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Team RWBY and JNPR were walking Around Town as Weiss gushed about the Vytal Festival. As they were coming to the docks, Weiss was going on how it's her duty to welcome the students from the other kingdoms, Blake just called her out on spying on the competition, weiss just said she can't prove anything but not denying it.
They spotted a crime seen.
" Officer what happened here" Ruby asked with concern.
"Robbery, fith one this month," the officer said frustrated as he walked over to his partner. "Who needs this much dust anyway, you thinking white fang"
"I'm thinking we don't get paid enough"

Weiss "the white fang what a bunch of scum"
Blake was about to speak but Jaune spoke first " I don't think this was just white fang from what I have seen they wouldn't have use for that much dust, and if they did there are easier ways and more in line with their goals like going after a Schee wearhouse." Jaune spoke with a thoughtful tone
"Still their nothing but criminals all the fuanes know is how to do is be criminals " Weiss ranted
Blake getting angry" the white fang are a group of misguided faunes"
Weiss about to speak when they heard shouting "hay stop that faunes!"
They turned around and saw a blonde haired faunes with a monkey tail jump off a boat.
After a few minutes the fuanes ran past them jaune felt a nudge from the force. So he flicked a micro tracker on the guy no one noticed.
"Well Weiss there's competition"
Weiss completely forgetting about the argument " quick we have to observe him." At that team RWBY ran after him.
"So any one actually want to follow" Jaune asked his team
Nora was looking for food, Ren didn't really care,Pyrrha felt like it wasn't their place to.
"So any good food places open " Jaune ask
" A few" Ren offered
" Lead the way to an all you can eat before Nora eats a lamp pole " Jaune jokes as he pointed at Nora examining a pole makeing them laugh
" Hey Jaune come look at this." Nora said without her usual cheer. That got the team's attention.
He walked over to it and looked at the pole. " I don't see anything"
Nora point it a dent in the pole " there's an energy residue that reminds me of your blasters" country to what many believed about Nora she was highly intelligent she just lacked focus.
Jaune put his helmet on and started scaring through the sputum tell he found it. But he was confused about how Nora could see it. " Nora how"
Nora cut him off " Did I see it. Well my semblance gives me a sort of energy sense and I don't know how to explain it... Renny?" She looked to Ren for help
" She can tell the difference between many energies, don't how but it does let her know if she can use it after she learns about it." Ren tried to explain.
Jaune just surges " either way she's right this came from a mandalorian blaster, but what would one of us be doing out here." Her looked around and saw nothing else "let's go it's probably nothing could have been a mis fire or a dunk Mando, let's go eat" he brushed it off but in his head he was worried

Huge shout out to my new editor Rodootjedes please go and check out their stores

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