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to be beside you,

just once more.

i swear that would be



elora didn't know how the car ended up in the water that night. she just remembered the burning pressure against her lungs as she tried to hold her breath underneath the cold water. her mom and dad in the front seats, her twin sister beside her.

elena was awake beside her twin, but barely holding on, they were gripping one anothers hands. elora didn't want to die but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't break the window or open the car door. they were trapped.

in the front seat, their father turned around with a pained smile. he went to reach for his daughters hands and gave their intertwined hands a small squeeze before turning back around and shutting his eyes. their mother never turned around, she was already gone.

in that moment, elora's head was burning and she felt herself begin to choke underneath the water. she succumbed to the darkness almost instantly, her hand falling from elena's, who went almost seconds after her twin.

the mystery of the night was how the girls got out of the water, while their parents didn't make it. their last memory being of their father passing in front of them, it was practically burned into elora's head.

neither of them knew their mystery had a name, stefan salvatore.

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