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friday night bites

save yourself, for yourself.


elora had been home for the past few days and it had been hell for her. everyone had been fretting over her and never leaving her alone. she understood and loved her family for their concern but she just wanted to be by herself.

today was the day she could, jeremy and elena were in school, her aunt jenna was in college. she had them all convinced she would be okay home alone for a couple hours and that she would call if anything was wrong.

so elora spent the day reading, she hadn't picked up a book in a while and thought she would try get back into it. but about seven pages into 'shatter me', elora put down the book. it wasn't that she was bored of the book, she was just bored of sitting at home all week.

her phone pinged with a text, it was elena.

dinner later with stefan and bonnie, you up for it?

elora replied with a quick sure, she had nothing better to do and this dinner would provide entertainment for her. it didn't take a lot of figuring out to do, when she realised that bonnie didn't really like stefan. this dinner was going to be fun.

her head was still recovering from the night she was attacked, elora didn't even dare to look at her neck. it wasn't too bad but it freaked her out to even look at it. everytime she tried to think about what happened, she remembers nothing but the constant the reminder in her head that it was just a freak animal accident.

elora didn't even remember what she had done for the rest of the day, her mind too preoccupied with all the questions she had about what happened that night.

it was when bonnie and elena had come home that elora had finally left her room and went downstairs to help them prepare for dinner later.

"hi elora! how are you feeling?" bonnie's face held sympathy and elora hated it, she knew she shouldn't but she did.

"i'm fine." elora didn't know what else to say to anyone anymore, other than that she was fine. she didn't really feel anything, just empty. she was fine.

"i'm gonna go wait in the living room." elora brushed past the two and grabbed her phone, she thought this was going to be fun earlier but now she already regrets agreeing to this.


the doorbell went off after about an hour, it was stefan. bonnie and elena had been talking about witches in the kitchen and elora was glad to be finally out of that conversation.

once elena had let him in the four of them sat down to eat right away, it was extremely awkward and once again elora was regretting coming to this dinner.

"did tanner give you a hard time today?" elena asked stefan with a bright smile on her face, she wanted her dinner to go well and the silence between the four of them was unbareable.

"well, he let me on the team, so I must have done something right." stefan gave a light laugh, his eyes darting between the three girls in front of him.

"bonnie, you should have seen stefan today. tyler threw a ball right at him, and-"

"yeah, i heard." bonnie cut elena off, it was as clear as day that bonnie was uncomfortable around stefan but nobody seemed to know why.

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