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family ties

eyes are loud.


the night of tanner's death, elora went home feeling numb. as much as she didn't like her history teacher, he was still a person and he'd just lost his life to whatever attacked him. rumours were flying around about he died, some people say he was murdered, others were saying he was attacked and his blood had be drained by some type of animal.

just like elora, except she survived. nothing could erase the image of mr tanners dead body being covered in a sheet as the police showed up to take his body away and take statements from anyone who could known anything about what had happened. no one around knew a thing apparently. just the three salvatore brothers who would never speak about what had happened, incase of their secret being incovered to the world.

in her dark room, elora sat in silence once again. she was too numb to the feeling of death, that she couldn't cry about the loss. it didn't feel right to cry.

she could barely see herself in the room nevermind the vampire standing directly behind where she was sitting on her bed. it wasn't until she finally began to get changed from the cheerleading outfit, that was contemplating on just throwing out that she noticed the other person in the room.

as quickly as she could, elora grabbed a blanket from her bed to cover up her naked body. her underwear being the only thing keeping elora from being completely exposed to stranger.

just as elora was about to scream, the man was in front of her in an instant covering her lips with his hand. he smoothly turned her around so she couldn't see his face, her back pressed against his front.

the salvatore could feel her trembling under his touch, his free hand gently wrapped around her waist. his fingers brushing softly against her exposed side. the blanket elora had pulled on did barely anything to cover her body but in that moment, she didn't care, she was just terrified of something bad happening to the rest of her family in the house.

"il mio cuore, non c'è bisogno di avere paura" he whispered, his mouth gently brushing against her ear. "non ti farei mai del male."

elora's italian wasn't the greatest but she knew he'd said something along the lines of how she shouldn't be scared and that he wouldn't hurt her.

"spero che ci vedremo presto di più l'un l'altro," a kiss was placed gently on the back of her hair and she felt the man unravel himself from her body. "buonanotte amore mio."

just like that, the stranger was gone. he wasn't really a stranger anymore though, elora recognised his face the minute he stood in front of her.

the same blue eyes had been burned in her mind all day and somehow, the man from her dreams was in elora's room that night and she had no idea why.


the next morning, what happened from the night before with the beautiful stranger was compelled from elora's mind. he paid her a visit that morning to make sure she wouldn't say anything about him to anyone. he wanted to stay secret a little longer from her world.

after she'd gotten ready for the day just barely, elora made her way downstairs where she heard her aunt cursing the news reporter on the tv.

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