This Isn't Right. Is It?

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Shit. She's really asked me to stay the night. And honestly, I've no idea how to respond. I must look like I've seen a ghost. Do I stay? Do I want to stay? She says she owes me from last week's debacle. Even still, I can't give a reason for my actions of abruptly collecting her from The Knights Templar before taking her back to mine. I've no idea what to do. It's like she's returning the favour but in a whole other context. Sure, we've both had some wine but neither of us is drunk or on our way to being drunk. It's not like she's offering for me to stay because I'm drunk like she was last week. It's just... Well, there is no reason. She's just asked. Like it's absolutely nothing.

Panic set in the moment the words left her full lips. Full lips? My heart is still racing and Jo doesn't even seem bothered one bit. No, she's just continued picking at our salt and pepper munchies box like she's asked me for something as little as a cup of tea. I'm so fucking torn as to what to do. A part of me wants to say yes and another part of me wants to say no. I want to say yes simply because of her kindness and thoughtfulness. It's a nightmare getting the night tube as certain stations are closed so you have to alight and walk to the next available station or just walk the rest of the way home. Which isn't ideal at all. Jo's place isn't like mine, there's no privacy from her bedroom upstairs because it's just a balcony wall and to top it off, it's glass so I'd be able to see her, assuming I'd be sleeping on the couch. But what's mainly putting me off is I have no idea what the staying over... etiquette with women is. How do I act? Behave? What would we do? Don't get me wrong, I've stayed over at my friends Felix and Morgan's places a good few times. But they're guys like me and there's just something about staying here that really throws me, in my mind.

The one time a girl has stayed the night at mine, was last week. When I brought Jo back. The only reason I brought her back was because she didn't tell me where she lives. She kept it plain and simple and said, 'in a flat'. It was an experience having her over at mine but I can only put that down to her being so drunk. It was unplanned and impromptu, unlike this. I've still not given her an answer but she's not pressing me, thankfully. I have no fucking clue what to do or think.

A few minutes pass and both of us have continued to nibble and pick at the munchie box with the few remaining things. I'm starting to get full, just like my head already is. We're heading towards one of the deathly silences Jo and I have experienced in the past and honestly, I don't want that. I want us to continue to have a nice time together.

"It's up to you, I can take the couch and you can have my bed upstairs. Or I have one of the blow-up mattresses behind the couch in a box. Mia has used that a few times and we can both stay down here. Don't feel forced, Hero," she's so soft and gentle with her words. She knows my mind has gone into complete overdrive with her offer. I'd love to have the confidence to just say 'yeah, sure'. But honestly, that level of confidence and self-assurance for me seems like a million miles away. Jo has it in abundance, I really don't.

"What would I wear?" Her eyes find mine and she carefully analyses my words. Her brows pull together, wondering about what I've just asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What would I wear to sleep in, Jo?" Her head lifts and quickly she begins to nod in understanding.

"Ohh, right, sorry. Erm, I don't have any men's clothes here - obviously - but you could just wear your boxers. I promise I won't look," I feel my cheeks heat up at just the mere thought of Jo seeing me in my boxers. Jesus Christ, I feel like a fucking teenager. I may as well be at this rate. I have no idea what to do.

"I also promise not to prance around naked or pole dance, not that I have any poles laying around, I know that made you uncomfortable last week. And I'll do my best not to fall. I can't promise on that one, because who knows? I might take a tumble down the stairs," both our eyes go over to the stairs on the further wall, leading up to her bedroom.

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