X-men |First Class|

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Xavier Mansion

Korra sprinted down stairs in her yellow dress as raven raced after her. "Korra! Come back here!" The shape-shifting mutant yelled. "Come on korra you have to get ready for Charles Party!" She yelled.

Korra giggled as she ran into Charles office. Just as she was about to hide underneath the desk to strong arms lift her arm and over their shoulders.

Korra giggled as Charles looked up from In-between her legs. Charles smiled and held her feet while dancing with his feet in the office.

Charles laughed as he lift korra of his back and placed her on his feet and they started dancing, korra on Charles feet. Raven ran in but stopped when she saw the Momment.

"You two are adorable" She commented. The two looked at her and Korra smiled, before running off and letting raven do her hair.


Korra held her umbrella as she walked behind her guardians. Raven and charles look back every minute to make sure she was following behind.

She was a wanderer and loved to walk off. They often lost her in the mansion and she was the best at hide n seek. Korra also held her teddy bear, bucky.

"Korra we're here" Charles spoke. Korra smiled as she used the red stone in her chest to warp into someone different. To others she looked about twenty. Puffy Ginger brown hair and a blue puffy dress that reached to her knees.

Charles smiled as they discarded the umbrellas at the door holder and walked into the pub. Due to Charles and Raven knowing that korra was only 8 they made sure to keep an eye out for her so she doesn't drink the alcohol.

They knew she was responsible enough so that's why they let her go to the bar in the first place. Korra watched her farther figure chug down alcohol in a large tube. She couldn't help but feel eyes looking at him.

She looked out the corner of her eyes to see a lady with brown hair staring at Charles. She then heard cheers from the crowds to see Charles coming down from the platform he stood on.

"Mind getting me a coke?" Korra asked Charles. The man smiled at her and nodded. As he approached the counter the brown haired lady stopped him.

Korra sighed as raven joined her side. "Korra, why don't you go back home? Charles is obviously having a momment with the ladies" the blonde spoke.

A charming, wide smile graced Korra's features. "Raven, just because Charles is flirting badly with other woman doesn't mean I'm going home. And plus, according to Charles mindset, she's here on important business. Something about other mutants" korra spoke blandly.

Raven looked at her shocked then turned to see Charles glaring at the eight year old disguised as a twenty old female.


Korra sat in the jet reading a book. Due to Moira Mactaggert not knowing about their mutations yet, Korra had to stay in her twenties form.

Charles had to introduce korra as his sister. Moira was very intrigued at her intelligence. "If I have to listen to you talk about Cells again I'm seriously going to hit you" korra spoke. Raven giggled while Charles glared at her.

For an Eight year old disguised as an adult you are impeccably annoying

Korra smiled at Charles voice in her head and poked her tongue out at him.


Korra sat in her chair bored out of her mind, while Charles talked about Cells and Mutants.
"The advent of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process.Individuals with extraordinary abilities may already be among us. Thank you very much" korra clapped slowly while the chief embasitor looked very unimpressed.

"Mactaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientistis going to make me believe in sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just bought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over." He answered stubbornly. Moira got up and was about to leave but korra grabbed her wrist while looking at charles.

"Sit down agent Mactaggert" charles said as korra pulled her grip off the Woman and then smiled at her innocently. Moira sat down and looked at Charles confused.

"I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan." Charles explained leaving most of the people in the room confused. He then turned to Moira.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you, love. I'm sorry. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind." Charles then explained. Everyone looked at him as he were crazy. Well except for korra and raven.

"I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you going to ask us to think of a number between one and 10 now?" A man asked. Korra rolled her eyes. She was 8 years old but she knew a lot of things elders didn't.

"No, agent stryker. Although, I could ask you about your son, William, who you were thinking about, which is very nice. But I think I'd rather ask you about the Jupiter missiles America is placing in turkey" Charles Spoke. The whole room went out in a outrage and korra usually didn't like yelling, or loud noises.

Overwhelmed by sudden Noise, Korra stood up abruptly and gritted back to her younger age, while raven also stood and transformed into the man saying Charles was a spy.

Everyone stared at them in shock.

"How's that for a magic trick?"


Korra was squished in between agent Jordan and raven. They were heading to the facility to drop her off due to her being to young to go on the mission just yet.

Moira was shocked to find out that Korra was actually only eight years old but also was shocked by the glowing stones sprouting out of her chest.

Moira parked just at the entrance and charles got out along with Korra and her bags, along with bucky. Charles smiled and bent down facing the daughte the never had.

"I'll be back tomorrow ok? You behave for Mister Clark" The man infront of the two was confused on how Charles knew his name but ignored it. Korra nodded and hugged Charles.

Promise you'll be back?

I Promise Princess...

|My Playlist is out know, it's called Speedy Mutant on spodify. Full of many songs to enjoy while reading my book|

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