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pilot pt.2

maybe i'm not the person everyone thinks i am.


elora spent the night crying, she cried over everything to distract herself from doing anything worse. the young girl was undeniably sad and vulnerable, something everyone had failed to see. she had everyone fooled into thinking she was slowly healing and getting better, elora knew she was only getting worse.

when she'd eventually fallen asleep, elena came home and quickly ran upstairs to tell her twin about the amazing night she had. instead she found elora buried underneath a bunch of her pillows and duvet, her face tear stained. elena noticed the picture of the twins as kids with their parents sitting near the end of the bed.

she assumed elora had just had a hard night and lay out a glass of water and a painkiller for the morning, elena knew her twin got headaches after crying a lot so it was the only thing she knew to do to help her twin the best she could at that moment.

elena made a mental note to tell her sister about it all in the morning and to give elora hug, the hug being the most important thing to remember. she missed how they used to be and slowly wanted to build up their bond again.

by the time morning rolled around and elena went to check on her sister, elora had already left for the day. she had taken the water and painkiller and left a thank you note on her dresser for elena. the older twin sighed before leaving elora's room, it was something.

history was no longer elora's favourite subject, she was waiting for the painkiller to kick in and mr. tanner's loud voice was doing nothing to help with her headahce.

"the battle of willow creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls. how many casualties resulted in this battle?" mr. tanner looked around his classroom for a student to pick on. "ms. bennett?"

"um...a lot? i'm not sure. like a whole lot."

"cute becomes dumb in an instant, ms. bennett." mr. tanner gave bonnie a fake smile before moving onto a different student. "mr. donovan. would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?"

"it's okay, mr. tanner, i'm cool with it." matt's answer made the class laugh, their teacher however didn't find it funny and practically ignored matt.

"elena? surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?"

"i'm sorry, i don't know." elena was hoping mr. tanner would just move onto the next student but he didn't.

"i was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, elena. but the personal excuses ended with summer break. and i'm guessing elora doesn't know the answer because of the same excuse."

the classroom went silent, both elena and elora's hearts broke at the same time. tears filled elora's eyes but she didn't want anyone to see her cry, so she blinked her tears away.

"there were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians." stefan broke the silence with the correct answer.

"that's correct. mister..."


"salvatore. any relation to the original settlers here at mystic falls?"

"distant." it was clear, stefan wasn't one bit happy and didn't even want to be conversing with the history teacher in that moment.

"well, very good. except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle." the smug grin on his face was enough to make elora feel sick, why was he smiling? he basically just told the twins to get over their parents deaths.

"actually, there were 27, sir. confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. they were wrong. It was a night of great loss. the founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. mr. tanner."

someone whistled while other students clapped at stefan's answer. no one had every talked to mr. tanner like this and everyone was happy that someone had the balls to speak up to the history teacher.

the smug grin was long gone from tanner's face.


elora was completely out of her comfort zone right now. while talking with elena, she'd managed to accidentally agree to going to the party at the falls. she was currently standing by herself at drink table. she felt out of place at this party, even though at the start of the year she was looking forward to it. her feelings had changed drastically.

the beer in her hand was untouched, she didn't even know why she had it. her feet were practically glued to the spot, everyone around her was constantly moving and she'd lost elena the minute they'd gotten to the party.

normally at parties like this, elora was mingling with people all around her but that was back when she was with tyler lockwood. he was always beside her no matter what, holding her hand and taking her someplace quiet when she got a bit too overwhelmed. he was amazing to her, she did miss him a lot but she didn't miss how he'd began to treat her when her parents died. elora knew when to get out of a toxic cycle when she saw one, she didn't want to be put in a position like that.

something caught her eye from a few feet away from her, it was caroline and stefan. the two of them were heading towards elora's direction. she was silently praying that they were just going to grab a drink from the table and move on, but that was never the case with caroline.

"elora! hi, you came!" caroline's arms were wrapped around the younger girl in seconds, elora hugged her back while trying to think of ways to get out of there. "

"hi caroline." elora gave her the best smile she could muster up once the blonde pulled out of the hug. "stefan isn't it? hi."

"oh well we're just grabbing drinks but it was nice running into you!" caroline grabbed two beers before running off, stefan being dragged along with her.

elora watched as they got further away from her but just before she was about to look away, stefan turned quickly and mouthed 'help me' with a smile to follow, elora just laughed and within seconds the two of them were gone and elora was left alone once again, that's when she knew it was time to leave.

it was so unsafe, but the gilbert girl had decided to walk home. it was late and far from her house but it was better than being stuck at the party waiting for elena to drop her home. but elora didn't realise how unsafe it was until she felt someone grab her from behind and after a moment of struggling, she collapsed into unconsciousness.

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