Are We Done?

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Blinking my eyes open slowly, the first thing I smell is the sweet smell of strawberries and vanilla while a warmth radiates through my chest. I've only had maybe two, two and half hours of full, unbroken sleep but for the first time in well over a week,  I've slept well. More than well. All because she's back here with me. In my arms, where she should be. My sunshine. She's kept me warm all night. Since I kissed her one last time after our reconciliation, I dragged my duvet over both of us and instantly all was right in both our worlds. I had her here with me just as I'm here with her.

Her head rests in its usual spot on my chest, her breathing steady and even, fanning over my torso. She looks so calm and serene. Her face is completely calm as she rests. I can't help but just watch her, even for just a few stolen moments. She's mine. Completely. Last night wasn't just sex. Far from it. Last night, Jo and I made love to one another. Whether it was our first time doing that as opposed to just sex, I don't know. But it was... indescribable. As it always is. And what topped last night off was Jo telling me she loves me. She actually said she loves me and at that moment alone I realised just how possible it really is to feel so full just from one person. Jo's my person. She always has been and seemingly, I'm completely hers.

My arm wraps around her, holding her to me. I'm in bed with my girlfriend. That word feels so surreal to use. Jo's actually my girlfriend which makes me her boyfriend. Again, I can only describe that as surreal but I feel more than happy to have that title. I feel honoured and completely trusted by her so much that she's willing to overlook something awful that shut her down emotionally all for me. Don't get me wrong I'm willing to overlook something very similar but I was in far too deep to even think of doing anything else. There'd be no recovery for either of us if we didn't. We were walking around like the living dead before this; you only need to look back on the last ten days or so. We need one another. It's as simple as that.

Turning my head to the right, I tap on my phone screen with my free arm and see that it's nearly quarter to seven. I've no idea what we're doing about going to work. I can't keep my feelings for her hidden any longer and I hope she doesn't want to hide hers either. I want everyone to know she's mine and I'm hers and that includes at work. I need people to know we're each other's; God knows how they'll take it given Jo being pulled in the past but we'll talk to them when the time is right. Even if that means us being the source of office gossip for a short while, I can deal with that because I have her with me.

I turn my head back to look down at Jo. She's still well away, completely out for the count. I'll have to wake her. As much as I don't want to.

"It's time to wake up sleepyhead, we need to get ready for work," I place a soft kiss on the top of her head and squeeze my arms around her. Hoping this begins to wake her body up. She groans, loudly before resettling herself on my chest clearly stating she's not ready to get up yet.

"Come on, sunshine. It's time to wake up. We need to get ready for work," she rolls over, keeping her eyes closed as she groans again and curls into a foetal position away from me.

"I don't - Hmm - no work, Hero," I smile, loving hearing her try to string a sentence together when she's so tired. It's no surprise really, she got less sleep than me.

"But we have to go to work. Come on, five more minutes and then we'll start getting ready," I roll myself over and curl myself around her. Spooning her from behind.

"If you stay with me I'll have sex with you all day,"

"Ohh, so you are awake?" I gently trace my fingers down her naked sides, pushing inwards over her hips and across her flat tummy. I see a smile slowly work its way across her face as I let my nails scrape softly against her smooth skin. Her smile grows until I find a specific spot I know she's rather ticklish in and begin to run my fingers quickly over the area. Her giggles pierce the air as she curls up tighter, inadvertently locking my hand in place.

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