Play Along

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The familiar citrus and bergamot scent I wake up to every weekend fills my nose. His warmth radiates through me while his arms hold me to him. This is how we pretty much always sleep, me on his chest or him spooning me. It's scary how easily our bodies slot together. It's something I noticed last night. Or rather the early hours of the morning. He saw me naked properly last night just as I saw him. And fuck me sideways, he's modelesque. It sounds ridiculous given my initial reasoning but I count myself lucky that he's sharing himself with me. And even still he doesn't realise how good he is.

After we finished last night, he said no to my mouth which surprised me. All he was bothered about was me and whether I was alright after our activities. I've no idea what possessed me to pack it but I'm more than glad I did. I've had good orgasms from it in the past but adding Hero to the mix, his words and his touch, well... Mind-blowing doesn't even cover it. I lose myself completely and have every single time he's made me peak. There's just something about him and how he is that I can't put my finger on to nail down.

My eyes are still closed but the usual silence around us is broken by three knocks in succession from below. I must be dreaming or lucid. Re-curling myself into Hero, my eyes remain closed and I feel him tighten his hold on me again. A hum falls from him telling me he's still asleep. I feel myself drifting off into oblivion again, slipping towards the darkness curled around Hero. Just as I'm about to slip into a deep sleep again, three more distinct knocks sound from below. This time they're louder and more forceful, causing my eyes to open quickly, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me as I'm rudely awoken.

"Hero? Hero, wake up," he frowns, trying to pull me back onto his chest to cuddle again but I resist, pulling away.

"Hero, someone's here. Wake up," a third set of three knocks sound again, equally as loud as they were last time and his eyes open widely, finding mine instantly.

"Hmm, what? What's happening?"

"Hero, someone's here. They're knocking on the door," again he frowns, sits up and yawns. His hand comes to rest on my cheek as he gently strokes me. Automatically, I curl into his touch, my eyes closing as a smile crosses my face.

"Good morning, sunshine. Let me go and see who wants me. Probably the postman," he pushes out of bed and saunters to the closed, glass door. The muscles in his legs and bum contract and relax as he wanders through the bedroom. He's still tired, I can tell. Primarily because he's about to go downstairs and answer the door stark bollock naked.

"Are you forgetting something?" He looks over his shoulder to me, sleep still thick in his eyes but curiosity visible.

"What do you - oh shit," I laugh as he realises we slept naked. I'm still naked too, obviously. There was no way I was putting any clothes on despite bringing pyjamas with me. Seems a bit of a waste now.

Hero reaches for a pair of joggers and a hoodie and pulls them on before taking himself out of his room. He'll be back shortly I'm sure. Like he said it's probably just the postman. I lay back down in the bed, missing his warmth and arms wrapped around me. I've become so accustomed to... him. And his ways. How particular he is, how to talk him down from his panicking and spiralling. He's changed so much since the start of our agreement, I've seen it not only when we're together but when we're at work too. He carries himself with much more confidence, it's so easy to see. He's had all these skills all along, he just needed help finding them.

Knowing he wanted to see me naked last night told me, in one way or another, that he's ready. Ready for the biggie. For sex. A few months ago, that night he kindly came to collect me from The Knights Templar, he was ready to run a mile when I stripped. But last night he asked if he could see me and let me see all of him. That was a first for me. I'd never seen him in all his glory but now I have, the only thing I can compare him to is a male model. His muscles are defined and strong but not to the point where they're completely bulging and protruding out. He's way beyond handsome. I don't even think there's an adjective I could use to describe Hero. The only word that pops into my head, strangely enough, is beautiful.

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