Ice, Broken

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For one reason or another, the tube was nowhere near as busy as it usually is today. Which means I've gotten to Lost & Bound in record time. Even transferring at King's Cross St. Pancras was easy and usually, that's the nightmare. Normally, I have to push and fight my way through the tightly packed tunnels in the network to transfer lines. But today it was seemingly empty which meant I could leisurely stroll and still get here in record time. I doubt anyone will be here now, it's 7:39am and people only usually start arriving around 7:50am. The thing is with flexi-hours, you can really play them to your advantage. So because I'm here early, I'll be able to leave before 4pm which is nice.

Pushing my way through the foyer, I head to the large double doors at the back and make my way up the central staircase. It's so quiet. I think I can confidently say that I'm the first one here today. That's a first. I've been second and third here a few times because I like coming in earlier but never first. First time for everything.

Walking into the corridor leading to our office, I quickly realise that I'm not the first one in. I can hear rumblings. And if I'm not mistaken the noises are coming from my office. Is Mia here? I know for a fact it won't be Kerry and Mia is never here this early. Continuing to the office, the noises get louder and louder until I realise who it is. I should have known. Staying quiet, I allow myself to just watch him. Already I know why he's here. He's written his list. A part of me is nervous but a bigger part of me is excited. If he's written his list, does this mean he's saying yes to my offer?

Reaching around to the side of the door, I switch the lights on, seeing that I've shocked him with the tightening of his back. I cough to get his attention and his head turns slowly until he sees me. Now I fully realise why he's in here. He wanted to leave the list in my drawer for me. He's playing coy with that, what if I have questions for him? I fold my arms across my chest, cross my left leg over my right and lean my weight against the doorframe. Hero's face drops as he realises I've caught him. Nice try.

"Good morning... I take it you have something for me?" He drops his head, sighing as he stands. Walking over to my desk, I lean back against it, just resting on the lip. I know he's written the list, he just has to hand it over to me. I want to see what he wants. Whether there's anything on the list I've not done or experienced.

"Well, do you have it?" He reaches into his back pocket and hands me the piece of paper slowly. His fingers gently graze mine as I take hold of the paper. That foreign shock feeling runs up my arm, causing a shiver through me. Jesus, I can barely read this.

The black ink is smeared across the paper in a bullet-pointed list. Working my way down, take in each of the things Hero has on his mind that he wants to learn or do.

Hold hands



Dine out






Lick out

Phone sex


I love how Hero's list begins with fluff then just changes to everything sexual. It's just as innocent as I expected it to be. Considering his inexperience. In one way or another, I've done everything on this list. Maybe not in the context he's thinking, but they've already been ticked off mine. Or rather, they would have if I had a list of my own. The last bullet point is exactly what I expected it to be. Sex. The biggie, if you like. I can imagine we'd work our way down the list - if he says yes, that is. But maybe we'd just do them as and when too. If we do this, I'll be taking his virginity at some point. And while my main reasoning behind this proposal is because I feel sorry for him - which I do - for some reason, butterflies dance in my stomach at the thought and anticipation of being his first. Not only his first with sex but his first with pretty much everything.

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