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Xavier Mansion

Korra sat on her butt on the lawn as she saw Hank and Charles ran around the grounds. She watched as Charles instructed for Hank to take off his shoes.

Hank took off his shoes to reveal his Feet hands. They went running again but this time Hank was way faster.

Like super speed fast.

Next was watching Sean get shoved out a window. It didn't go so well, considering Sean landed in Korra's garden.

They then went to the giant satellite. Korra held Hank's hand as Charles Preped Sean up. "And you truly believe I'll fly this time?" The boy asked.

"Unreservedly." Charles spoke confidently. "I trust you. I'm touched."

"I don't trust him. Say nothing." Sean spoke pointing to Hank. He then looks down at the bottom of the satellite and shook his head "I'm gonna die!c

"Look, we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel-" Erik cut Charles off. "Here, let me help." And with that Erik pushed Sean off the satellite. Korra screamed out and Charles yelled at erik

"Erik!" Charles scolded "What? You know you were thinking the same thing" Thr man said a matter of factly. Korra watched qs Sean screamed and flew through the air.


"All right, Alex, I want you to hit the "X".

And try not to hit me. There's a good chap." Charles spoke as he and Hank stood either side of the mannequin and Korra watching from.the sides with a fire extinguisher.

"You're serious?" Alex asked. "I'm very serious.

I have complete and utter faith in you." Charles spoke. Alex then used his power and git the mannequin causing it to go on fire. Korra raced over and put it out.

"Am I still a bozo?" Hank asked Alex. "Yes, Hank, you're still a bozo, But nice job." Alex said. Korra looked between the two suspiciously as they gazed into each other's eyes.



Korea sat on the couch next to Charles as they watched the New unravel about the Nukes and Missels in Turkey and How there'll be a nuclear war.

"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet union..." The President then rambled more about the adressment.

"That's where we're going to find shaw" Erik said aloud. "How do you know?" Charles asked. "Two superpowers facing off and he wants to start world war III. He won't leave anything to chance" Erik explained.

"So much for diplomacy." Someone added. Korra wasn't focusing on their conversation but the TV. She then saw how panicked everyone was on the TV screen, the Messils in Turkey and It truly scared her.

"Korra?" Raven asked, turning everyone's attention on the Eight year old brunette. She was breathing heavily and the TV started glitching. Different Era's of TVs started showing.


They even showed color. Charles put a hand on Korra's shoulder and his mind zipped into her Mind. He watched the thoughts Nag at her mind.


"Korra, calm down hunny. It'll be OK. No one is going to die tomorrow OK?" He said. Korra snapped out of it but she was Happy. She looked somewhat angry.

"You can't say that Charles. You can't promise that! You could die! Raven Could die! Someone could get hurt badly! You can't just say everything will be fine! Cause when my daddy said that when he went to leave some days he came back with blood everywhere!" She yelled and rushed down the halls and uo to her room.

Charles sighed. "I'll talk to her" Raven said but Erik stopped her. "I think she needs some alone time" He spoke.


Charles grumbled In the kitchen. Him and Raven had just had a disagreement about mutant Appearance.

Let's say she was blue and Naked in front of him. He then looked through each mind of the house. Everyone was sleeping except for a Pissed of Raven, a Sweaty Erik and A giggling Korra.

He was confused. Why would korra be giggling? She was angry. So angry she didn't want Alex or Erik in her room and she didn't come down to dinner!

He walked upstairs and into Korra's room to find a Red Shaped Man and woman playing with two Rwd children. He smiled when he realized Korra was recycling her Memories into Red like holograms.

Korra noticed Charles but decided not to say anything. She continued watching her 4th birthday play out. The Brunette walked over to the girl and sat on the bed with her.

"Fascinating isn't it korra? How you can make anything look real" Charles spoke. Just as he said that, the red People turned into real colored people but were based on memories.

"Open it girls! Go on!" Hayley urged. Hope opened her present while korra waited. She squealed when she saw a Similar teddy. "What's his name?!" She asked Her mother.

Hayley smiled. "His name is Buddy" She said. Korra then ipend her present to see the same bear as hope. Klaus smiled at her Face. "His name is bucky. This gifts our from me. Mommy has her own little gift in the kitchen" Kalus spoke.

Both girls gutted towards the kitchen holding the bear close to their chests.

"Am I going tomorrow?" Korra asked as the memory faded. To Red sparks that Faded out the window.

Charles looked at her and gulped. He didn't want her to go. Why would he want her to go?! Like she said in her outburst, someone will be hurt badly and he didn't want it to be her. She was only eight for crying out loud!

"I may be eight but I'm smarter than any eight year old in the world" Korra spoke. Charles chuckled lightly. "You know not to go into my head." He scolded.

"But it's so easy!"


Mikealsons Manor

Klaus mikealson watched his daughter play with Her mother. Rebekah came and sat next next him. "Korra is in Good hands Klaus. You saw the man in the water. She's safe" She reassured.

Klaus had the bitter urge to shove his sister into a wall but chose not too. "I miss her too but all we have to do now is make sure we don't lose Hope either." Rebekah spoke then walked off.

Klaus sighed knowing she was right. Hope needed him right now. Hayley needed him.

The mikealsons needed him.

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