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lost girls

leave the past where it belongs.


after spending the night elora felt numb, she couldn't tell if elio really liked her or just her body. he fucked her like she meant something to him, he took care of her after sex and they had a bath together before falling asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.

she left early the next morning, asking caroline to pick her up. once the forbes girl saw elora breaking down in her car she immediately wanted to turn around and kill elio for hurting her best friend but instead she stayed the whole day with her as they watched movies and ate more than they could handle.

"caroline, i was really starting to like him." elora sobbed into her best friends shoulder, "i thought this was going to be something good but he wouldn't even kiss me."

elora had bad attachment issues, it started when her family paid more attention to elena when they were kids and it just grew as she did. it's something she's not proud of and everytime she got attached, somehow she always regretted it.

her heart managed to break everytime.

"can i kill him?"

the two girls laughed and caroline was glad, she hadn't heard elora laugh since she got into caroline's car and it was like music to her ears.

"look it will hurt for a while but let it hurt because there will be one day where it just won't hurt anymore."

"i love you so much care," elora pulled her best friend into a hug, their bond meant so much to the two of them and they never wanted to let each other go in that moment or even leave the comfort of caroline's room.


in elio's house he'd only just woke up to feel an empty bed beside him, elora was gone. he couldn't hear her heartbeat in the cabin anymore.

elio knew what he'd said to her was wrong but it's how he felt in that moment. the only person he's ever kissed died in his arms and she looked just like elora, he's had sex with many women but only let one kiss his lips. kataleya was his whole world at one point and he felt sick putting his lips on another for some reason.

he promised they'd always be hers, elora was captivating him and he found it hard not to kiss her and just pretend she was his lost love for a moment but it was unfair to elora. so he gave her the only thing he could, 'meaningful sex' which meant a lot more to him that he thought.


once elora had come home, the house was silent. everyone was either gone or they were all hiding in their rooms again, like they did after their parents died.

she would normally make a cup of tea and find something to do but all elora wanted to do was lie in her bed and never move again.

that's exactly what she did, for the rest of the night elora lay in her bed wide awake in the dark not even thinking just staring blankly at her wall before exhaustion took over her body and she fell asleep.

she was unaware to the letter lying on her desk across the room.

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