school starts

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It was around seven when Jaune woke up to the sound of a sports whistle coming from RWBY's room.

Jaune yawned then said to himself "Welp I guess I should wake the others." He looked at each member of his team. Pyrrha was sleeping peacefully with a strange look on her face that made jaune question what or who she was dreaming about. He almost lost it when he saw Ren because he looks dead but, his hart rate told Jaune he was sleeping. Nora was mumbling in her sleep about random things, but three things kept coming up pancakes, sloths and Ren.

Jaune walked over and shook his partner "Pyrrha time to get up"

"Jaune I would love to go on a date with you, I would love to go to a love hotel" Pyrrha said still asleep

Jaunes face was redder than ruby's cloak. "ok just going to act like I didn't hear that for the sake of my sanity" he muttered to himself. He then pulled the blanket off over her. Jaune was even redder than before because he saw that her nightgown had gotten bunched up in the night giving him a clear view of her underwear, a thong.

Pyrrha yawned as she woke up, she saw Jaune and smiled. "morning... why are you so red?" she said as she sat up.

"let's just say you talk in you sleep and I recommend that you wear more then a night gown when you sleep."

"....... oh......" she said as her face lit up like fire as she blushed

Jaune walked over to Ren and nudge him to get him up. After Ren was awake, he woke Nora because he was the only one who could safely. It seems that Nora when being woke up will send what ever is flying, ren just will doge it (he has years of practice).

They all had just finished decorating the room when they heard someone running down the hall. They poked their heads out of the room. They saw team RWBY sept Weiss sticking out of their room.

"to class" Rube said loudly then she ran after Wiess and the rest of her team followed

"class?" jaune said as looked at his watch and saw it was 8:55 their first class was at 9 "We have to run or will be late!" he said as he ran after them with his team right behind him. They were passing the Fontan in the courtyard when Jaune spotted headmaster Ozpin taking a sip of his coffee and professor Goodwitch looking at her watch as they ran past.

"demons, monsters, prowlers of the night. Yes, the Creatures Of Grim are called many thing. But I call them pray. Oh oh" prof Port boasted one student cheered. Prof Port cleared his throat and continued "and you will to. Yes, our world is simply crawling with grim who would love to taer you apart but, that is why we are here huntsmen, huntresses." he then flirt winked at Yang who just chuckled and look around unconfutable.

After a few moments of this Jaune stated to get annoyed with the man. When he ask who believed themselves to be true huntsmen he was razing his hand when Weiss's shot up "I do sir" she said with anger in her voice

"I do as well" Jaune said as he stood up

"well then let's test this. Go get change into your gear, first on back goes first" prof Port said to them

A few moments later Jaune had came back in his gear two seconds later Weiss in hers

"Mister Arc is first, then mis Schnee" Port announces

Jaune stood on the main floor facing a cage with a boar like grim "I'm ready"

" very well face your foe" port said as he use his axe to cut the lock off

The grim rammed the bars open then charged at Jaune. Before it even got three yards Jaune raised and sent red force lightning at it completely vaporizing it.

"wow" port said in astonishment "It does seem that Jaune is a true huntsman in training. Mis Schnee you are up"

Jaune went to his seat still in his armor as Weiss stepped up to fight. He sat down and watched Weiss's fight. (insert fight volume 1 episode 6) Weiss was about to leave class when jaune used the force to levitate her.

When Wiess realized she was not going any were she look around and saw jaunes hand outstretched toward her. "arc put me down this instant" she practically yelled

Jaune simply looked toward Port " I would like to have a word with miss Schnee and miss Rose after class"

"very well mister Arc"

After everyone had left, jaune had Wiess and Ruby standing in front of him "Wiess care to explain why you are being such a b.... brat to your team leader"

"you were about to call me a bitch weren't you. And she" pointing to Ruby "is a child who has not earned her position, I how ever have studied under the best teachers in the world, in atlas." Wiess said with anger.

" that is wrong, you didn't earn it that is why you do not have it, ruby has studied just as much as you and if I remember correctly she was the one who made the plan to take down that over grown bird. Secondly your attitude is that of a spoiled brat who had everything given to her."

"how dare you" Weiss scolded

"case and point, its only been the first day give ruby a chance. As for you" turning to ruby "Wiess has made a good point, you have been vary immature. You are a leader now that's not just a title but a badge you were at all times, if you don't show an example to fallow then no one will" jaune says to them both. After that jaune left the to of them standing there stunned.

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