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pilot pt.1

how can it be that my memories are more alive than i am?


elora was never one to talk about her emotions, nevertheless she always wrote them down. just like her sister, elora wrote in a notebook that she constantly carried around with her. the notebook held all the things the girl would never say out loud. it held her deepest secrets, feelings and regrets.

she used to have a life planned for herself, it wasn't much but it was enough for elora. she'd wanted nothing more than to travel, she felt at home in different places. now that life elora had planned was merely a reminder of her past.

the young woman was a complete different person now, elora was merely a shell of the person she used to be before her parents died. everything was different now, elora wasn't living, she was barely existing.

she broke up with her boyfriend, tyler lockwood. someone who elora thought she would spend the rest of her life with. he didn't understand how she was feeling when her parents had passed, he wasn't around for her simply because tyler didn't understand how to help her. elora didn't want his help, she just wanted him to be there. but he wasn't.

her whole family had changed, any person could see it wether or not they knew the family or not. her younger brother, jeremy, was now a drug addict, drowning his feelings in a different drug every week. elena, her twin, had become depressed. she would hardly ever leave her room and barely spoke to her friends unless they showed up at their house to make sure she was okay.

elora didn't have friends like that, she wouldn't consider elena's friends hers too. they were always friendly, but acquaintances was more the word for them.

even though they were twins, you could tell who the favourite twin was. everyone had a natural liking towards elena. elora never blamed her sister for that, she could understand why and it never bothered her really. she was more of a quiet person and kept to herself most of the time.

the morning of their first day of junior year, was one of the worst days for elora. she forced herself out of the bed even though she wanted to nothing more than to just stay there forever. after knocking individually on her family members bedroom doors, as a small wake up call, elora made her way into her shared bathroom and took a quick shower.

as she got ready, she couldn't help but notice how much her appearance changed over the months. her cheeks were sunken, and her eyes looked almost lost, dark circles accompanying them.

elora quickly stood up from her vanity and left her room, she was mentally preparing herself as she made her way downstairs where she could hear the rest of her family moving about and getting ready for the day, so instead of going into the kitchen elora made her way out the front door and shut it quietly. she avoided confrontation at all costs.


history was her first class and elora sat down the back by herself, she hated this class with a passion but somehow history was her favourite subject. elora loved learning about the past, or else she used to. she hadn't figured out wether or not she's going to like the subject this year or not.

the class was filling up quickly as the final bell rang, so far no one has sat beside her or near her for that matter. everyone had migrated to the middle of the class, it made her insecure. was she really that bad of a person that no one wanted to sit beside her? or was it just where they wanted to sit and hadn't a second thought about her?

by the time mr. tanner, their history teacher had made it to the class everyone was seated. still, no one sat near elora. just as he was about to start the lesson one last student entered the class, he peaked everyone's interest from the moment he stepped into the classroom. he was clearly new and extremely attractive.

the new student took the seat in front of elora, she gave him a small smile. he returned it with one of his own before taking his seat.

history was definitely still elora's favourite subject.


it turns out elora also liked english, math and creative writing. she had all of those classes with stefan. stefan salvatore, the new guy. he had such a mysterious vibe to him and even though he kept to himself, elora noticed him taking small glances at her every so often. she was doing the exact same thing, but was secretly hoping he'd noticed her glances like she did with his.

during lunch, elora sat outside at an empty bench and wrote in her notebook. she explained how her day had went and about stefan, she wasn't the type to get this worked up over a guy but there was something different about him, elora was sure of it.

for the first time in a while, elora went home and didn't cry. she was actually excited to get home, her and elena used to be close before the accident and elora was hoping they could start talking properly again.

elena came home late, by the time she walked into their family living room elora wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. but clearly elena was.

"el?" elora flinched at the nickname, she hadn't been called that in a while.


the twins shared an almost identical smile, elora moving the blanket off the other side of the couch so elena could get under it with her. as the two cuddled on the chair elena began talking about stefan, elora's heart dropped.

"it was kinda creepy but i'm glad i saw him? because earlier i think i may have given off a bad impression and i just wanted to see him again."

elena had run into stefan at the cemetery, she was at their parents graves again.

"i think i might like him el." elena looked for elora's reaction but her twin sister's eyes just bored back into her own, a lost look in elora's. "that scares me."

"everything is a little scary at first lena, even feelings. just try talk to him next time you see him, invite him somewhere even." every word hurt elora to say but she barely knew stefan, she couldn't like him. "if you feel this much for him already, really try with him. you guys would be cute."

elora just wanted her sister to be happy, if that meant be happy with stefan salvatore. she would never stand in the way of her twin's happiness, she deserved to be happy after everything.

elora couldn't say the same about herself.

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