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leave the past where it belongs.


it had been a few days since elio and elora's moment together, they hadn't spoke to each other since that day.

elio was waiting for elora to call or text after she read his letter but he got nothing. the gilbert girl hasn't even been going to school, he was worried about her.

the letter, elio's letter was read by someone but not elora. elena gilbert found the letter and refused to let her sister read it, she thought she was keeping elora safe by keeping her from knowing about the vampire world.

it was almost halloween and elora was excited for the party at the school, caroline had bought her a costume which she couldn't wait to wear. caroline only had one condition about buying her a costume, she had to start coming to school again.

so that's what elora did, she was currently walking straight towards where she could see bonnie and caroline at her locker.

"oh my god, you came!" caroline cheered pulling elora in for a tight hug. "here is your costume."

"an angel caroline? seriously?" elora laughed once she was the beautiful dress and wings.

"yeah cause your such an angel." caroline winked, bonnie looked between the two of them completely confused as to what they were both talking about.

"hey, have either of you seen elena? do we know what's she wearing?" caroline asked as the group of three began walking away from elora's locker.

"How much do we want to bet she's wearing last years costume?" elora joked, but all of them knew that she was probably right about elena wearing her old costume.

"i was with grams all week-end. i haven't talked to her. maybe she's with stefan."

"riding to his castle on his white horse." caroline rolled her eyes at the thought of the two of them together.

"don't be bitter, it provokes wrinkles."


caroline and elora were both dressed for the party. caroline was dressed as a witch just like bonnie, while elora had her angel dress on.

they were talking to bonnie about elio and asking if she'd seen him around at all in school, bonnie said he'd come for a few days and then just stopped showing up.

before they could question her more, tyler came up from behind elora and wrapped an arm around his ex's girlfriends shoulders.

"cider for the ladies. it's a lockwood

"no way, last year i was hung over until thanksgiving." bonnie pushed the drink away from her, her nose crinkling at the smell.

"lightweight. i am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with."

"i'll drink to that." elora laughed before her and caroline began drinking. "god it still tastes horrible."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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