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you're undead to me

no risk, no story.


even though she was drunk for most of the night, elora still remembered every moment she spent with elio. she barely knew much about him, just enough for her to think of him for the next three days.

"elora, jenna! are you aware of what's  going on upstairs?" elena almost shouted cominh down the stairs to see her aunt and sister sitting in the kitchen.


"i'm not aware." elora hummed as she sipped her hot tea, it was the only thing helping her aching headache at the moment.

"jeremy and vicki."

"ew gross."

elora wasn't very fond of the donovan girl but she had no particular problem with vicki, just never took a liking to her especially since what happened between her and tyler.

"and you have no objection?" elena was shocked, vicki was 18 and jeremy was 15. how could jenna not care?

"he could be craftier about it, at least make and effort to sneak her in and out." jenna just shrugged as she played with her now empty coffee mug. "oh, and just so you both know. i won't be home for dinner."

"oh, so you're actually going to do it. you're gonna go out with logan."

"i'm sorry what," elora's eyes were wide. "what happened to him being scum?"

"oh shush el, im going to show up and torture him, yes. and have you heard from stefan?"

elena and stefan were currently not in speaking terms because of his brother damon.

elora had spent the night with caroline until she kicked her out the next day because she wouldn't watch the notebook anymore. but they called the last night and just talked about everything. elora told her about elio and caroline was happy for her best friend.

"not since that very vague message three days ago. "hi, um, elena, i, um, have something i have to do. i'll, uh, explain in a few days."."

elora wanted to laugh at her impression of the salvatore but she thought against it since she knew her sister was upset with him.

"haven't you called him?"

"nope. not going to, either."

"can you text him for his brother's number? he's beautiful." elora spoke up but shut up immediately once she saw elena's glare.

their once mending relationship was being strained once again, elena was too busy moping about stefan to even care about how happy her twin was to meet someone.

"and you're okay with everything?"

"no. i'm not okay with any of it. but i'm not gonna cry about it, either. you know, i was going to write in my diary this morning and then i thought, what am i going to write?" elena's voice was raising with every word and her family could see she clearly wasn't taking the whole break as good as she said she was. "honestly, i'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."

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