace and approached the body.

I pushed passed the nurses and doctors and stared down at the body.

I instantly felt like I was floating as I recognized the body lying on the stretcher. It felt as if the only thing that held me to the Earth, was gone. So now I was slowly drifting off into space.

The body was Shaun.

He was covered in blood and bandages. His left eye was bruised and so was the skin around his neck. He had a bullet in his chest which the nurses was trying to keep from bleeding. His breathing was fast, really fast.

He groaned and turned his head towards me.

I didn't notice it but, I was crying, as if every was tear draining the life from me.

He opened his eye and looked at me.

"K-K-Kameron did this," and with that his breathing stopped and the line went flat.


...............The end.


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